Former Keystone Pipeline worker says US energy crisis is result of Biden's policies: 'We tried to warn you'

From an infrastructure perspective, logistically or operationally, what would prevent the pipeline and supporting infrastructure -both current and future- be modified or restructured for US purchase and consumption?

A pipeline is significant and it’s mere presence and potential can have an economic impact on energy markets.
We have more capacity unused in our current domestic production than the keystone even with the XL addition would provide. Tar sand is the dirtiest, most expensive to process and yields the least gasoline per barrel. It’s literally the worst. Not to mention, the US doesn’t own the crude and have no say as to whom it’s sold.

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Yep, we sure do, and as soon as logic sets in and you realize that no matter where MORE goes in the world, it lowers the price on the world market.

But that is ok. As soon as you figure out how to make renewables cheaper than fossil fuels if we drill our own oil, we are all in. Until that time, quit trying to push prices up for fuel to make your overpriced junk more acceptable. American people don't like it, and in November, you won't have to believe me, you will see it for yourself.
We are not drilling our own oil for us. When an oil rich country decides to reduce its output to control the price, guess what? Using logic, I am certain that you can understand that often it is not how much oil, but who controls it. We do not and the international marketplace controls the prices. The November thing may only tell us more about how uneducated, stupid, and illogical people think.
Here is an objective view on Keystone from an analyst writer whose views on climate change are aligned with the Biden Administration:

He doesn't know anything about the keystone XL.
This is where you have failed to read between the lines:

The easy caricature is not true, and it’s not the whole story, says Rep. Ed Markey, the ranking Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee. Markey agrees it would be “a very good thing if the U.S. could be reliant on North American-produced oil,” but that’s not what the Canadians intend, he says. Keystone oil is headed for Port Arthur, Texas—a foreign-trade zone that allows tax-free transactions—and then on to Asia, not the U.S. This is an important point that is rarely made. “That foreign-trade zone is what made me suspicious of what the real agenda was for this oil,” says Markey.

Yes, Port Arthur is a tax-free zone, and the dishonest writer frames it with the assumption that ALL of that oil will be exported.


You know what else is in Port Arthur? I bet you don't and the LYING ASS writer of that article fools you into ignoring it.


You are a fool and you have been fooled by a dishonest communist POS.

But that is exactly what I thought.

Fake green energy lobby is getting all sorts of tax breaks but they don't want "big oil" to get the same.
What bullshit are you reading? He sold leases but has not approved drilling on them YET and cancelled one in the Gulf of Mexico that was set to drill. This is the same BS Obama pulled, I find it hard to believe Joe was paying attention to continue it. Remember when BO tried to stop Keystone, it was to Warren Buffet's benefit, he owns the railway that ships the oil, is that how Obama got rich? To top it off President Potato Head screamed, under my watch the US produced more oil than Trump in his first year, he neglected to say the last three years of Trump, we pumped more than 300 million barrels more than in Joe's first year!
What kind of bullshit are you listening to?

2 days ago


Have Biden Administration Policies Reduced U.S. Oil Production?
This is where you have failed to read between the lines:

The easy caricature is not true, and it’s not the whole story, says Rep. Ed Markey, the ranking Democrat on the House Natural Resources Committee. Markey agrees it would be “a very good thing if the U.S. could be reliant on North American-produced oil,” but that’s not what the Canadians intend, he says. Keystone oil is headed for Port Arthur, Texas—a foreign-trade zone that allows tax-free transactions—and then on to Asia, not the U.S. This is an important point that is rarely made. “That foreign-trade zone is what made me suspicious of what the real agenda was for this oil,” says Markey.

Yes, Port Arthur is a tax-free zone, and the dishonest writer frames it with the assumption that ALL of that oil will be exported.


You know what else is in Port Arthur? I bet you don't and the LYING ASS writer of that article fools you into ignoring it.


You are a fool and you have been fooled by a dishonest communist POS.

But that is exactly what I thought.

Fake green energy lobby is getting all sorts of tax breaks but they don't want "big oil" to get the same.
They can't give away tarsands. That sludge sells for $29 a barrel. The Canadians want to take advantage of the free trade zone ( no taxes) and sell the refined product to Asia. That's the only way they can make money on that crap. Do you know the difference between Canadian crude oil and Canadian tarsands?
They can't give away tarsands. That sludge sells for $29 a barrel. The Canadians want to take advantage of the free trade zone ( no taxes) and sell the refined product to Asia. That's the only way they can make money on that crap. Do you know the difference between Canadian crude oil and Canadian tarsands?

Do you know that Motiva, the old Texaco Refinery, is the largest in North America and has the capacity to refine that "crap" for cheap, resulting in more fuel supplies, and lower U.S. gas prices.

You know that exporting gasoline is completely impractical, right? It pretty much stays in the country in which it was refined. You know that, Right?
They can't give away tarsands. That sludge sells for $29 a barrel. The Canadians want to take advantage of the free trade zone ( no taxes) and sell the refined product to Asia. That's the only way they can make money on that crap. Do you know the difference between Canadian crude oil and Canadian tarsands?
Here is further reading on tarsands and the gulf coast refineries:

Motiva - a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell PLC and state-owned Saudi Aramco - is doubling its refining capacity to 600,000 barrels a day. The site will also add a coker so it can process the heavy grades of crude, such as bitumen from Canada's oil sands, that make up a growing share of the world's oil supply.

Do you know that Motiva, the old Texaco Refinery, is the largest in North America and has the capacity to refine that "crap" for cheap, resulting in more fuel supplies, and lower U.S. gas prices.

You know that exporting gasoline is completely impractical, right? It pretty much stays in the country in which it was refined. You know that, Right?
The only way they can make money on tarsands is selling the refined products to Asia. Just remember that tarsands are not the same as Canadian crude oil
Here is further reading on tarsands and the gulf coast refineries:

Motiva - a joint venture between Royal Dutch Shell PLC and state-owned Saudi Aramco - is doubling its refining capacity to 600,000 barrels a day. The site will also add a coker so it can process the heavy grades of crude, such as bitumen from Canada's oil sands, that make up a growing share of the world's oil supply.
Motiva is just owned by the Saudis now.
He wasn't the only one who warned you.

John Kerry and his purchased cult of anti-American idiots have done more damage to U.S National Security than N Korea or others have.

All those convincing their own citizens that energy independence is bad for the environment, but shipping industries to high polluting nations and buying oil from despots is good policy, are a gift to those who wish to, and may succeed, in destroying America.

The corporate media schleps who have become nothing more than an extension of the alt-left of late have no clue about world issues or National Security. Truly clueless as they repeat the same genuises who have been wrong about everything for thirty years.

A former Keystone XL pipeline worker said the energy industry "tried to warn" President Biden against policies hindering U.S. oil and gas production – policies the worker said have caused the country's growing energy crisis.

"We tried to warn this administration back when they canceled the Keystone Pipeline" that it was also "canceling national security, foreign policy and energy," Neal Crabtree told Fox News. "They all kinda go hand-in-hand."

The average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. hit a record high this week, as oil neared $130 per barrel. Biden announced Tuesday that he was banning Russian oil and gas imports, which he said targets the "main artery of Russia’s economy."

The oil that would have been transported by Keystone is extremely corrosive. There would have been a larger number of leaks than normal oil. This was a ticking environmental time bomb. Also ranchers, native Americans and local businesses opposed it because of this. Biden made the right decision.

Again why have the oil companies re-opened all the rigs that were in operation pre-pandemic? To keep supply down.
Motiva is just owned by the Saudis now.
And Shell (I think they are Swiss), but the fuel they produce is domestic only, which increases the U.S. gas supply, DRIVING DOWN THE COST.

But, that's not the point. You commies want it to be too expensive so you can peddle your shitty "green" energy and make us all live like squirrels.
We have more capacity unused in our current domestic production than the keystone even with the XL addition would provide. Tar sand is the dirtiest, most expensive to process and yields the least gasoline per barrel. It’s literally the worst. Not to mention, the US doesn’t own the crude and have no say as to whom it’s sold.

I’d rather find a way to tap into that vs. the current situation we are in which is extreme dependence on foreign oil, inclusive of hostile nations.
The oil that would have been transported by Keystone is extremely corrosive. There would have been a larger number of leaks than normal oil. This was a ticking environmental time bomb. Also ranchers, native Americans and local businesses opposed it because of this. Biden made the right decision.

Again why have the oil companies re-opened all the rigs that were in operation pre-pandemic? To keep supply down.
Tarsands is mined. It's the consistency of fudge and has to be diluted with light, sweet crude to get it to flow through a pipeline.
And Shell (I think they are Swiss), but the fuel they produce is domestic only, which increases the U.S. gas supply, DRIVING DOWN THE COST.

But, that's not the point. You commies want it to be too expensive so you can peddle your shitty "green" energy and make us all live like squirrels.
Shell oil is a US company.

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