Former NYPD officer sentenced to 10 years for J6 attack on police

Wow! repub used to be law and they want to see someone who committed a grievous crime walk free...or they want their messiah to pardon him. How the GOP has fallen into the MAGA repubs.
It appears that Trumptards have a few things working against them preventing them from coming around to reality at this late date.
The first is a principle known as cognitive dissonance.

See, the problem is these people went all in for Trump very early on. Back when the "grab em by the pussy" audio came out and he was calling Mexicans drug dealers and rapists and lying to them about Mexico paying for some ridiculous wall.
They decided at that point to pledge their eternal, unflinching fealty to this guy no matter WHAT.

And of course over the years their little ole orange shit stain has bounced from one embarrassing foible of incompetence and outrageousness after another; MORE than enough crap and embarrassment for most people to finally give up on him and wash their hands of this humiliating trainwreck.

But that would mean admitting they were wrong.
That they had been fooled; suckered.
Like pretty much everybody who has fallen for Trump's two-bit hustle...including his "Trump University" grads.
And they just CAN'T do that.
It is too humiliating.
Too heartbreaking.

I mean think about it.
If you've put all of your eggs in one proverbial basket so to speak and placed ALL your hope in one single individual whom you have elevated to "savior"-like would be absolutely devastating to find out later that your cult's "god" is not only an immoral, unethical, incompetent, criminally minded, grifter and phony....but a DANGER to your country as well.

Why, it might almost be enough to make you drink a cup of poison kool-aid and end it all.

So for self preservation they just double down on the stupidity each time.
Defending their sacred clown and formulating new excuses for his inexusable behavior.
No matter how ridiculous.

Which brings me to the second affliction these MAGAt's suffer from.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect.

In a nutshell, basically REALLY stupid people don't even know they are stupid.
You have to have at least SOME level of intelligence to even understand or "know" how much it is you don't really know.
Trump sheeple by their nature are not exactly uh....let's just say....the sharpest knives in the drawer.
If they had even a modicum of intelligence and reasoning skills they wouldn't have fallen for Captain Espionage in the first place.



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