Former Keystone Pipeline worker says US energy crisis is result of Biden's policies: 'We tried to warn you'

Moron, I never denied Biden revoked their permit. That pipeline was still shutdown in 2020 by the courts. Reading is fundamental.

The court shut down one of the permits. It did not shutdown the pipeline. Biden did that through executive order.
He wasn't the only one who warned you.

John Kerry and his purchased cult of anti-American idiots have done more damage to U.S National Security than N Korea or others have.

All those convincing their own citizens that energy independence is bad for the environment, but shipping industries to high polluting nations and buying oil from despots is good policy, are a gift to those who wish to, and may succeed, in destroying America.

The corporate media schleps who have become nothing more than an extension of the alt-left of late have no clue about world issues or National Security. Truly clueless as they repeat the same genuises who have been wrong about everything for thirty years.

A former Keystone XL pipeline worker said the energy industry "tried to warn" President Biden against policies hindering U.S. oil and gas production – policies the worker said have caused the country's growing energy crisis.

"We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline" that it was also "canceling national security, foreign policy and energy," Neal Crabtree told Fox News. "They all kinda go hand-in-hand."

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. hit a record high this week, as oil neared $130 per barrel. Biden announced Tuesday that he was banning Russian oil and gas imports, which he said targets the "main artery of Russia’s economy."
What energy crisis?
He wasn't the only one who warned you.

John Kerry and his purchased cult of anti-American idiots have done more damage to U.S National Security than N Korea or others have.

All those convincing their own citizens that energy independence is bad for the environment, but shipping industries to high polluting nations and buying oil from despots is good policy, are a gift to those who wish to, and may succeed, in destroying America.

The corporate media schleps who have become nothing more than an extension of the alt-left of late have no clue about world issues or National Security. Truly clueless as they repeat the same genuises who have been wrong about everything for thirty years.

A former Keystone XL pipeline worker said the energy industry "tried to warn" President Biden against policies hindering U.S. oil and gas production – policies the worker said have caused the country's growing energy crisis.

"We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline" that it was also "canceling national security, foreign policy and energy," Neal Crabtree told Fox News. "They all kinda go hand-in-hand."

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. hit a record high this week, as oil neared $130 per barrel. Biden announced Tuesday that he was banning Russian oil and gas imports, which he said targets the "main artery of Russia’s economy."
What energy independence? You pay the price determined by the international oil marketplace, not what the President determines, yes? We drill, we sell to other countries, we charge accordingly, and you pay the going rate, because our government has bills to pay. Energy independence is not due to pumping oil. It can only happen if we get away from oil and find other energy resources. As long as we depend on oil, we will never become energy independent. Right now we need to drill, frack, nuclear, green--all of it until we are free of oil.
This attack by Russia only underscores that view.
How much of the oil that was going to be pumped through that canceled XL pipeline was contractually obligated to be sold and used here, and how much of it was contractually obligated to be sold and shipped out to foreign countries? The answers to those two questions are 0% and 100%.
It would put more oil in the supply chain. Oil prices went up as soon as Biden stopped it.
That is pure bullshit.

Biden administration approved 3,557 permits for oil and gas drilling on public lands in its first year

Not only did Biden issue leases, but in fact in this example a judge rulled that Biden administration failed to to consider environmental effects when doing so.

I stand corrected then. I was going off of the comments of the petroleum industry spokesperson responding to Biden.
Apparently he lied and I was duped
It would put more oil in the supply chain. Oil prices went up as soon as Biden stopped it.
That's a moronic point of


You think they're still unemployed, do ya? 7 million more jobs filled under Biden. Construction jobs near an all time high. Unemployment down 41%. But the folks working on the Keystone XL pipeline can't find work?
Things are bad, but it is always darkest before the dawn, Shocked. Almost every place in media is asking about our energy, the pipeline, etc. Just like you, they have links, proof, interviews, and historical numbers from the past few years to prove their point. The administrations response just like a few Leftist posters on here, is a one sentence talking point, or an out, and out, lie. This is the best they have to try and muddy the waters, and it is failing miserably.

By every political measure available in this country, Americans know who to blame, and are doing just that. Most of those Americans also know why they are doing what they are doing,, and disagree with the reasoning in total. And it isn't a guess on Americas part, we can go back in clips from just the past week, up to and including when they were running for the Presidency, and it is obvious what, and why they are doing it.

As the cost of living rises dramatically and the economy slows because of it, they are going to pay a tremendous price at the ballot box in November, and all the one liners by Leftists claiming that it only helps the Chinese, or we are to stupid to understand what is going on, should be laughed off this board the day after the election.

What Leftists fail to realize is-----------> moderate, run of the mill Democrats who really don't pay close attention along with Independents who do the same thing, fill up their cars too, and they are NOT happy at all.

November is going to be a blowout of epic proportions, so much so, that Bidens hands are going to be tied very tightly, for the 2 years that will remain in his failed Administration.
First, there is no failed administration. Tump was a failure. As long as we use oil for our energy needs, we will never become energy independent. The oil price is determined by the international market, and nor our president. You pay the going rate at the pump, because the price of a barrel of oil has skyrocketed. We will always be subjected to world spasms like in Ukraine as long as we depend on oil. You paid the going rate when tump was on power and you will continue to do so until you educate yourselves. We sell at the market price, and you pay the market price no matter where it comes from.
Idiot, keystone XL reduced gasoline sales in the US.
Indeed. Bypassing the northern refineries ,who largely sell their refined products in the US and are serviced by train in favor of sending it via pipeline directly to the two gulf refineries, who export nearly 70% of what they produce would reduce the amount of refined products sold in the US.
Again, where does it say that it would or could never be sold in the US? You are looking past the obvious that it would have been critical energy infrastructure controlled by the US.
What is the final destination of the keystone pipeline in the gulf region?
Those two refineries export nearly 70% of their refined products.
Do you seriously think that if the pipeline was in operation today moving oil from Nebraska to the Gulf Coast that we couldn't utilize some of that oil in the US? You don't think the mere ability to transport 830k barrels/day would have a positive effect on the global markets? You aren't too bright.

Since you lefies like fact checking so much...

PolitiFact - Will all the oil from the Keystone XL pipeline be exported?
All of the 830k barrels a day is less than 10% of Russia’s output and even if 100% were put into the global market it would barely move the needle. So we wouldn’t be using it here at all if you hoped to move global pricing.
This talking point simply does not work when the actual numbers are crunched.
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He wasn't the only one who warned you.

John Kerry and his purchased cult of anti-American idiots have done more damage to U.S National Security than N Korea or others have.

All those convincing their own citizens that energy independence is bad for the environment, but shipping industries to high polluting nations and buying oil from despots is good policy, are a gift to those who wish to, and may succeed, in destroying America.

The corporate media schleps who have become nothing more than an extension of the alt-left of late have no clue about world issues or National Security. Truly clueless as they repeat the same genuises who have been wrong about everything for thirty years.

A former Keystone XL pipeline worker said the energy industry "tried to warn" President Biden against policies hindering U.S. oil and gas production – policies the worker said have caused the country's growing energy crisis.

"We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline" that it was also "canceling national security, foreign policy and energy," Neal Crabtree told Fox News. "They all kinda go hand-in-hand."

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. hit a record high this week, as oil neared $130 per barrel. Biden announced Tuesday that he was banning Russian oil and gas imports, which he said targets the "main artery of Russia’s economy."
Some pipeline greasemonkey shares his Trumpist opinions and Fox Fake News gives him a big headline.

Gee, how...impressive.

Now here are the facts.

1. Biden has approved more drilling permits than Trump did.

2. Oil production increased 28 percent from the month after Biden's inauguration up to November (for which the latest figures are available).

3. Oil companies are deliberately slow-walking their increase in production.

You're welcome.

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