Former seat of Confederacy takes down last monument

Like the entire Democrat Party.
150 years ago, you would have been one of those "Democrats"

Ain't it funny how Conservatives are fanboys and glorify the causes of Democrats of 100 years ago??

Maybe those Democrats were conservatives and instead of referring to them as such, you call em Democrats as if that means something....


You sound scared.


I like it when leftist vermin are scared.


If we're scared of anything it's a worker stubbing his toe as they dig this dead racist piece of shit out the ground in front of his kin. We wouldn't want that to happen because we're empathetic and not deplorable mutants like Confederates and their idolaters. 😁
Nope. Made-up bullshit is all you have, wiener-breath.
What policies did Democrats support 150 years ago?

Did they support Voting Rights for black folks or were they against it and said they had to maintain "purity of the ballot" -- you know, terms Conservatives use now...

Did they support labor rights for black folks or did they suppress them? You know, how today's conservatives keep attacking labor rights today...especially for minorities?

By the way, the guys who started the KKK.......they were.........................CONFEDERATES.....why were they so pissed about losing the Civil War that they started the KKK? I thought Conservatives were in favor of Civil Rights

What policies did Democrats support 150 years ago?

Did they support Voting Rights for black folks or were they against it and said they had to maintain "purity of the ballot" -- you know, terms Conservatives use now...

Did they support labor rights for black folks or did they suppress them? You know, how today's conservatives keep attacking labor rights today...especially for minorities?

By the way, the guys who started the KKK.......they were.........................CONFEDERATES.....why were they so pissed about losing the Civil War that they started the KKK? I thought Conservatives were in favor of Civil Rights

Your knowledge of history is pathetic

A day for all to celebrate. America takes a huge step forward.
and now the town will resemble another ghetto instead of the beautiful city it used to. It is a shame that blacks like Nazis are in favor of tearing or burning down history they don't like. Poor babies

A day for all to celebrate. America takes a huge step forward.

I haven't seen your threads and posts condemning Qatar for their use of slave labor, the deaths of 6,500 of those slaves during the construction projects for the World Cup, their inhuman restrictions on the LGBTQ+ community, or their lack of human rights. Where are those? Wait, no... you were wholeheartedly embracing the World Cup, without so much of an utterance about their modern day failures against the human race.

Yet you just can't help yourself when it comes to taking a swipe at the good old U.S. of A.

What's your problem with the U.S.?
I haven't seen your threads and posts condemning Qatar for their use of slave labor, the deaths of 6,500 of those slaves during the construction projects for the World Cup, their inhuman restrictions on the LGBTQ+ community, or their lack of human rights. Where are those? Wait, no... you were wholeheartedly embracing the World Cup, without so much of an utterance about their modern day failures against the human race.

Yet you just can't help yourself when it comes to taking a swipe at the good old U.S. of A.

What's your problem with the U.S.?

We kicked their jolly old ass back in the day
Every Welsher has a cheap excuse for being a dishonorable douchebag.
I will guarantee you that I have never agreed with a thing that has come out of your -- ahem -- brain.
A hat-tip to poster Tommy.

He scored a couple ---maybe more ---of resounding Bazingas with his OP.

But, (and I don't mean to diminish his score, but....)......but sometimes the Bazingas come easier with some of the forum's contributors than it does with others.

No reason to mention names. It is common knowledge and we do not wish to embarrass any avatar personas. ;)
What policies did Democrats support 150 years ago?
Are you too stupid to google? Rhetorical question, that.
Did they support Voting Rights for black folks or were they against it and said they had to maintain "purity of the ballot" -- you know, terms Conservatives use now...
I support all citizens' rights to vote. Try smarter next time, fool.
Did they support labor rights for black folks or did they suppress them? You know, how today's conservatives keep attacking labor rights today...especially for minorities?
What labor rights are you talking about? That's a broad subject that covers many aspects of "labor".
By the way, the guys who started the KKK.......they were.........................CONFEDERATES.....why were they so pissed about losing the Civil War that they started the KKK? I thought Conservatives were in favor of Civil Rights
Confederate Democrats, fool. They were pissed that a Republican POTUS ended their oppression of blacks.
All you have to do is disprove a single thing I said?
What policies did Democrats support in the 1860's?
And were these policies considered progressive or conservative?
There is a reason you morons ALWAYS avoid talking policies

The confederacy was democrats you dumbass.

What party freed the slaves...hint... Lincoln was a Republican
I am sure the Confederacy were Democrats....

What policies did the Confederacy support that makes them so heroic and worthy of glorification by today's Republicans??

Why do you morons keep avoiding that question??

You're floundering. Just stop. I mean really you were all puffed up then realized you're wrong.

Go sit down
Are you too stupid to google? Rhetorical question, that.

I support all citizens' rights to vote. Try smarter next time, fool.

What labor rights are you talking about? That's a broad subject that covers many aspects of "labor".

Confederate Democrats, fool. They were pissed that a Republican POTUS ended their oppression of blacks.
What did they call the Republican's president policy of granting full rights to black folks
did they call it Conservative or Radically Progressive?

You do know that people could write back then right??

"Many southern conservatives still could not reconcile themselves to the new order. Accustomed to a world where they maintained power over black workers through violence, many southern whites lashed out at blacks in the first years after emancipation, often with tragic and lethal consequences."

Isn't pathetic to always have to lie about the Conservative track record on Civil Rights?
You're floundering. Just stop. I mean really you were all puffed up then realized you're wrong.

Go sit down
No, you are a moron who thinks Democrats in the 1860's are the same as Democrats in 2022

Why are you so afraid to answer my question....

Were the policies of Democrats in the 1860's considered Conservative or Liberal? Why is this so hard for you to answer?

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