Former seat of Confederacy takes down last monument

So secession was about free trade and not the right to own human beings. :laughing0301:
You have serious reading comprenhension problems

I included slavery as one of the issues

Simply ignoring that fact gets you nowhere
So you're arguing the South seceded for lower interest rates?
Thats an innovative argument. Can you cite the articles of secession that state that? I can definitely show where they unceasingly talk about slavery.
Slavery was an important issue but more important to Texas as the declaration you posted says is who has the right to abolish slavery?

Texas argued that it entered the Union, and was accepted as a slave state and only Texas has the right to abolish slavery

the civil war settled that question and forged America into a stronger nation
exactly how did removal of statues make america better?
Exactly how did erecting statues of traitors to the United States of America make America better?
CALL: the civil war was not about slavery, it was about economics and greed.
RESPONSE: Yes, the owners of slaves were all about the economics and greed
Secession was all about slavery. Was it a valid reason for secession?

Asked and answered.

no one was harmed or offended for over 100 years
Now I'm kind of an aging tractor-pilot sitting in his Carharts, but.......but I'd like to see the poster Redfish prove that "no one was.....offended".
I would posit a lot of folks were offended. More were offended than those who favored the statue.
Why do I say that?
'Cause the friggin' statue is now gone.

Robert E lee was an honorable and important figure in US history

Oh hell yeah. You bet he was. A fine soldier with all the soldierly virtues our culture ---and other cultures --- admire, but..........but he chose to fight for one of the worst causes. And THAT leaves a stain on his honor that nearly 160 years hasn't erased.

That's not just my position, it is the stated position of the fine soldier who beat him and accepted his surrender at Appomattox , Sam Grant.

To wit: "I felt like anything rather than rejoicing at the downfall of a foe who had fought so long and valiantly, and had suffered so much for a cause, though that cause was, I believe, one of the worst for which a people ever fought, and one for which there was the least excuse.”
/—-/ Except, I was educated in the segregated south and was taught the war between the states began over tariffs and states rights. But, as it dragged on and northerners grew weary of the death tolls, and sentiment grew to just let the south break away, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation to give the north a just cause to continue fighting to preserve the Union. And it worked, thank God. BTW, Lincoln was assassinated by a democRAT loyalist and southern sympathizer.
Lost cause, white supremacist, war of northern aggression nonsense.
It is exactly for this reason that history needs to be clarified for future generations.

Let’s start with what the secessionists gave as their reasons.

Why do you whine about local democracy in action ? The Mayor is very supportive and he should have his finger on the pulse.
Mayor Stoney
Ohhh crazy black democrat. That explains it.
Exactly how did erecting statues of traitors to the United States of America make America better?

Asked and answered.

Now I'm kind of an aging tractor-pilot sitting in his Carharts, but.......but I'd like to see the poster Redfish prove that "no one was.....offended".
I would posit a lot of folks were offended. More were offended than those who favored the statue.
Why do I say that?
'Cause the friggin' statue is now gone.


Oh hell yeah. You bet he was. A fine soldier with all the soldierly virtues our culture ---and other cultures --- admire, but..........but he chose to fight for one of the worst causes. And THAT leaves a stain on his honor that nearly 160 years hasn't erased.

That's not just my position, it is the stated position of the fine soldier who beat him and accepted his surrender at Appomattox , Sam Grant.

To wit: "I felt like anything rather than rejoicing at the downfall of a foe who had fought so long and valiantly, and had suffered so much for a cause, though that cause was, I believe, one of the worst for which a people ever fought, and one for which there was the least excuse.”
I know why liberals such as you and the Black LIES Matter wackos are attacking long dead Confederate hero’s

One is embarrassment by liberals and their pet minority over the slow pace of advancement in the hood

You cant accept responsibility yourselves so you need a scape goat

The other reason is hate toward conservatives who are mostly white

You enjoy twisting the lions tail

Well mission accomplished

It does make me angry when you smear my ancestors as traitors or worse

But all you are doing is poisoning the community well that we all have to drink out of

May libs rot in Hell
Exactly how did erecting statues of traitors to the United States of America make America better?

Asked and answered.

Now I'm kind of an aging tractor-pilot sitting in his Carharts, but.......but I'd like to see the poster Redfish prove that "no one was.....offended".
I would posit a lot of folks were offended. More were offended than those who favored the statue.
Why do I say that?
'Cause the friggin' statue is now gone.


Oh hell yeah. You bet he was. A fine soldier with all the soldierly virtues our culture ---and other cultures --- admire, but..........but he chose to fight for one of the worst causes. And THAT leaves a stain on his honor that nearly 160 years hasn't erased.

That's not just my position, it is the stated position of the fine soldier who beat him and accepted his surrender at Appomattox , Sam Grant.

To wit: "I felt like anything rather than rejoicing at the downfall of a foe who had fought so long and valiantly, and had suffered so much for a cause, though that cause was, I believe, one of the worst for which a people ever fought, and one for which there was the least excuse.”
Then after all these years, we finally know that the Confederates were right all along.
according to the constitution and our body of law. equal opportunity is guaranteed, not equal results. your results are up to you, not the government.

This article states that before the civil rights act the amount spent on education was as follows.

Blacks - $300 a year
Whitey - $1700 a year

And that was a century after the rebs were beaten. Explain the equality in those figures.
/—-/ Except, I was educated in the segregated south and was taught the war between the states began over tariffs and states rights. But, as it dragged on and northerners grew weary of the death tolls, and sentiment grew to just let the south break away, Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation to give the north a just cause to continue fighting to preserve the Union. And it worked, thank God. BTW, Lincoln was assassinated by a democRAT loyalist and southern sympathizer.
See, you are making my point.

The real historical revisionism was the people who put up the statues.

It was ALWAYS about slavery.

Then after the war, the folks in the South were kind of embarrassed, so you got all the bullshit about states rights and tariffs that you were taught and they talked about the "Lost Cause" and put up statues to all the racists and traitors.

Now we are correcting the record. Fuck your feelings.
Here's another moron who believes Lost Cause revisionism.

The war was about states rights

An issue that lingered since the signing of the Constitution

The North wanted tariffs to protect Northern manufacturing

The South wanted free trade with England and France

The North wanted a tight money supply and higher interest rates while the South wanted cheap money

And Southerners were always more divided over independence and loyality to the King than the North

Slavery was a big issue but not the only one as school children are being brainwashed to believe today

Nope, it was about slavery.

It was about the fear that black people, once freed, would avenge themselves on white people.

When that didn't happen, then all the Confederate Veteran's groups all decided that they needed to rationalize what they did.
Here's another moron who believes Lost Cause revisionism.

Nope, it was about slavery.

It was about the fear that black people, once freed, would avenge themselves on white people.

When that didn't happen, then all the Confederate Veteran's groups all decided that they needed to rationalize what they did.
You are the revisionist

For 110 years historians and common people knew that the war was about far more than just race

Then the lib revisionists came along

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