Former seat of Confederacy takes down last monument

What did they call the Republican's president policy of granting full rights to black folks
did they call it Conservative or Radically Progressive?

You do know that people could write back then right??

"Many southern conservatives still could not reconcile themselves to the new order. Accustomed to a world where they maintained power over black workers through violence, many southern whites lashed out at blacks in the first years after emancipation, often with tragic and lethal consequences."

Isn't pathetic to always have to lie about the Conservative track record on Civil Rights?

Which party voted against the Civil Rights Act in the 1960s?

Pesky history
Which party voted against the Civil Rights Act in the 1960s?

Pesky history
both parties had people vote against it .....who signed the Civil Rights bills of the 1960's tho?

The better question to ask is....why did so many "CONSERATIVES" vote against it?

You're floundering. Just stop. I mean really you were all puffed up then realized you're wrong.

Go sit down
His isn't the argument that rests on believing that nothings changed politically in 157 years even though back then black voters were overwhelmingly Republican and decidedly anti-Democratic party and today they are the Democratic party in the South and are vehemently opposed to the Republican party. But other than that, nothings changed. 😄

Oh and it's now cuck white Republican voters crying whenever Confederate statues get taken down. But nevermind that....
His isn't the argument that rests on believing that nothings changed politically in 157 years even though back then black voters were overwhelmingly Republican and decidedly anti-Democratic party and today they are the Democratic party in the South and are vehemently opposed to the Republican party. But other than that, nothings changed. 😄

Oh and it's now cuck white Republican voters crying when Confederate statues get taken down. But nevermind that....

Go away. I mean really Curry Goat. You're a loon
What did they call the Republican's president policy of granting full rights to black folks
did they call it Conservative or Radically Progressive?
You do know that people could write back then right??
Isn't pathetic to always have to lie about the Conservative track record on Civil Rights?
Is your only tool to ask stupid questions that you can look up the answers to yourself?
Truth be told, you're really not intelligent enough to keep my interest in a conversation, biffanie.
Yesterday's liberals are today's conservatives, and yesterday's marxists are today's liberals. Fact.
A day for all to celebrate. America takes a huge step forward.

WTF? It's just a STATUE, Tainant. They took down a statue to assuage their white liberal guilt. Doesn't change a damn thing. It doesn't change anyone's thinking. History is history and statues only commemorate dates in history of important events, not CELEBRATE or PROMOTE them. Just as we commemorate Pearl Harbor. If we erect a statue commemorating 9/11, that doesn't mean we liked it or want it to happen again!

Indeed, those statues REMINDED us of these important events so that we may better LEARN from them and not repeat them. I expect in ten years, the average kid won't even KNOW their history because all of the bad stuff has either been erased or rewritten from their texts!

The thing I can't figure out is why you even CARE about a fucking statue being taken down in another country 3,700 miles from you. Wow. Pathetic. You just continually reinvent what a total dooshbag you really are.
His isn't the argument that rests on believing that nothings changed politically in 157 years even though back then black voters were overwhelmingly Republican and decidedly anti-Democratic party and today they are the Democratic party in the South and are vehemently opposed to the Republican party. But other than that, nothings changed. 😄

Oh and it's now cuck white Republican voters crying whenever Confederate statues get taken down. But nevermind that....
Its not fucking complicated is it ?
I haven't seen your threads and posts condemning Qatar for their use of slave labor, the deaths of 6,500 of those slaves during the construction projects for the World Cup, their inhuman restrictions on the LGBTQ+ community, or their lack of human rights. Where are those? Wait, no... you were wholeheartedly embracing the World Cup, without so much of an utterance about their modern day failures against the human race.

Yet you just can't help yourself when it comes to taking a swipe at the good old U.S. of A.

What's your problem with the U.S.?
You need to look a bit harder you racist ****. I have been condemning Qatar for well iver a year on here.
They got the finals via corruption and their attitudes to gays, which you share, and human rights, which you also share, are disgusting.
You have a lot in common.
But just like slavery, all racist traditions eventually end.

Really, McSlob? You think that slavery and racism were ended? You really that DIM not to realize that we are all even BIGGER slaves today than 175 years ago? All that has changed over the years is the FORM of the oppression, not the result. Your government has you wrapped in chains from head to toe right now as you read this, you poor bastard.
Every Welsher has a cheap excuse for being a dishonorable douchebag.

Timmy's "morals" all come from the bottom of that dirty mug of cheap swill he just spilled in his lap fumbling for his keyboard. :smoke:
The presence of these statues is offensive to most people.
You speak for most people now? Did you check with everyone by tele or mail? Or are you just acutely allergic to BRONZE?

That was why they were put up.
That right there shows you a total IMBECILE who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the wall. When the world is directed is ignoramuses such as you, it places everyone in peril of STUPIDITY.
You need to look a bit harder you racist ****. I have been condemning Qatar for well iver a year on here.
They got the finals via corruption and their attitudes to gays, which you share, and human rights, which you also share, are disgusting.
You have a lot in common.

What have I ever posted that would lead you to believe I was a racist or bigoted in any way? That's right, not a fucking thing you twlsyn coc oen.

I challenge you to show me a single post of mine that is racist, homophobic, or otherwise bigoted in some fashion. Be sure to include the link so we can get the full context... Go on, I'll wait...

But I won't hold my breath, because there isn't one. Not one.

Come on, Tammy Taint, the gauntlet has been thrown down. Back up your accusations. Put up or apologize. Better yet, put up or shut the fuck up.

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