Former NYPD officer sentenced to 10 years for J6 attack on police

How many lives has trump's lies ruined?
During his presidency or during his whole lifetime. The numbers have to be staggering. Most of his business adventures have been scams of one type or another. And the hours made sure he got his money out of a company or corporation before he declared it bankrupt leaving everyone else coming up short. My family has personal experiences with is failed casino in Atlantic City. He sucked it dry and didn't put any money back into it that's why it went bankrupt. Two of my cousins, actually my mother's cousins, lost hundreds of thousands because of trump. If devastated the entire city.
I think there's a law or if your attacker police offer you you pay double the penalty of the normal sentence.
There may be but its not being universally enforced

The Deep State is treating trump supporters more harshly than liberals rioters were treated

Which is a hallmark of banana republics
There may be but its not being universally enforced

The Deep State is treating trump supporters more harshly than liberals rioters were treated

Which is a hallmark of banana republics
You cannot compare the two. The jury determines guilt for innocence. The individual judge determines the sentence. The word individual there is very important. No two judges view things the same.
What you might want to remember Freak is that if the person who had his lawn sign stolen (an unproven charge btw) is most of housing developments have an HOA.

HOA's can forbid the placing of political signs in front yards of their developments. The reason for doing so is simple, a house with a yard sign (Traitor or Biden) could be taken to mean that all homeowners in that develpment support a certain candidate. Therefore such signs are banned. Window signs are a diffierent matter, a sign displayed from the inside of a home reflects the poltical belief of the ower.

I've had window signs up in my front room since I bought my home (V.A. Loan). Some people did bitch about (all Republican) and the HOA said as long as the sign in question was NOT on the lawn it was fine.

Also, that story was, as I remember easily disproven. His sign was not stolen. It was removed after other homeowners complained to the HOA.

Research Freak, try it sometime.
There may be but its not being universally enforced

The Deep State is treating trump supporters more harshly than liberals rioters were treated

Which is a hallmark of banana republics Records rebut claims of unequal treatment of January 6th writers August 30th 2021. 300 people have been prosecuted for serious crimes during the BLM protest. Dozens have already been sent to prison. Of 70 cases in prison already, the average sentence was 27 months. Records rebut claims of unequal treatment of January 6th writers August 30th 2021. 300 people have been prosecuted for serious crimes during the BLM protest. Dozens have already been sent to prison. Of 70 cases in prison already, the average sentence was 27 months.
I I didn't catch that typo in the above. Rioters not writers.
You cannot compare the two. The jury determines guilt for innocence. The individual judge determines the sentence. The word individual there is very important. No two judges view things the same.
I can compete the two

Its obvious that the sentences being handed out are political Records rebut claims of unequal treatment of January 6th writers August 30th 2021. 300 people have been prosecuted for serious crimes during the BLM protest. Dozens have already been sent to prison. Of 70 cases in prison already, the average sentence was 27 months.
There should be thousands of convictions
I I didn't catch that typo in the above. Rioters not writers.
Just looked up the average sentence for January 6th offenders was 45 days. You're right there is unequal treatment under the law and blacks are always given stiffer sentences than whites.
I can compete the two

Its obvious that the sentences being handed out are political
No it's because they committed serious crimes nothing political about that, other than it was very bad politics to commit violence.
There should be thousands of convictions
You want your conviction people who were just protesting ? That's not how it works. They can only convict the bad guys that they catch. The January 6th idiots advertise their crimes, they acted proud about their crimes and cameras were everywhere. Not very smart. Even with all that look how long it's taken to get them rounded up and prosecuted.
I can compete the two

Its obvious that the sentences being handed out are political
It’s obvious you’re very politically biased and so your opinion about the sentences is likewise very politically biased.
You cannot compare the two. The jury determines guilt for innocence. The individual judge determines the sentence. The word individual there is very important. No two judges view things the same.
Those figures were just for the federal cases. I know in Omaha 30 people were charged at the state level or city level whatever went to the serious crimes committed during the protest. So you're right there may be thousands of cases they're just not all at the federal level. Every one of the January 6th cases it is at the federal level, it occurred in the district of Columbia and most of them traveled from other states to get there so it's federal crime.
It is the former New York Cop going to jail assaulting a Capitol Hill Officer.

It was MAGA MAGGOTS who wanted to hang Mike Pence, Nancy Pelosi and AOC.

It was MAGA MAGGOTS that took a shit on the floors of the U.S. Capitol Building.

MAGA MAGGOTS are the enemy our Nation and our Democracy.
Yes yes YESSSSS.
Anything that divides out enemy democrats.
He won’t survive a 10 year sentence at his age. This just put the fear of god in all of his MAGA friends, you know think just like he does.
I I looked up the demographics of the political leanings of the prison population in the United States. Most of the white prisioners like trump, but most of prison population like the Democrats because they are largely minorities. As long as this ex-policeman can surround him with white guys he should survive.

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