Former seat of Confederacy takes down last monument

When do the history deniers plan on leveling Stone Mountain? That'll be exciting.

Deniers? What are people denying? That generals of a losing side deserve honor?

To me also there is a huge difference. Would I support the removal of Stone Mountain? No.

Nobody has to go visit it. As to monuments in town we are asking those who had family members enslaved by those honored in the public square being made to walk past these monuments of honor to go the the city building to pay their taxes.

They need moved as this one was.
Erasing history will make sure we repeat it.

Nobody is erasing history.

The history that was erased is the lie the Civil War was about State's Rights instead of slavery.

Part of the reunification deal was that the south was allowed to honor their side.

You leftist scum have no honor.

I'm sorry, I didn't make that deal and neither did anyone else.
What we SHOULD have done after the war was take Lee, Davis and every other traitor and hanged them for Treason.
Why does Tommy from Wales care?

When do we get to celebrate when Britain takes a "huge step forward"--did they ever? Go to India, Tommy, and apologize personally

Except the UK doesn't honor the people who inflicted the British empire on unsuspecting third world people, Islamophobic Twat.
I like how Conservatives continue to avoid this....................


Why did MLK call out the radical right? Why did he say they used racism and extremism to pander to white supremacists for power? This was said over 60 years ago....and still to this day, right-wingers keep avoiding their history.....instead, they shout it all down as "CRT" -- because they are cowards
Yes...taking down memorials to democrat party military heroes is a step forward....but in truth, the democrats want those statues down so that people forget that they are the political party that started a Civil War to keep black human beings as slaves......
You realise that your narrative was destroyed earlier on the thread by intelligent people ?
Why does Tommy from Wales care?

When do we get to celebrate when Britain takes a "huge step forward"--did they ever? Go to India, Tommy, and apologize personally
I kind of think that I am free to praise America on an Ameican board.
Check out the thread title babe. Its a great day for America.
I like how Conservatives continue to avoid this....................

View attachment 738506

Why did MLK call out the radical right? Why did he say they used racism and extremism to pander to white supremacists for power? This was said over 60 years ago....and still to this day, right-wingers keep avoiding their history.....instead, they shout it all down as "CRT" -- because they are cowards
negroes been voting democrat for decades....weird thing is they still claim they are treated like second class

A day for all to celebrate. America takes a huge step forward.
Erasing history is never something to celebrate.

Grace desecration is absolutely disgraceful. Won't be long before cemeteries will be dug up to desecrate the grave of Confederate soldiers.

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