Trump says some Disabled People Should Just Die

A factual title of this thread should be “some faggot selling a book claims Trump says some disabled people should just die”.

Funny how just last week these same predictable homos were claiming a full grown man should die…….
tRump's nephew is a faggot?
The source is the NYTimes, which can't pass any excuse to take a shot at Trump, but that shot missed. Expensive care for people with no chance of ever being able to provide their own care or do useful work is a temporary condition of a temporarily wealthy nation. Trump, or the fictional Trump of that article, looks very practical there, but somewhat coldhearted. That practicality will be needed much more as the nation becomes too poor to sustain disability income and more people become disabled by covid vaccines, which Trump pushed.
Um...retard? Trump is the only candidate who has attempted a coup.

You dipshits project every single fault and flaw of Trump onto others. It's SOOO transparent.


My, my, again with the name-calling. Whattsamatter? The people aren't buying that Malaka is our New Queen?
The source is the NYTimes, which can't pass any excuse to take a shot at Trump, but that shot missed. Expensive care for people with no chance of ever being able to provide their own care or do useful work is a temporary condition of a temporarily wealthy nation. Trump, or the fictional Trump of that article, looks very practical there, but somewhat coldhearted. That practicality will be needed much more as the nation becomes too poor to sustain disability income and more people become disabled by covid vaccines, which Trump pushed.
Not disagreeing but you faggots are crazy.

Who was it demanding people be fired from their jobs unless they get an experimental vaccine?
Fred Trump’s son was born with a rare medical condition that led to developmental and intellectual disabilities. His care had been paid for in part with help from the family. After Mr. Trump was elected, Fred Trump wanted to use his connection to the White House for good. With the help of Ivanka Trump, his cousin, and Ben Carson, at the time the housing and urban development secretary, he was able to convene a group of advocates for a meeting with his uncle. The president “seemed engaged, especially when several people in our group spoke about the heart-wrenching and expensive efforts they’d made to care for their profoundly disabled family members,” he writes.

After the meeting, Fred Trump claims, his uncle pulled him aside and said, “maybe those kinds of people should just die,” given “the shape they’re in, all the expenses.”

The remark wasn’t a one-off, according to Fred Trump. A couple of years later, when he called his uncle for help because the medical fund that paid for his son’s care was running out of money, Fred Trump claims his uncle said: “I don’t know. He doesn’t recognize you. Maybe you should just let him die and move down to Florida.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised to hear Donald say that,” he writes. “It wasn’t far off from what he’d said that day in the Oval Office after our meeting with the advocates. Only that time, it was other people’s children who should die. This time, it was my son.”


This is from a new book from Trump's nephew, Fred C. Trump, III. Apparently, if the expense is too much some disabled individuals should just die. So, sorry folks if it costs too much to keep you alive, well it's off to the great beyond.

Trump did not make these comments 30 years ago, these comments were made while he was in the White House.

This could explain why Trump was so cavalier about Covid deaths.

You would think the "pro-life" people would be outraged. NOT.

As the nephew makes clear in his book, Donald has always been a vulgar individual.

Of course, it is these qualities, Trump's vulgarity and repulsiveness, that make him the MAGA lord.

And here I thought this thread would be about just letting Biden fade.
To be fair, Trump is far from alone among conservatives who agree with this.

It’s consistent with the right’s wrongheaded, unwarranted opposition to ensuring Americans have access to affordable healthcare.

And it’s consistent with the dogma of Social Darwinism typical of the fascist right.

You pricks still can't deliver the 50,000 bodies a year Harvard made up in their sloppy little study.

The one you and Obama's minions used in your campaign of lies to pass the ACA.

When Trump's niece came out with a book about her uncle, Fred Trump attacked her and defended his uncle.

And then...the blinders came off when his uncle showed his true nature to him.

Considering Trump thinks people in the military are losers, and only likes people who weren't captured, his statement about the handicapped is not in the least surprising.

After all, he mocked a handicapped reporter, remember.
More bullshit from known liar g5000. Trump never said that about the military retard. Per the people THERE. Didn't mock the reporter either dipshit. Remember you're just a pathetic little Dem sheep who won't be happy come November
Fred Trump’s son was born with a rare medical condition that led to developmental and intellectual disabilities. His care had been paid for in part with help from the family. After Mr. Trump was elected, Fred Trump wanted to use his connection to the White House for good. With the help of Ivanka Trump, his cousin, and Ben Carson, at the time the housing and urban development secretary, he was able to convene a group of advocates for a meeting with his uncle. The president “seemed engaged, especially when several people in our group spoke about the heart-wrenching and expensive efforts they’d made to care for their profoundly disabled family members,” he writes.

After the meeting, Fred Trump claims, his uncle pulled him aside and said, “maybe those kinds of people should just die,” given “the shape they’re in, all the expenses.”

The remark wasn’t a one-off, according to Fred Trump. A couple of years later, when he called his uncle for help because the medical fund that paid for his son’s care was running out of money, Fred Trump claims his uncle said: “I don’t know. He doesn’t recognize you. Maybe you should just let him die and move down to Florida.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t have been surprised to hear Donald say that,” he writes. “It wasn’t far off from what he’d said that day in the Oval Office after our meeting with the advocates. Only that time, it was other people’s children who should die. This time, it was my son.”


This is from a new book from Trump's nephew, Fred C. Trump, III. Apparently, if the expense is too much some disabled individuals should just die. So, sorry folks if it costs too much to keep you alive, well it's off to the great beyond.

Trump did not make these comments 30 years ago, these comments were made while he was in the White House.

This could explain why Trump was so cavalier about Covid deaths.

You would think the "pro-life" people would be outraged. NOT.

As the nephew makes clear in his book, Donald has always been a vulgar individual.

Of course, it is these qualities, Trump's vulgarity and repulsiveness, that make him the MAGA lord.
/——/ A disgruntled relative trying to sell a book. Expect more of this bullshyt between now and Election Day.

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