Former Keystone Pipeline worker says US energy crisis is result of Biden's policies: 'We tried to warn you'

From an infrastructure perspective, logistically or operationally, what would prevent the pipeline and supporting infrastructure -both current and future- be modified or restructured for US purchase and consumption?

A pipeline is significant and it’s mere presence and potential can have an economic impact on energy markets.
So you are in favor of infrastructure projects as long as it conforms with right-wing sloganeering?
From an infrastructure perspective, logistically or operationally, what would prevent the pipeline and supporting infrastructure -both current and future- be modified or restructured for US purchase and consumption?

A pipeline is significant and it’s mere presence and potential can have an economic impact on energy markets.
What supporting infrastructure? Pipelines are monitored in real time for pressure and flow rate from a central computer. That's a half dozen jobs to cover all shifts.
What supporting infrastructure? Pipelines are monitored in real time for pressure and flow rate from a central computer. That's a half dozen jobs to cover all shifts.
These folks should be more upset at technology and automation than they are at Sleepy Joe
Here is the deal folks, and just like GEEEEE 5000, I am going to ask you to thank me!

Do we know who Gina Mcarthy is? Did you say nope? Well, she is now in the Biden Administration as some climate change czar. So what you say?

Know where she came from? No! She came from the NRDC, the enviro wackos who have been trying to shut Keystone XL since they asked Obama for the permit to build it. So what you say?

Well, guess who funds the NRDC, the group that was led by Mz Mcarthy, and one of the biggest contributing influences on keeping Keystone in moth balls, and are also working feverishly to prevent expansion of ALL pipelines in the USA?

Well, actually, there are many, many contributors, but 2 of the biggest are........wait for it.........Tom Steyer, and really wait for it............the Chinese! In fact, the charming and delightful NRDC has a main hub office in Beijing. Hmmmmm, Pootys pals, well call me surprised! And remember, the head of this organization now resides as a White House, non elected advisor.

Look at their mission statement! And then, remember WHO is funding them! Also remember what BILLIONAIRE Tom Steyer said when running for President this last cycle. Seems he got his way, even though he didn't win.

So the next time these Leftists tell you, it wasn't us, it is all the market, we had nothing to do with it, remember those names, and the influence they are projecting in Washington DC. And once you look at their website and see what they intend to stop, and the leader of this NRDC is now a Biden advisor, or for all I know, may be in his cabinet, just shudder. You are being gaslighted by the Leftists as best they can, hoping against hope that they won't lose so much of congress, they can keep you UNDER CONTROL for an extra 2 years. You going to let them!

Now thank me very much!
Nonsense. So, it would put more oil in the pipeline, and we would still be energy dependent.
And what pipeline? Not ours, for sure since the stuff from that pipeline was going elsewhere.
We need change, folks.
Nonsense. So, it would put more oil in the pipeline, and we would still be energy dependent.
And what pipeline? Not ours, for sure since the stuff from that pipeline was going elsewhere.
We need change, folks.

Yep, we sure do, and as soon as logic sets in and you realize that no matter where MORE goes in the world, it lowers the price on the world market.

But that is ok. As soon as you figure out how to make renewables cheaper than fossil fuels if we drill our own oil, we are all in. Until that time, quit trying to push prices up for fuel to make your overpriced junk more acceptable. American people don't like it, and in November, you won't have to believe me, you will see it for yourself.
What supporting infrastructure? Pipelines are monitored in real time for pressure and flow rate from a central computer. That's a half dozen jobs to cover all shifts.
I’m talking more refineries, transport, production capacity. How and why could a completed keystone pipeline or other new pipeline be of no benefit to US? I am asking from a capacity and operational perspective. The Canadian tar sands are not infinite… I get that.
I’m talking more refineries, transport, production capacity. How and why could a completed keystone pipeline or other new pipeline be of no benefit to US? I am asking from a capacity and operational perspective. The Canadian tar sands are not infinite… I get that.
Because the pipeline goes directly to the free trade zone to be refined and exported. That's the only way to make a profit on this tarsands crap.
Seems there is plenty of disagreement.

U.S. Loses, Russia And China Win With Keystone XL Closure​

You don't know anything about the keystone XL.
Every one in the oil business has known for 10 years that keystone XL is a boondoggle. There is no benefit to US consumers or taxpayers. This only benefits TransCanada, the Chinese and Alberta at our expense.
Tell that to Valero the company that retro fitted refineries to handle the tar sands and also Canada who is suing the U.S. now for the money they have spent on equipment and labor.
Because the pipeline goes directly to the free trade zone to be refined and exported. That's the only way to make a profit on this tarsands crap.
Ok. Is that an infrastructure issue or contractural issue? Are saying that no energy venture(s) or consortium would have any economic interest or incentive in a completed Keystone pipeline whatsoever?

The Biden Administration is in a bind. Keystone for what little it could contribute or impact, could have been killed without political or economic fallout had the Administration not also went after federal leases, ANWAR, and continental shelf drilling.
Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

What bullshit are you reading? He sold leases but has not approved drilling on them YET and cancelled one in the Gulf of Mexico that was set to drill. This is the same BS Obama pulled, I find it hard to believe Joe was paying attention to continue it. Remember when BO tried to stop Keystone, it was to Warren Buffet's benefit, he owns the railway that ships the oil, is that how Obama got rich? To top it off President Potato Head screamed, under my watch the US produced more oil than Trump in his first year, he neglected to say the last three years of Trump, we pumped more than 300 million barrels more than in Joe's first year!
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Ok. Is that an infrastructure issue or contractural issue? Are saying that no energy venture(s) or consortium would have any economic interest or incentive in a completed Keystone pipeline whatsoever?

The Biden Administration is in a bind. Keystone for what little it could contribute or impact, could have been killed without political or economic fallout had the Administration not also went after federal leases, ANWAR, and continental shelf drilling.

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