Former NYPD officer sentenced to 10 years for J6 attack on police

No Federal Parole. Which he will 10-Very Long Years of looking his shoulder. A cop in lock up has very short life expectancy. He will be put into isolation, which is cops like him go. Also mean he get one hour a day outside. Maybe he will have food taster, even Iso, the other prisoner will which cell is his.

Why wouldn't he be eligible for parole? Or GCT?
There may be but its not being universally enforced

The Deep State is treating trump supporters more harshly than liberals rioters were treated

Which is a hallmark of banana republics
As I've already proven in another poster statement is a lie. If anything they are treated nicer than most criminals as the data suggested. Not because of trump supporters but because they're white.
You want your conviction people who were just protesting ? That's not how it works. They can only convict the bad guys that they catch. The January 6th idiots advertise their crimes, they acted proud about their crimes and cameras were everywhere. Not very smart. Even with all that look how long it's taken to get them rounded up and prosecuted.
The libs were rioting, looting, burning and fighting with the police during the “Summer of Love”
Unlike libs posting here I dont hide my bias
I’m not asking you to hide your bias.

I’m just saying that since you’re so clearly biased, you can’t have an objective opinion on the fairness of the sentence. Your opinion is biased, which means it’s irrelevant.
As I've already proven in another poster statement is a lie. If anything they are treated nicer than most criminals as the data suggested. Not because of trump supporters but because they're white.
Thats simply not true

The washington swamp rats, aka the Deep State is targeting bidens political rivals
The libs were rioting, looting, burning and fighting with the police during the “Summer of Love”
And I'm sure thousands of them were prosecuted. The difference is the January 6 people were all prosecuted at the federal level because they committed a federal crime. Most of them cross state lines so it had to be prosecuted by the feds. The BLM protests, most of them peaceful occurred in over 300 cities. You're only heard about the big ones that got out of control because of a few bad actors. If you added up all the ones that were charged by the cities by the states and the federal government it would surely come into the thousands upon thousands. I don't know how to even calculate those numbers. The January 6th attack on the capitol was captured on film by every US news agencies as well as news agencies from most of the major countries around the world. They had a world stage, so the conviction rate is higher but as I already said compared to the federal charges against black lives matters rioters the only thing that is glaringly true is the black lives matters people were giving harsher sentences than the January 6th attackers of the capital.
And I'm sure thousands of them were prosecuted. The difference is the January 6 people were all prosecuted at the federal level because they committed a federal crime. Most of them cross state lines so it had to be prosecuted by the feds. The BLM protests, most of them peaceful occurred in over 300 cities. You're only heard about the big ones that got out of control because of a few bad actors. If you added up all the ones that were charged by the cities by the states and the federal government it would surely come into the thousands upon thousands. I don't know how to even calculate those numbers. The January 6th attack on the capitol was captured on film by every US news agencies as well as news agencies from most of the major countries around the world. They had a world stage, so the conviction rate is higher but as I already said compared to the federal charges against black lives matters rioters the only thing that is glaringly true is the black lives matters people were giving harsher sentences than the January 6th attackers of the capital.
Black LIES Matter and ANTIFA rioted and burned in all the major cities, almost all ruled by democrats

And they did billions in damages
Black LIES Matter and ANTIFA rioted and burned in all the major cities, almost all ruled by democrats

And they did billions in damages
I'd like you today in one protest that ever occurred in the country. Protests our City events. Here in Nebraska the occurred in Omaha and Lincoln. We are basically a Republican state, but I'm sure very few Republicans participated in those protests. It takes a liberal mind to realize that democracy and freedom belong to everyone not just our people as Republicans seem to think.
Only an extremist would call the other political party the enemy. You are obviously a fat-right wing extremist.

The extremists are MAGA MAGGOTS, who used violence against Capitol Hill Police Officers on January 6, 2021. A MAGA MAGGOT beat a police officer with a metal flag pole. MAGA is a threa to our democracy.
Thats simply not true

The washington swamp rats, aka the Deep State is targeting bidens political rivals
Are you saying only criminals support trump, and trump obviously doesn't want his criminals prosecuted. That takes a lot of gaul to admit that. So much for his stance on law and order. I'm not surprised, years ago he once said morals are for other people. He thought he was above judgment back then, it's only gotten worse.
Black LIES Matter and ANTIFA rioted and burned in all the major cities, almost all ruled by democrats

And they did billions in damages
Between May 26th and August 22nd of 2020 there were 10,600 protests involving between 15 million two estimates as high as 26 million people over George Floyd's death ( BLM ). 95% of those protests were peaceful. 600 of the protests turned violent. And 570 of those protest which had violence in them involved less than 5% of the protesters which numbered 10 or less. What I find astounding was it wasn't more violent and they want more deaths. They did a much better job being civil than the January 6 people did.
Between May 26th and August 22nd of 2020 there were 10,600 protests involving between 15 million two estimates as high as 26 million people over George Floyd's death ( BLM ). 95% of those protests were peaceful. 600 of the protests turned violent. And 570 of those protest which had violence in them involved less than 5% of the protesters which numbered 10 or less. What I find astounding was it wasn't more violent and they want more deaths. They did a much better job being civil than the January 6 people did.

Dude, you are trying to use logic against people who only believe the lies they are told.

Facts and logic are beyond their very limited understanding. It was Reich Wing violence on 01-06, they see themselves as the poor put upon and down trodden who only wants what is good for them and fuck everybody else.

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