Former Obama DOJ-NSD Head Mary McCord Who Helped Set-Up Flynn & ICIG Lawyer Now Working For D-Schiff


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Another day, another layer of the 'onion' gets peeled back, and another layer of evidence of the conspiracy, corruption, and crime involved in the continuous coup attempt is exposed....and so is the fact that they are STILL actively engaged.

'Former Obama DOJ-NSD Head Mary McCord was involved in setting up General Flynn in the White House days after the 2017 Inauguration. Now she is reportedly working for Adam Schiff with her former lawyer at the DOJ, the now ICIG Michael Atkinson.'

It is interesting how conspirators are 'closing ranks' and suddenly seem to be working for each other / working together now....

It is also no coincidence that the IC IG who changed the rules regarding Whistle Blower complaints, allowing a 'whistle blower' complaint based on hearsay submitted by a person who never witnessed anything to be placed in lying, leaking D-Schiff's hands, is suddenly working for Schiff.

- The Complaint was sent to Schiff AFTER thr prosecutorial divisions within the DOJ reviewed the complaint and DISMISSED it because 1) NO CRIME as proven to have been committed, 2) NO EVIDENCE was presented, and 3) there were NO WITNESSES, not even the individual who filed the complaint because they had no 1st-hand knowledge / did not witness anything AND did not qualify according to the law as a Whistle Blower....but this IC IG made sure the complaint made it to Schiff who CREATED a criminal accusation just the same.

"A report issued last month by Atkinson’s counterpart at the Justice Department, Michael Horowitz, offered a detailed account of how that agency, specifically the FBI, violated the law to obtain a warrant to spy on Carter Page for a year. Horowitz identified 17 “significant errors” on the initial application and three subsequent renewals submitted to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court."

The office responsible for the government’s FISA process is the Justice Department’s National Security Division. The head of the NSD during the first several months of the secret surveillance on Carter Page was acting Assistant Attorney General Mary McCord. McCord’s senior counsel? Michael Atkinson."

McCord pretty much ran the Deep State's 'Collusion Delusion 1: Russia' coop attempt, in part, so it is not surprising that she is now at Schiff's side as the Democrats attepmt so successfully finish what Obama started (and failed to accomplish).

"McCord, an Obama appointee and Atkinson’s boss for seven months, not only managed three of the four FISAs on Carter Page, she ran the department’s investigation into Trump-Russia collusion until she resigned in the spring of 2017."

BREAKING: Deep State Snake Mary McCord Goes from Setting Up General Flynn to Working for Adam Schiff
"According to the Horowitz report, McCord “was involved in certain aspects of the [Trump campaign] investigation . . . with the first Carter Page FISA application in September and October 2016.” McCord also attended numerous briefings related to Crossfire Hurricane, the official name of the FBI’s counterintelligence probe into four Trump campaign associates."

The conspirators are still in positions of power and still working to attempt the unwarranted removal of the President of the United States from Office...
America hating HOMOS, all of 'em.

The inner circle of Cocksucker Obama is coming out.....

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