Former Pastor Converts To Atheism


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2013

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

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After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

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After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

Shows how much he knew/knows anyway. NO one ever lives WITHOUT GOD. God is always there.

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

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After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

Shows how much he knew/knows anyway. NO one ever lives WITHOUT GOD. God is always there.
Doing what?

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

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After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

Shows how much he knew/knows anyway. NO one ever lives WITHOUT GOD. God is always there.

"The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things."

I think a lot of people can embrace that.

Everyone follows their own path. He chose to follow the unbelieving one. Good for him. His problem.
If everyone would just STOP trying to drag others to THEIR path, things might be more pleasant.
Everyone follows their own path. He chose to follow the unbelieving one. Good for him. His problem.
If everyone would just STOP trying to drag others to THEIR path, things might be more pleasant.
That would be nice in theory but religions are all about gaining members. The history of religious wars of conquest and conversion doesn't lend itself to the "live and let live" environment. This is why you have numerous factions of religionists, all asserting either directly or indirectly that they are right, which means -- despite the claims of tolerance, the others must be wrong.

No religion claims itself secondary in comparison to its competition. That would dismantle the authority of every religion ("Well, we're sort of right," said the Dalai Lama, "But you know, maybe those Christians are really right." Uh, not likely.)

If you are a Moslem as opposed to a Christian, your very self-identification tells me that you are announcing Islamism to be right, and Christianity to be wrong-- unless you are purposely following a doctrine you believe is wrong (I suppose some people might do that, but whatever for?).

I'm not saddled with the compulsive admonition of “believe as you’re told or be consigned to everlasting pain and torment”. Think about it, what is the best way to get someone to believe as you wish for them to? FEAR!. Scare the hell out of him. Tell the people that those of the competing sect / religion are on a paved road to hell....and you will generate all the fear and loathing for competing religions you wish for. And let's be honest, generating fear and loathing for the competing religion is what makes religions great.
Everyone follows their own path. He chose to follow the unbelieving one. Good for him. His problem.
If everyone would just STOP trying to drag others to THEIR path, things might be more pleasant.

With the exception of Juadism, all of the world's major religions are based entirely on convincing others to join them.

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

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After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

Shows how much he knew/knows anyway. NO one ever lives WITHOUT GOD. God is always there.
Doing what?
Watching over your sorry ass....or NOT.

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

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After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

Shows how much he knew/knows anyway. NO one ever lives WITHOUT GOD. God is always there.


Somewhere you and I will never see.

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

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After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

Shows how much he knew/knows anyway. NO one ever lives WITHOUT GOD. God is always there.
Doing what?
Watching over your sorry ass....or NOT.
Looking at the things going on in the world, he's not looking over a lot of people.

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

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After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

Shows how much he knew/knows anyway. NO one ever lives WITHOUT GOD. God is always there.
Doing what?
Watching over your sorry ass....or NOT.
Looking at the things going on in the world, he's not looking over a lot of people.
HE knows exactly what's going on EVERYWHERE...even back with Hitler/Mousilini and Stalin. Even back to Attila the Hun. Even before and I are in BIIIG trouble.

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

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After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

Shows how much he knew/knows anyway. NO one ever lives WITHOUT GOD. God is always there.
Doing what?
Watching over your sorry ass....or NOT.
Looking at the things going on in the world, he's not looking over a lot of people.
HE knows exactly what's going on EVERYWHERE...even back with Hitler/Mousilini and Stalin. Even back to Attila the Hun. Even before and I are in BIIIG trouble.
I'll just take my chances. It's been working out so far.
Shows how much he knew/knows anyway. NO one ever lives WITHOUT GOD. God is always there.
Doing what?
Watching over your sorry ass....or NOT.
Looking at the things going on in the world, he's not looking over a lot of people.
HE knows exactly what's going on EVERYWHERE...even back with Hitler/Mousilini and Stalin. Even back to Attila the Hun. Even before and I are in BIIIG trouble.
I'll just take my chances. It's been working out so far.

That's didn't work out all that well for Madalyn Murray O'Hair. She ended up riddled with bullets and dumped into a lake if I remember correctly. Piece of female shit got just what she deserved.

Murder of Madalyn Murray O Hair
Doing what?
Watching over your sorry ass....or NOT.
Looking at the things going on in the world, he's not looking over a lot of people.
HE knows exactly what's going on EVERYWHERE...even back with Hitler/Mousilini and Stalin. Even back to Attila the Hun. Even before and I are in BIIIG trouble.
I'll just take my chances. It's been working out so far.

That's didn't work out all that well for Madalyn Murray O'Hair. She ended up riddled with bullets and dumped into a lake if I remember correctly. Piece of female shit got just what she deserved.

Murder of Madalyn Murray O Hair
What a Christian thing to say.

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

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After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

SDA'ers are not born again Christians.

Former pastor Ryan Bell was asked to step down from his Seventh-day Adventist congregation in March 2014, after openly questioning his faith. For his New Year's resolution he decided to try living without Gawd for one year.

He announced to NPR recently that he no longer believes in Gawd.

Q: This weekend you told NPR: “I don’t think that God exists.” Can you elaborate?
A: I think the best way I can explain the conclusion I’ve come to — and conclusion is too strong a word for the provisional place I now stand and work from — is that the intellectual and emotional energy it takes to figure out how God fits into everything is far greater than dealing with reality as it presents itself to us.

That probably sounds very nonrational, and I want people to know that I have read several dozen books and understand a good many of the arguments. I’d just say that the existence of God seems like an extra layer of complexity that isn’t necessary. The world makes more sense to me as it is, without postulating a divine being who is somehow in charge of things.

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After A Year Without God Former Pastor Ryan Bell No Longer Believes

Shows how much he knew/knows anyway. NO one ever lives WITHOUT GOD. God is always there.
Doing what?
Watching over your sorry ass....or NOT.
Looking at the things going on in the world, he's not looking over a lot of people.
HE knows exactly what's going on EVERYWHERE...even back with Hitler/Mousilini and Stalin. Even back to Attila the Hun. Even before and I are in BIIIG trouble.
So obviously, there's no point in concluding that your gawds have any intention or willingness to interfere with mankinds actions. Such gawds who are completely uninvolved are tantamount to nothingness. Why worship nothing?

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