Former Keystone Pipeline worker says US energy crisis is result of Biden's policies: 'We tried to warn you'

The leases in the GOM are included in the domestic production
Nope. Domestic production numbers reflect ACTUAL oil which has been produced.

You are making a fool of yourself.

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - Qb

You can see in that link that during Trump's term, US monthly oil production peaked in December 2019 at 400,219,000 barrels.

That was just before the Covid pandemic.

The decline in production continued for over a year. It dropped for the rest of Trump's term and into the first month of Biden's term where it bottomed out at 273,646,000 barrels in February 2021.

As I just showed all of you, upon taking office, Biden increased leases for drilling to the highest level since Dubya. Higher than Obama or Trump.

Since then, US monthly oil production has increased to 352,597,000 barrels for November, which is the latest figure available.

That is a 28 percent increase in production from the low.

So take off those blinders, willfully blind monkeys.
Man, you really guzzled the piss! Holy shit!

Approvals for companies to drill for oil and gas on U.S. public lands are on pace this year to reach their highest level since George W. Bush was president, underscoring President Joe Biden’s reluctance to more forcefully curb petroleum production in the face of industry and Republican resistance.

Dollars to donuts you keep going back to your propagandists to keep refilling your cup of piss. You DESERVE to be lied to.
He wasn't the only one who warned you.

John Kerry and his purchased cult of anti-American idiots have done more damage to U.S National Security than N Korea or others have.

All those convincing their own citizens that energy independence is bad for the environment, but shipping industries to high polluting nations and buying oil from despots is good policy, are a gift to those who wish to, and may succeed, in destroying America.

The corporate media schleps who have become nothing more than an extension of the alt-left of late have no clue about world issues or National Security. Truly clueless as they repeat the same genuises who have been wrong about everything for thirty years.

A former Keystone XL pipeline worker said the energy industry "tried to warn" President Biden against policies hindering U.S. oil and gas production – policies the worker said have caused the country's growing energy crisis.

"We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline" that it was also "canceling national security, foreign policy and energy," Neal Crabtree told Fox News. "They all kinda go hand-in-hand."

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. hit a record high this week, as oil neared $130 per barrel. Biden announced Tuesday that he was banning Russian oil and gas imports, which he said targets the "main artery of Russia’s economy."

A guy who dug ditches for the pipeline says it shouldn't be cancelled. Wow! I'm shocked, shocked, I tell you!!!
Nope. Domestic production numbers reflect ACTUAL oil which has been produced.

You are making a fool of yourself.

U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - Qb

You can see in that link that during Trump's term, US monthly oil production peaked in December 2019 at 400,219,000 barrels.

That was just before the Covid pandemic.

The decline in production continued for over a year. It dropped for the rest of Trump's term and into the first month of Biden's term where it bottomed out at 273,646,000 barrels in February 2021.

As I just showed all of you, upon taking office, Biden increased leases for drilling to the highest level since Dubya. Higher than Obama or Trump.

Since then, US monthly oil production has increased to 352,597,000 barrels for November, which is the latest figure available.

That is a 28 percent increase in production from the low.

So take off those blinders, willfully blind monkeys.
And before oil can be produced, a well has to be drilled.
And before oil can be produced, a well has to be drilled.
Very good! And before gas has to be produced, it has to be refined. And before the sun can come up, the world has to rotate.

Stop making a damn fool of yourself.

You are correct, Inside Climate News is a biased source, a source normally biased towards Biden, yet they are attacking him due to all the leases given out. That should tell you something.

Also, your WaPo story is about what is happening on 2022, the comment was not that not a single lease had been given out by the Biden Admin since they took over. This has been proven false
Very good! And before gas has to be produced, it has to be refined. And before the sun can come up, the world has to rotate.

Stop making a damn fool of yourself.
You all are the ones looking foolish. Stop kissing Creepy Joe's ass and be a real American for a fucking change.
He wasn't the only one who warned you.

John Kerry and his purchased cult of anti-American idiots have done more damage to U.S National Security than N Korea or others have.

All those convincing their own citizens that energy independence is bad for the environment, but shipping industries to high polluting nations and buying oil from despots is good policy, are a gift to those who wish to, and may succeed, in destroying America.

The corporate media schleps who have become nothing more than an extension of the alt-left of late have no clue about world issues or National Security. Truly clueless as they repeat the same genuises who have been wrong about everything for thirty years.

A former Keystone XL pipeline worker said the energy industry "tried to warn" President Biden against policies hindering U.S. oil and gas production – policies the worker said have caused the country's growing energy crisis.

"We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline" that it was also "canceling national security, foreign policy and energy," Neal Crabtree told Fox News. "They all kinda go hand-in-hand."

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. hit a record high this week, as oil neared $130 per barrel. Biden announced Tuesday that he was banning Russian oil and gas imports, which he said targets the "main artery of Russia’s economy."
That worker's a fucking idiot. The fraction of a percent that the pipeline would have added to the daily production of oil in the world would be completely insignificant in its effect on the price of anything.
You are correct, Inside Climate News is a biased source, a source normally biased towards Biden, yet they are attacking him due to all the leases given out. That should tell you something.

Also, your WaPo story is about what is happening on 2022, the comment was not that not a single lease had been given out by the Biden Admin since they took over. This has been proven false
Biden halted more oil production than he ramped up. With the price at the pump, it's time to stop blaming Russia and Trump and start drilling our own oil.
gas was down because of covid, not because of the president
The price of gas started to come down the day after the election.

What energy independence? You pay the price determined by the international oil marketplace, not what the President determines, yes? We drill, we sell to other countries, we charge accordingly, and you pay the going rate, because our government has bills to pay. Energy independence is not due to pumping oil. It can only happen if we get away from oil and find other energy resources. As long as we depend on oil, we will never become energy independent. Right now we need to drill, frack, nuclear, green--all of it until we are free of oil.
This attack by Russia only underscores that view.

It would put more oil in the supply chain. Oil prices went up as soon as Biden stopped it.

Y'all gonna wear that link

You sure aren't listening to oil people.

Here is the deal folks, and just like GEEEEE 5000, I am going to ask you to thank me!

Do we know who Gina Mcarthy is? Did you say nope? Well, she is now in the Biden Administration as some climate change czar. So what you say?

Know where she came from? No! She came from the NRDC, the enviro wackos who have been trying to shut Keystone XL since they asked Obama for the permit to build it. So what you say?

Well, guess who funds the NRDC, the group that was led by Mz Mcarthy, and one of the biggest contributing influences on keeping Keystone in moth balls, and are also working feverishly to prevent expansion of ALL pipelines in the USA?

Well, actually, there are many, many contributors, but 2 of the biggest are........wait for it.........Tom Steyer, and really wait for it............the Chinese! In fact, the charming and delightful NRDC has a main hub office in Beijing. Hmmmmm, Pootys pals, well call me surprised! And remember, the head of this organization now resides as a White House, non elected advisor.

Look at their mission statement! And then, remember WHO is funding them! Also remember what BILLIONAIRE Tom Steyer said when running for President this last cycle. Seems he got his way, even though he didn't win.

So the next time these Leftists tell you, it wasn't us, it is all the market, we had nothing to do with it, remember those names, and the influence they are projecting in Washington DC. And once you look at their website and see what they intend to stop, and the leader of this NRDC is now a Biden advisor, or for all I know, may be in his cabinet, just shudder. You are being gaslighted by the Leftists as best they can, hoping against hope that they won't lose so much of congress, they can keep you UNDER CONTROL for an extra 2 years. You going to let them!

Now thank me very much!
And they are right.

Anyone with even a decent memory remembers 2020 when utilities were reasonable and pump prices were quite low.

Then suddenly in 2021 they started to take a upturn after Biden undid everything trump had done and it's steadily gotten more expensive since then
You mean when Covid struck the prices went down. During our peak production, when we claimed energy independence, prices were near 3 dollars a gallon.

You all are the ones looking foolish. Stop kissing Creepy Joe's ass and be a real American for a fucking change.
Like all tards, when confronted with indisputable facts, you reply, "Nuh-uh!"

And then revert back to your I-blame-Biden default like good little willfully blind monkeys.

Here is the deal folks, and just like GEEEEE 5000, I am going to ask you to thank me!

Do we know who Gina Mcarthy is? Did you say nope? Well, she is now in the Biden Administration as some climate change czar. So what you say?

Know where she came from? No! She came from the NRDC, the enviro wackos who have been trying to shut Keystone XL since they asked Obama for the permit to build it. So what you say?

Well, guess who funds the NRDC, the group that was led by Mz Mcarthy, and one of the biggest contributing influences on keeping Keystone in moth balls, and are also working feverishly to prevent expansion of ALL pipelines in the USA?

Well, actually, there are many, many contributors, but 2 of the biggest are........wait for it.........Tom Steyer, and really wait for it............the Chinese! In fact, the charming and delightful NRDC has a main hub office in Beijing. Hmmmmm, Pootys pals, well call me surprised! And remember, the head of this organization now resides as a White House, non elected advisor.

Look at their mission statement! And then, remember WHO is funding them! Also remember what BILLIONAIRE Tom Steyer said when running for President this last cycle. Seems he got his way, even though he didn't win.

So the next time these Leftists tell you, it wasn't us, it is all the market, we had nothing to do with it, remember those names, and the influence they are projecting in Washington DC. And once you look at their website and see what they intend to stop, and the leader of this NRDC is now a Biden advisor, or for all I know, may be in his cabinet, just shudder. You are being gaslighted by the Leftists as best they can, hoping against hope that they won't lose so much of congress, they can keep you UNDER CONTROL for an extra 2 years. You going to let them!

Now thank me very much!
And what active production which was in place under Trump was shut down by Biden?

Thanks ahead of time.

I'll answer for you: None.

You're welcome.

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