Former Trump Campaign Aide and Staunch Pro-Life Advocate Charged With Receiving, Distributing, and Possessing Child Pornography

This man is extremely sick.

He worked for trump's reelection campaign.

The chat logs to a very sick chat room are included in the article.

Warning, if you read it, it's very disturbing.

Its shocking but not surprising to hear about republicans who are infected with the perverted sexual culture that liberals pioneered
Yeah but, guilt through association!

Odd how that didn't apply to the Lincoln Project neocon turds, though, innit?
Gay guy hit on young men, they declined, Lincoln Project told him to take a hike. end of story. No child pornography, no pedophiles. Shut your yap.
Not me, get rid of the scum, they Subject children to a life of hell and take away their innocence.
I don't believe in the death penalty. I agree with Dana7360. Put them in prison for life and let nature take its course.
He would most likely be murdered in prison. Problem solved.
so it's ok if they are MURDERED??? !!!!!! but don't you complain when police JUSTIFIABLY kill jackass criminals who do WORSE?? HYPOCRISY
pro-Obama's people want to KILL white people
Completely off topic - so start another thread!

This is the OP - are you fking serious?
No your not the OP and am I fking serious about what?
The OP being about a Trump supporting pedo and Harmonica replying with a post about an anti-Trump rally in Seatle. That is the same subject is it?
Are you drunk?

They just want to change the subject.

A republican who worked for trump who has been arrested for child porn, who proudly tells people he loves to rape babies, just isn't convenient for some republicans.

Especially when they post articles about the Lincoln Project person who sexted with adult men and try to pass it off as pedophilia.

This is a republican man who is proud that he loves to rape babies and young children so of course the trump people want to change the subject.

He is also a man who works to take reproductive rights from women.
Yea I get all that. What I don't quite get is a so called Mod first claiming to be the OP. And then claiming that both the topic of the thread and a rally in Seatle are remotely related.

That is just too bizarre.

But then when you're dealing with trump people, bizarre is the norm.
so it's ok if they are MURDERED??? !!!!!! but don't you complain when police JUSTIFIABLY kill jackass criminals who do WORSE??
Worse than raping an infant?
NO RAPE--pornography
Eric Garner THIRTY arrests
Floyd robbing a PREGNANT woman

--any --that's irrelevant to the point---you are ok with MURDER!!!!!!--you just said that...I am NOT ok with murder
This man is extremely sick.

He worked for trump's reelection campaign.

The chat logs to a very sick chat room are included in the article.

Warning, if you read it, it's very disturbing.

Typical! Be very suspicious of all right-wing puritanical religious types, they are the worst!

Kind of like social justice organizations whose path to restorative justice includes the punishment and/or death of white people.
I read it and stand by it. The death penalty is a punishment handed down to end the life of a person who has ruined others lives and is most like to continue his life the same if given the chance. You prefer murder.
State-sanctioned murder is still murder. You fuckers need to stop talking that crime family mob boss shit from the wrong side of the law as if it were some religion of salvation by grace.
so it's ok if they are MURDERED??? !!!!!! but don't you complain when police JUSTIFIABLY kill jackass criminals who do WORSE??
Worse than raping an infant?

Nothing worse, however with the death penalty we
The death penalty is a punishment handed down to end the life of a person who has ruined others lives and is most like to continue his life the same if given the chance.

No because the very definition of murder is unlawfully taking of another person’s life. So when the state authorizes death to a person, that makes the taking of one’s life legal, therefore it is not murder.
I read it and stand by it. The death penalty is a punishment handed down to end the life of a person who has ruined others lives and is most like to continue his life the same if given the chance. You prefer murder.
State-sanctioned murder is still murder. You fuckers need to stop talking that crime family mob boss shit from the wrong side of the law as if it were some religion of salvation by grace.

It isn’t murder by the very definition of murder. No salvation, no grace, no mob, it is the penalty for certain crimes.
I read it and stand by it. The death penalty is a punishment handed down to end the life of a person who has ruined others lives and is most like to continue his life the same if given the chance. You prefer murder.
State-sanctioned murder is still murder. You fuckers need to stop talking that crime family mob boss shit from the wrong side of the law as if it were some religion of salvation by grace.
but it's NOT state sanctioned murder ..state sanctioned JUSTICE
Not me, get rid of the scum, they Subject children to a life of hell and take away their innocence.
I don't believe in the death penalty. I agree with Dana7360. Put them in prison for life and let nature take its course.
He would most likely be murdered in prison. Problem solved.
so it's ok if they are MURDERED??? !!!!!! but don't you complain when police JUSTIFIABLY kill jackass criminals who do WORSE?? HYPOCRISY
I think I remember calling you the dumbest guy on the forum and you seem determined and never fail to prove me right.
You simply have no idea how to debate and continually fall into the trap.
What you should have said is "Yea the guy is an absolute disgrace but pedophilia isn't confined to any political allegiance and doesn't require any. We should also wait until he is actually convicted before passing judgment despite the apparent evidence, - innocent until proven guilty and all that!"
Had you said something like that I'd have thought fair enough but your behavior actually makes you sound like your saying as long as he's a Trump supporter his baby rape etc is acceptable. Is that what you're actually saying?
This man is extremely sick.

He worked for trump's reelection campaign.

The chat logs to a very sick chat room are included in the article.

Warning, if you read it, it's very disturbing.

Its shocking but not surprising to hear about republicans who are infected with the perverted sexual culture that liberals pioneered
Yeah but, guilt through association!

Odd how that didn't apply to the Lincoln Project neocon turds, though, innit?
Gay guy hit on young men, they declined, Lincoln Project told him to take a hike. end of story. No child pornography, no pedophiles. Shut your yap.
Why did they ask him to leave if he did nothing wrong?

the point is that libs - you for instance - are only triggered by the T-word

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