Former seat of Confederacy takes down last monument

but the libs want more than equal, they want special treatment based on skin color. simple equality is not enough for them.
They want scripted results

And whites at the back of the bus according to obama
according to the constitution and our body of law. equal opportunity is guaranteed, not equal results. your results are up to you, not the government.
Civil Rights act was signed in 1964
Voting Rights came in 1965....on paper. That doesn`t mean they couldn`t follow Blacks home from the polls and terrorize them.
The level of support for the slavers suggests that either there is a large constituency that supports this or that eduction around this neds to be looked at.

The opposition to CRT suggests that it is a mix of the two.

I do wonder if there is an end game here. Slavery aint coming back.
/——-/ Slavery is alive and well through t the world. Just look at the lithium mines needed for EVs.
I've never argued they didn't but not all were fighting to keep it legal.
The war was about states rights

An issue that lingered since the signing of the Constitution

The North wanted tariffs to protect Northern manufacturing

The South wanted free trade with England and France

The North wanted a tight money supply and higher interest rates while the South wanted cheap money

And Southerners were always more divided over independence and loyality to the King than the North

Slavery was a big issue but not the only one as school children are being brainwashed to believe today
The war was about states rights

An issue that lingered since the signing of the Constitution

The North wanted tariffs to protect Northern manufacturing

The South wanted free trade with England and France

The North wanted a tight money supply and higher interest rates while the South wanted cheap money

And Southerners were always more divided over independence and loyality to the King than the North

Slavery was a big issue but not the only one as school children are being brainwashed to believe today
So secession was about free trade and not the right to own human beings. :laughing0301:
The war was about states rights

An issue that lingered since the signing of the Constitution

The North wanted tariffs to protect Northern manufacturing

The South wanted free trade with England and France

The North wanted a tight money supply and higher interest rates while the South wanted cheap money

And Southerners were always more divided over independence and loyality to the King than the North

Slavery was a big issue but not the only one as school children are being brainwashed to believe today

If the South had won, slavery would have continued. How long, I do not know but it would have continued and there is no reason to honor anyone that would have fought for that.
The war was about states rights

An issue that lingered since the signing of the Constitution

The North wanted tariffs to protect Northern manufacturing

The South wanted free trade with England and France

The North wanted a tight money supply and higher interest rates while the South wanted cheap money

And Southerners were always more divided over independence and loyality to the King than the North

Slavery was a big issue but not the only one as school children are being brainwashed to believe today
So you're arguing the South seceded for lower interest rates?
Thats an innovative argument. Can you cite the articles of secession that state that? I can definitely show where they unceasingly talk about slavery.
Which side took up arms to defend slavery.
The South

Or at least some people on the South

But the war was fought over the question of one nation or two

Slavery would have ended in time no matter who won the war

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