Former NYPD officer sentenced to 10 years for J6 attack on police

BLM activist attacks and destroy property and Kamala Harris bails then out and leftist judges let them off… keep it consistent!
And trump CLAIMS he is helping J6 criminals and is threatening to pardon them if reelected. But since he is a pathological liar....who knows.
No parole in the Federal system, right? You know this piece of shit will be praying every night for a Trump victory in 2024, but Trump's handlers will surely advise against a pardon. Trump supporters will be shrieking that he pardons these white trash criminals.
Idiot, that is only 25% of his time in office compared to 40% for Grampa Biddum! So now that we have established you as math-deficient, Trump also got up early in the morning working the entire day straight through to the wee hours of the next day! A "workday" for Joe begins around 11AM and ends by 2:30. Analysis / Biden goes home a lot - but not as much as trump went to Mar-a-Lago. Plus trump's trips cost more, approximately 3.4 million dollars each trip. Even with higher gas prices Biden's cost a lot less. It's a much shorter commute. DC to Delaware, you could drive it in about 2 hours. DC to Florida's a lot much further. It would take 14 hours and 44 minutes to drive there so driving for a president is out of the question. My private jet it would take at least 3 to 4 hours.
No parole in the Federal system, right? You know this piece of shit will be praying every night for a Trump victory in 2024, but Trump's handlers will surely advise against a pardon. Trump supporters will be shrieking that he pardons these white trash criminals.

No Federal Parole. Which he will 10-Very Long Years of looking his shoulder. A cop in lock up has very short life expectancy. He will be put into isolation, which is cops like him go. Also mean he get one hour a day outside. Maybe he will have food taster, even Iso, the other prisoner will which cell is his.
And trump CLAIMS he is helping J6 criminals and is threatening to pardon them if reelected. But since he is a pathological liar....who knows.

Well, Lessee, Dewdrop, I remember years ago Trump taking on finishing an ice rink project for NY city they got bogged down with and got it completed in record time for the city. In another instance, someone stopped on a bridge to prevent a suicider from jumping. Trump hunted down the good Samaritan and sent him something like 12K as a reward.

In another case, a returning soldier from Iraq with PTSD got lost on the convoluted roads along the Mexican border while moving and was forced to veer off crossing into Mexico instead. When stopped, he told them he was there by accident and just needed to get back into the USA. They searched his car, found his guns and rifles and arrested him. They held him in jail for over a year torturing the guy in deplorable conditions that he almost killed himself while Obumma didn't lift a finger to help the guy. He finally got returned to the USA a year later with the help of former Fox reporter Greta Van Susteren and Trump heard about it and sent the guy something like 25K I think to help the poor guy get his life back on track.

Another story I heard about was some guy before the 2016 election had his big custom made Trump sign stolen from his yard so he made a whole new one from scratch. Trump heard about it and called the guy thanking him.

I DARE YOU to find even one such event ever done by Biden, Obumma, Hillary, Piglosi or any of them! This is part of the reason why so many like Trump so much. For a billionaire, the guy is unique in the annals of politics and ran his office much the same always wearing his heart on his sleeve compared to the pressed suit poll-tested phonies in Washington.

So I find it VERY credible that at some point, he is going to come through for some of these J6 gulag political prisoners.
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Sorry, McSlob, I don't use that crap. We already have enough unhinged kooks as it is to deal with in the democrap party.

Just to remind you freak, it was a MAGA MAGGOT MOB that attacked the U.S. Capitol Building. It was the fucking Traitor that told SecArmy to hold back the D.C. National Guard.

The remarks as to the crack pipe were way out of bounds. I worked in Recovery of over 18-Years and have first the shit that crack can do to a person. He should never have said that. Analysis / Biden goes home a lot - but not as much as trump went to Mar-a-Lago. Plus trump's trips cost more, approximately 3.4 million dollars each trip. Even with higher gas prices Biden's cost a lot less. It's a much shorter commute. DC to Delaware, you could drive it in about 2 hours. DC to Florida's a lot much further. It would take 14 hours and 44 minutes to drive there so driving for a president is out of the question. My private jet it would take at least 3 to 4 hours.

Congratulations! 🎆 You finally one thing Biden can claim as not disastrous. :clap:

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