Former seat of Confederacy takes down last monument

A day for all to celebrate. America takes a huge step forward.
exactly how did removal of statues make america better? The slave trade originated in Africa and Europe. What are they doing to make things better? The USA freed slaves 150 years ago but slavery still exists in Africa and the mid east and China. Why don't you libs rant about that? We also passed the civil rights act in 1964, what harm do statues do to you? and why are statues of LIncoln being removed? Is it about slavery or destroying American history?
exactly how did removal of statues make america better? The slave trade originated in Africa and Europe. What are they doing to make things better? The USA freed slaves 150 years ago but slavery still exists in Africa and the mid east and China. Why don't you libs rant about that? We also passed the civil rights act in 1964, what harm do statues do to you? and why are statues of LIncoln being removed? Is it about slavery or destroying American history?
They are getting rid of the evidence that Dims were the slave owners in the US.
question for libs, are all black dorms racist? is BET racist?, is black miss america racist? If we are truly to erase racism, why not mandate the all NFL and NBA teams reflect the racial mix of america? Why not let colleges accept the most qualified students and remove racial quotas? you libs want racism, only racism as you approve of it. Are we all equal or not?
A black man no longer has to walk past a monument of someone who fought to keep his ancestors in slavery as he goes to the court house to pay his taxes.
LOL. here in New Orleans we have Lee Circle which had a statue of Robert E Lee in the center for years, no one was harmed or offended for over 100 years. now the statue is gone, crime is at all time high levels, homelessness is rampant, and poverty has not been reduced. So how did removal of that statue help anyone? Blacks have always gathered at Lee circle for Mardi Gras and other celebrations and still do. Nothing is better. Statues and history are not the problem, corrupt liberals in government are the problem. The current mayor is stealing from the public treasury and the police have their hands tied (a majority of NOLA police are black by the way).

Liberalism is a mental disease.
Thats not white history. Thats a Traitor monument. White history is the US rightoeously kicking that traitorous scum teeth in.

History is history, it's not white, black, yellow or purple.

If you let a statue give you the shakes you have something more going on than history. Just don't look at it.....oh wait bawling about it gets you attention
LOL. here in New Orleans we have Lee Circle which had a statue of Robert E Lee in the center for years, no one was harmed or offended for over 100 years.

That's your point of view. I'm sure there has been times in the past that many were scared to speak up. Heck, they would get arrested and beat up just for being out after dark.

now the statue is gone, crime is at all time high levels, homelessness is rampant, and poverty has not been reduced. So how did removal of that statue help anyone? Blacks have always gathered at Lee circle for Mardi Gras and other celebrations and still do. Nothing is better. Statues and history are not the problem, corrupt liberals in government are the problem. The current mayor is stealing from the public treasury and the police have their hands tied (a majority of NOLA police are black by the way).

Liberalism is a mental disease.

And the statue is still gone.
That's your point of view. I'm sure there has been times in the past that many were scared to speak up. Heck, they would get arrested and beat up just for being out after dark.

And the statue is still gone.
wrong, and yes it is, so again how is the city better with it gone? crime and poverty are worse, removal of that statue fixed nothing.

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