Former opposition militants in Syria vow to help rebuild Damascus


Nov 14, 2012
They even make them kill their family.

"Former militants from the city of al-Muadamia in the Damascus countryside acknowledged to Russian journalists that they made a mistake and vowed to help rebuild homes and other structures that have been destroyed as a result of this war.

Ahmed Alamshari, a local of al-Muadamia but a fighter for ISIS, explained the pressure the terrorist group put on the fighters which even resulted in him killing his own relatives.

"It’s hard for you to imagine what strong pressure the terrorists exerted on us. They had many foreign mercenaries among them who, as we grasped later, came to destroy our society. I support the government and defend my city. I am restoring the buildings along with other people," the ex-militant said.

"We regret our actions, which burdened people’s lives in this town," Alamshari went on to say.

Meanwhile a mother in the area went onto explain the difficulties the militants put on al-Muadamia.

"Our city was destroyed, so now we have moved into our relatives’ place," Om Husam, the mother of eight, said.

"We were very much afraid when military hostilities were underway. We hid in the basement during the entire shelling. Now it’s safe. Our children are playing in the street again. They are going to school," she elaborated."

Former opposition militants in Syria vow to help rebuild Damascus

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