Former seat of Confederacy takes down last monument

What history is being erased ? Kids are learning about the evils of slavery because of this.
Thank you for making my

It's quite unfortunate that you don't even know what you did there.

Is Yale University going to change its name?

Is New York City going to tear down the old slave market?

Is Harvard going to tear down the building that was once a slave market?
/——/ You remember but not the future generations. Next step, remove the Civil War from schools history books as democRATs erase their racist heritage.

Except no one has suggested that.

The problem with the history books is that they are written in such a way to not offend the Southern States too badly. So most kids hear shit like "The Civil War was about States Rights" or "It was about tariffs" while slavery (the only reason for the war) is downplayed.
Except no one has suggested that.

The problem with the history books is that they are written in such a way to not offend the Southern States too badly. So most kids hear shit like "The Civil War was about States Rights" or "It was about tariffs" while slavery (the only reason for the war) is downplayed.
/—-/ Except, I was educated in the segregated south and was taught the war between the states began over tariffs and states rights. But, as it dragged on and northerners grew weary of the death tolls, and sentiment grew to just let the south break away, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation to give the north a just cause to continue fighting to preserve the Union. And it worked, thank God. BTW, Lincoln was assassinated by a democRAT loyalist and southern sympathizer.
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What history is being erased ? Kids are learning about the evils of slavery because of this.
You know, TT makes a valid point there.
These recent brouhahas over removing one seditionist statue or another, or replacing a traitor's name on a school does.....indeed....create a wonderful teaching moment for our American students.
The dynamics of that insurrection are once again being examined. And the "Lost Cause" fantasy is being systematically ...and rightfully....dismantled.

The war was started because of slavery. Slave interests want to keep expanding the 'peculiar institution' of bondage into new western territories as their agricultural practices were exhausting the original tillable grounds. But their economic model required free labor for them to profit. Hence, slaves. And if slaves could be established in the west....well, then go there and plant your crops and have that free labor raise and harvest 'em.

Notably --- several, if not all, of the seditionist states had enshrined slavery in either their Constitutions or declaration of war. Slavery was the deal. States Rights etc., was an ex post facto feel-good fiction intended to paper over the reality of owning and selling human beings for profit.

The very mention of Charles Cornwallis is offensive to America
I demur.

Look, Cornwallis ain't celebrated in America. True that.
But.....but likely no one ever thinks about or is today offended by General Cornwallis other than historians or students in some course,...... or those seeking any ol' reason to be aggrieved and angry as a personality tic.
You know, TT makes a valid point there.
These recent brouhahas over removing one seditionist statue or another, or replacing a traitor's name on a school does.....indeed....create a wonderful teaching moment for our American students.
The dynamics of that insurrection are once again being examined. And the "Lost Cause" fantasy is being systematically ...and rightfully....dismantled.

The war was started because of slavery. Slave interests want to keep expanding the 'peculiar institution' of bondage into new western territories as their agricultural practices were exhausting the original tillable grounds. But their economic model required free labor for them to profit. Hence, slaves. And if slaves could be established in the west....well, then go there and plant your crops and have that free labor raise and harvest 'em.

Notably --- several, if not all, of the seditionist states had enshrined slavery in either their Constitutions or declaration of war. Slavery was the deal. States Rights etc., was an ex post facto feel-good fiction intended to paper over the reality of owning and selling human beings for profit.

I demur.

Look, Cornwallis ain't celebrated in America. True that.
But.....but likely no one ever thinks about or is today offended by General Cornwallis other than historians or students in some course,...... or those seeking any ol' reason to be aggrieved and angry as a personality tic.
The level of support for the slavers suggests that either there is a large constituency that supports this or that eduction around this neds to be looked at.

The opposition to CRT suggests that it is a mix of the two.

I do wonder if there is an end game here. Slavery aint coming back.
"Good, then we should demand the statue of Stalin in Seattle be removed!"
Write the city fathers and make your demand known. Write the editor of the local newspaper, The Times, and express your view.

Posting anonymously under a fake name on a narrow-gauge social media site is rather, well, ineffective. IMO

Be a can-do get-er-done guy, j-mac. Not a whiner. Not a snowflake.


A day for all to celebrate. America takes a huge step forward.
And yet your country still practices a medieval form of government. When are you Brits going to elect a minority PM ? When are you going to start electing a head of state instead of giving it to a person because of an accident of birth. Hypocrite.
The level of support for the slavers suggests that either there is a large constituency that supports this or that eduction around this neds to be looked at.

The opposition to CRT suggests that it is a mix of the two.

I do wonder if there is an end game here. Slavery aint coming back.
That must make you mad since your ilk started it.
That nonsense has been debunked.
Oh really? So you are claiming that southern plantation owners were NOT Democrats? That the KKK was not started by a Democrat? That Democrats who caught their slaves escaping didn't inflict great pain on them?
Are you stupid or something Forrest?
Oh really? So you are claiming that southern plantation owners were NOT Democrats? That the KKK was not started by a Democrat? That Democrats who caught their slaves escaping didn't inflict great pain on them?
Are you stupid or something Forrest?
You were right...160 years ago. :rolleyes:
Those weren`t Democrats strolling through the Capitol carrying the flag of Treasonous Losers

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