Former Top Obama Lawyer Says 'Impeach AGAIN' If Senate Acquits


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'From the grave', the ex-top lawyer for the criminal asshole who initiated the very 1st coup attempt and began the 4-year non-stop Democrat attempt to overturn the 2016 election results just declared if the Senate refuses to Impeach the President ... based on the House Democrats' inability to present a crime, to present evidence, and to call any actual witnesses ... the Senate should just IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT AGAIN!

:wtf: ?!

On 2nd thought...Great idea!

Instead of ACCEPTING DEFEAT / THE OUTCOME and getting on with doing their jobs of working for the American people, they should throw a tantrum, schedule another 'Scream At The Sky Day', then start all over again trying to remove the President from office for their own benefit, JUST AS THEY HAVE CONTINUOUSLY DONE OVER AND OVER AGAIN FOR THE LAST 4 YEARS!

"If the Senate doesn’t vote to convict Trump, or tries to monkey w his trial, he could of course be retried in the new Senate should he win re-election," tweeted Neal Katyal, who served as acting solicitor general under former President Obama."

Yes, the nation has not been divided enough by the self-serving Democrats and the bitter asshole who failed to prevent Trump from winning in 2016, failed to affect his coup, and had to, instead, sit back and watch as President Trump all but erased his Presidency from the record books.

Obama told the GOP after winning, 'Elections have consequences'. Who knew he meant 'non-stop undermining of the President, Sedition, and Coup attempts' IF A REPUBLICAN WINS / WON?!

It seems he 'fundamentally changed' the country - for the extreme worst - after all....and he and his lingering minions continue to try to do so...

Former top attorney for Obama suggests Dems should impeach Trump again if Senate acquits

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I don't believe people would stand for it. They're sick of this nonsense.

That said, I encourage the Democrats to do just that.
Obama, his minions, and Hillary are like herpes - once 'exposed' you can never get rid of them.
I heard this. It's sad to watch how some want to destroy the U.S system for their own interests. I can't imagine the rest of the West remaining free if USA followed this path
as we move closer to an actual shooting civil war democrats do this stupid shit again it may very well be the spark
The Democrats are obviously insane, like General Ripper in the movie "Dr. Strangelove." Instead of locking themselves in the office and rambling about paranoid theories about the Communists contaminating "our precious bodily fluids", they're seeing Russians everywhere, claiming their President is a "Russian agent", and trying to perpetrate a coup on him.

The Democrats truly have become unhinged, unstable, and dangerous, as far as I'm concerned...

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The following truly is starting to describe the Democrats all to well.
Democrats were entrusted with the House by the American people and they've squandered their opportunity with this circus. Now the American people should punish Democrats severely. They obviously haven't learned who the boss is.
I'm curious how the MSM would report on the dem's if they went thru the impeachment process again?
Would the dems keep voting on the same articles? They wouldn't have time for much else.
If they did that the Senate would be fully justified to vote on dismissal and just shit-can their articles.
McConnell wouldn't be held hostage for months going over the same shit at a "trial" instead of approving more judges and doing the countries' business.
At the time that I post this, not a single democrat, not even the really stupid ones (wasup candycorn) has bothered to comment on the idea of impeachment round 2. That pretty much tell you how bad an idea it is.
This is the kind of bullshit that makes it imperative to give Republicans the majority in the House. Trump has outperformed every President since Eisenhower with total resistance in the House. But every day, Democrats are making it harder for Trump to do our work. With a Republican House, we can truly make America great again. 4 more years of a do nothing Dem. House will transform this country into a bunch of unstable losers that even Trump won't be able to fix.
It’s time to change the law and rules for impeachment. It was never intended to be weaponized against our Democracy.

I believe only one change needs made and that is to require a 2/3rds majority to impeach.

There also needs to be automatic punishments for Congressmen who violate Due Process.

To promise ENDLESS Impeachment of an administration is just disgusting and Anti-American and is born of Hatred, Malice & Intolerance.

Nancy Pelosi is already going after Pence so that tells you that she wants to be installed as Emperor and Dictator. She should be run over by a bus for that!

'From the grave', the ex-top lawyer for the criminal asshole who initiated the very 1st coup attempt and began the 4-year non-stop Democrat attempt to overturn the 2016 election results just declared if the Senate refuses to Impeach the President ... based on the House Democrats' inability to present a crime, to present evidence, and to call any actual witnesses ... the Senate should just IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT AGAIN!

:wtf: ?!

On 2nd thought...Great idea!

Instead of ACCEPTING DEFEAT / THE OUTCOME and getting on with doing their jobs of working for the American people, they should throw a tantrum, schedule another 'Scream At The Sky Day', then start all over again trying to remove the President from office for their own benefit, JUST AS THEY HAVE CONTINUOUSLY DONE OVER AND OVER AGAIN FOR THE LAST 4 YEARS!
"If the Senate doesn’t vote to convict Trump, or tries to monkey w his trial, he could of course be retried in the new Senate should he win re-election," tweeted Neal Katyal, who served as acting solicitor general under former President Obama."

Yes, the nation has not been divided enough by the self-serving Democrats and the bitter asshole who failed to prevent Trump from winning in 2016, failed to affect his coup, and had to, instead, sit back and watch as President Trump all but erased his Presidency from the record books.

Obama told the GOP after winning, 'Elections have consequences'. Who knew he meant 'non-stop undermining of the President, Sedition, and Coup attempts' IF A REPUBLICAN WINS / WON?!

It seems he 'fundamentally changed' the country - for the extreme worst - after all....and he and his lingering minions continue to try to do so...

Former top attorney for Obama suggests Dems should impeach Trump again if Senate acquits

Our nation’s position as the leading democracy in the world relies on the belief that human beings....with all of their flaws....will, once elected to represent the people, act in good faith.

The refusal on the part of Republicans in Congress to acknowledge the clear and obvious wrongdoing of this president is an example of bad faith representation.

As has happened from time to time in our nation’s history, we are being tested. Let’s hope we pass.
It’s time to change the law and rules for impeachment. It was never intended to be weaponized against our Democracy.

I believe only one change needs made and that is to require a 2/3rds majority to impeach.

There also needs to be automatic punishments for Congressmen who violate Due Process.

To promise ENDLESS Impeachment of an administration is just disgusting and Anti-American and is born of Hatred, Malice & Intolerance.

Nancy Pelosi is already going after Pence so that tells you that she wants to be installed as Emperor and Dictator. She should be run over by a bus for that!

'From the grave', the ex-top lawyer for the criminal asshole who initiated the very 1st coup attempt and began the 4-year non-stop Democrat attempt to overturn the 2016 election results just declared if the Senate refuses to Impeach the President ... based on the House Democrats' inability to present a crime, to present evidence, and to call any actual witnesses ... the Senate should just IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT AGAIN!

:wtf: ?!

On 2nd thought...Great idea!

Instead of ACCEPTING DEFEAT / THE OUTCOME and getting on with doing their jobs of working for the American people, they should throw a tantrum, schedule another 'Scream At The Sky Day', then start all over again trying to remove the President from office for their own benefit, JUST AS THEY HAVE CONTINUOUSLY DONE OVER AND OVER AGAIN FOR THE LAST 4 YEARS!
"If the Senate doesn’t vote to convict Trump, or tries to monkey w his trial, he could of course be retried in the new Senate should he win re-election," tweeted Neal Katyal, who served as acting solicitor general under former President Obama."

Yes, the nation has not been divided enough by the self-serving Democrats and the bitter asshole who failed to prevent Trump from winning in 2016, failed to affect his coup, and had to, instead, sit back and watch as President Trump all but erased his Presidency from the record books.

Obama told the GOP after winning, 'Elections have consequences'. Who knew he meant 'non-stop undermining of the President, Sedition, and Coup attempts' IF A REPUBLICAN WINS / WON?!

It seems he 'fundamentally changed' the country - for the extreme worst - after all....and he and his lingering minions continue to try to do so...

Former top attorney for Obama suggests Dems should impeach Trump again if Senate acquits

I agree with 2/3rds majority vote for impeachment most everything else is 2/3rds majority why not impeachment? That why it would be a bi-partisan vote it would have to be.

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