Former seat of Confederacy takes down last monument

Here's another moron who believes Lost Cause revisionism.

Nope, it was about slavery.

It was about the fear that black people, once freed, would avenge themselves on white people.

When that didn't happen, then all the Confederate Veteran's groups all decided that they needed to rationalize what they did.
Thats not entirely untrue

A few people might have thought so then as angry vengeful repub carpetbaggers invaded the South after surrender

Then as now libs didnt want peace and reconciliation

They wanted and still want to get even

It could have been different

But our one chance died at Ford’s Theater
"It does make me angry when you smear my ancestors as traitors or worse.."
If you are telling the forum that your ancestors fought and killed Union soldiers of the United States of America in a war the leaders of your ancestors started in their desire to sunder those United States.....well, yeah, secessionist, insurrectionists, traitors....comes to mind.

That's on them. It ain't on you. It ain't on me. It's on them. They made a difficult but poor choice.
Explain yourself.
If the south won and carved out the Confederate States of America, slavery would have died anyway. It was too expensive and would not have survived the Industrial revolution in any case. Not being devastated by war, the South would have been very wealthy. The northern mills would have been forced to negotiate fairly in direct competition with Europe.

A southern culture of decency and honor might still have tendrils today that could fight off the degenerate and woke. Likely blacks would not be running the great cities of the south into the ground. Yes. It is a shame that the wrong side won.
If the south won and carved out the Confederate States of America, slavery would have died anyway. It was too expensive and would not have survived the Industrial revolution in any case. Not being devastated by war, the South would have been very wealthy. The northern mills would have been forced to negotiate fairly in direct competition with Europe.

A southern culture of decency and honor might still have tendrils today that could fight off the degenerate and woke. Likely blacks would not be running the great cities of the south into the ground. Yes. It is a shame that the wrong side won.
Decency and honor? :auiqs.jpg:
Jim Crow and his fellow sophisticates would be so proud of you.
Or, if Lincoln had lived the former slaves would have been rounded up and sent back to Africa. Every, last, one.
Can’t get past your sense of supremacy huh. Can’t stop yourself from feeling that you have some god given authority to round up free American citizens and send them away. Still on the wrong side of humanity.
You are no one of consequence and it never would have happened.
Can’t get past your sense of supremacy huh. Can’t stop yourself from feeling that you have some god given authority to round up free American citizens and send them away. Still on the wrong side of humanity.
You are no one of consequence and it never would have happened.
Well, I'm not Abraham Lincoln. He was the one who was for the great round up and repatriation. Had he lived, he would have had the authority. He was an abolitionist, completely against slavery. He also felt that blacks and whites were so different that coexistence would never be possible. Is Lincoln wrong? Judging from the number of black people demanding safe spaces free of all whites, black people today agree with Lincoln.
Well, I'm not Abraham Lincoln. He was the one who was for the great round up and repatriation. Had he lived, he would have had the authority. He was an abolitionist, completely against slavery. He also felt that blacks and whites were so different that coexistence would never be possible. Is Lincoln wrong? Judging from the number of black people demanding safe spaces free of all whites, black people today agree with Lincoln.
Revisionist nonsense.
See, you are making my point.

The real historical revisionism was the people who put up the statues.

It was ALWAYS about slavery.

Then after the war, the folks in the South were kind of embarrassed, so you got all the bullshit about states rights and tariffs that you were taught and they talked about the "Lost Cause" and put up statues to all the racists and traitors.

Now we are correcting the record. Fuck your feelings.
/——/ I have a history book that reprinted newspapers prior to the CW on both sides. It was tariffs and states rights.
If you are telling the forum that your ancestors fought and killed Union soldiers of the United States of America in a war the leaders of your ancestors started in their desire to sunder those United States.....well, yeah, secessionist, insurrectionists, traitors....comes to mind.

That's on them. It ain't on you. It ain't on me. It's on them. They made a difficult but poor choice.
Yes, I come from a long line of Confederates

And they were good people

And, anyone who does not think so can kiss my ass
You are the revisionist

For 110 years historians and common people knew that the war was about far more than just race

Then the lib revisionists came along

Actually, Historians went back to the Source Materials, where every declaration of secession was specifically about race and slavery.

No mention of Tariffs. No mention of "States Rights" other than their right to maintain slavery.

Then after the war, after they all looked around at the devastation and the guys walking around without limbs, they wanted to find that it all "meant something". Thus the lost cause mythology was born.

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