Former NYPD officer sentenced to 10 years for J6 attack on police

Kamala Harris didn't bail out any of them. But George Floyd in his death and fundraisers that raise millions that did bail them out.
Kumquat Harris was a generous donor to the Saint Floyd fundraisers.
The same person that hit that cop with a fire extinguisher. No one. It never happened
New York Post>2021/01/11>video shows Capitol rioter hit officer with fire extinguisher. The man's name was Robert Palmer and he is now serving 63 months in prison for that offense.
Kumquat Harris was a generous donor to the Saint Floyd fundraisers.
Weren't you spoke out about the protesters who were wrongly jailed she only raised about $110,000. Floyd's death raise the fund about over 30 million.
Weren't you spoke out about the protesters who were wrongly jailed she only raised about $110,000. Floyd's death raise the fund about over 30 million.
When she spoke about... That's how the above post should have started, voice machine typo again.
Weren't you spoke out about the protesters who were wrongly jailed she only raised about $110,000. Floyd's death raise the fund about over 30 million.
She contributed to putting killers on the street. Why? Because she wants them there. It's where they work for enemy democrats.
She contributed to putting killers on the street. Why? Because she wants them there. It's where they work for enemy democrats.
I know you wish that was true but it's not. Good try however. Lies don't stand up to the truth. You need to learn that someday.
I know you wish that was true but it's not. Good try however. Lies don't stand up to the truth. You need to learn that someday.
She contributed to the fund that released a killer who immediately killed his wife. You and truth aren't in the same book.
Your link doesn't say what you think it says.
I still don't know how to correctly put links all down. I tried it as you suggested and it came up with only current issues. Sorry about that but if you did for the facts you will find out the truth of the matter as I did. That's if you want to find the truth. If the truth doesn't fit your agenda then that you're out of luck.
And now Graham...aka Miss threatening riots in the street of trump is charged. I hope he wears his summer dress for the event.
Of course, Lindsey and Rump will be at home watching on television as their idiot followers riot.

After it is all over, they will come out and ask for donations... you know, because of the evil Dems.

The largest sentence yet for a J6 Capitol attacker.
Poor trumptard. Where is his orange fuhrer while he does time?

Did Rump help him with the money that he scammed from his followers? Of course not. These were useful idiots that Rump exploits and then abandons when he no longer needs them.
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Democrats are now an enemy of The People.

It is the former New York Cop going to jail assaulting a Capitol Hill Officer.

It was MAGA MAGGOTS who wanted to hang Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi and AOC.

It was MAGA MAGGOTS that took a shit on the floors of the U.S. Capitol Building.

MAGA MAGGOTS are the enemy our Nation and our Democracy.
So did stasi courts. Go back to the courts of the Committee for Public Safety. They felt comfortable ordering beheadings.

Occupying the U.S. Capitol Building to disrupt the lawful process of the Electoral College is NOT Stasi. It's called American Demoracy. No one is being beheaded. But it MAGA MAGGOTS who wanted Pence, Pelosi and AOC. Fucking lying MAGA MAGGOTS scum.
He won’t survive a 10 year sentence at his age. This just put the fear of god in all of his MAGA friends, you know think just like he does.

Cops and former Cops do not last long in prison, he will probably go into isolation for next 10-years if he lives that long. I am personally hoping for GenPop Justice.

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