Former Tea Party patriot founder seeks to distance self

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Seems its inconvenient for her to be associated w/ the Tea Party now?

Fitz Blog:Tea party hangover

Ally Miller is running for county supervisor in the northwest and as far away from her beloved Tea Party as she can get. On Bill Buckmaster’s radio show she said critics who remind voters she was one of the original Pima County Tea Party Patriots are “juvenile” and engaging in “name-calling.” Her rejoinder caught my attention because “juvenile” and “name-calling” are the two attributes listed at the top of my resume.

Miller is embarrassed by her association with a movement that that has lost its marbles faster than Clint Eastwood lost his audience. Miller is embarrassed by her association with a horde that lost its mojo the way Phoenix’s Birtherpaloooza lost ticket sales and had to fold up its circus tent. (I'm sure Obama and his Kenyan ninjas are behind it.)


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