Former WCW announcer Chris Cruise is looking to block Ric Flair from getting a wrestling license for his comeback at 73 years old

Not age but health should be the determining factor. Owner of a construction company I did work for was in his 70s and still played sports like tennis and swimming events and competed with much younger people.
Flair was in the hospital and almost died last year. I'm not sure how smart it is for the Nature Boy to make a comeback.

I have a problem with 73 year old men calling themselves a "nature boy" as well.
He couldn't take multiple bumps ten years ago....Should stay on the ringside, like Arn and Tully.

His classic retirement match with HBK was the best, Flair should let that be his last match. He should make his come back as a manager working the crowd. I think it maybe a dud this time. People who have had a lot of success never know when it'stime to hang it up.

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