Formula shortage reveals GOP’s compassion for American babies, anger over nourished immigrant ones

Dole that homemade formula out to the illegals children then. Save the formula for our citizens.
You could but it is probably less convenient for people managing supplies going to incarcerated people. Regardless, babies are doing fine.
Kinda hard when a lot of women are working 9 to 5 because of the inflationary practices of the Dementicraps. Yeah, i know back in the 1950s only one person needed to work, while the other was there nurturing their children with love and teaching them about God, but Marxists cant have that, so their war on women commenced. Today, those Marxists cant even identify what a woman is anymore. Stupid fucks screw up everything.

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In the 1950s only low class women breastfed. It was what savage women did in National Geographic photos. Formula was mixed at home. I was not breastfed. I didn't allow my son to suck my tits either. It's an ugly, barbaric practice.

Notice that enemy democrats have no answer for two dads.
In Wokester World, it's abuse to feed your kids first before the ones whose parents broke into the house & claimed squatters rights.
Bold idea. Totally insane, but bold
In Hoaxster World, you pretend that immigrant kids need to be punished for the sins of their parents, so you create false narratives claiming that they are stealing food from American children In order to justify abusing them.

Pathetic … but affective in enraging the base.
In Hoaxster World, you pretend that immigrant kids need to be punished for the sins of their parents, so you create false narratives claiming that they are stealing food from American children In order to justify abusing them.

Pathetic … but affective in enraging the base.

When there is a shortage of anything some will get it and some won't. It's just a matter of who won't get it.

Why do you think American kids should be punished because they were born here and didn't have parents that invaded our country? After all if you are getting something amid a shortage, it means somebody is not getting what you got. So the question is why are American babies not getting something that a baby not belonging to this country did get because their parents invaded our country?

If you had limited food in your household, somebody broke in, would you offer food to them and allow your family to starve?
Babies are babies and within our borders they should all be treated the same. They are all “our babies”. We are collectively responsible for the the well being of all of them. (But then, I’m a leftist, I believe in a collective responsibility rather than a collective punishment) … if they are within our country. They didn’t make these choices.

No they are not all our babies. They are their babies. We are not responsible for them, the Communists are responsible for letting them in this country in the first place.

There are only two choices here: American babies first, or foreign babies first. You can't have both. You (as a leftist) exemplify my signature to a tee, and that's why your party is going to get killed in November. You prioritize invaders over your own people. They come first, Americans come last. That is the leftist priority agenda.
First of all, they aren’t suffering. What you are doing is pitting babies against babies because you hate illegal immigrants. No babies are suffering, parents are just being annoyingly inconvenienced in the short term. There are a lot of perfectly good options.

All this seems to be about is that some babies within our borders are less deserving than other babies, but it isn’t the baby’s fault.

If American babies weren't suffering this wouldn't be an issue now would it?
If the left is so concerned about the health of the babies of those who come here to cross the border illeaglly how about stop putting out policies that encourage them to make that thousands of miles journey which leaves the babies malnourished and endangers not just there health but life as well. Putting out policies that leads people to believe that if they can just get to the border they can cross no problem or questions is not compassion it is the height of cruelty.
Are kids political pawns then? Not people?
I guess they are if aliens bring them here illegally for political reasons and governments continue to defy their own mandates for existing and allow them to come in and break the law also for political reasons!

A far better solution is to turn them away at the border with whatever food and emergency care they need and tell them no thank you and let Mexico deal with them since they let them into THEIR country and thru to the USA-- -- we have a legal process for applying for immigration, and last I checked, the very definition of a Republic is a nation governed by LAWS.

Not excuses and exceptions.
Well...this hits the nail on the head, as indeed, for some, compassion is totally partisan and quite negotiable.

The baby formula shortage has led a number of Republicans to demonstrate their deep and abiding concern for the smallest among us, unless the "smallest" in question are ones Republicans don't want among us.
Texas Rep. Troy Nehls, for example, tenderly tweeted Thursday: "Baby formula should go to Americans before illegals. This should not have to be said."
Also not having to be said, apparently, is that undocumented children in U.S. care, by law, have to be fed. That and the whole "not feeding a baby is kind of wrong" thing, which in Nehls' mind must be morally negotiable.
Florida Rep. Kat Cammack, in a video posted on Facebook, said she is “so angry about this” fact that the government is giving food to infants in its care along the border. (I assume her anger is a form of love for all God’s children.)
“These are your tax dollars going to buy formula” for the immigrant babies, she said, before claiming without evidence that the babies she would like to see starve are also tragic victims of “violence and trafficking,” and calling President Joe Biden the “trafficker in chief.”
I mean, clearly it breaks Cammack’s heart to see these innocent infants harmed in any way, shape or form, and all she wants is for the government to immediately take away their food so they go hungry.
So clearly these Republicans are addressing the baby-formula shortage through the scriptural philosophy of: “All lives are precious, except these little immigrant whiners over here. They can pound sand.”

On Thursday, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the patron saint of logical consistency, said: “Food security is national security, and right now we have a food security crisis for the most vulnerable of Americans, the ones that we cherish the most, and that’s our babies.”
Yes. Our babies. But not other people’s babies, I guess.
I know some are going to see Greene’s concern about food insecurity as strange given that she and her Republican colleagues helped bring an end to the extended child-tax credit, which had lifted 3.7 million U.S. children out of poverty.

But were those really our children? Who's to say. Let’s assume they weren’t.
All it fucking shows is a hell of a lot of selfish bitches in America who cannot be bothered to breastfeed - even though it is COMMON KNOWLEDGE that it is by far the most healthy way to feed your child.

Every woman I ever knew who breastfed was a decent mother at least.
And every mother whom I knew who bottle fed their baby was a decent mother AT BEST.

Any woman who can breastfeed but chooses not to is a lazy mother...PERIOD.
Who cares more about themselves than their baby.

And save your stupid. ridiculous stories of all these fucking bitches you know who did not breast deed and were grwat mothers.
It means NOTHING to me.

Most of the people on this site are pathetic losers with IQ's below 100.
Their opinions are WORTHLESS.

And/or you are just simps.
I guess they are if aliens bring them here illegally for political reasons and governments continue to defy their own mandates for existing and allow them to come in and break the law also for political reasons!

A far better solution is to turn them away at the border with whatever food and emergency care they need and tell them no thank you and let Mexico deal with them since they let them into THEIR country and thru to the USA-- -- we have a legal process for applying for immigration, and last I checked, the very definition of a Republic is a nation governed by LAWS.

Not excuses and exceptions.
I would take all the aliens that want to come to the border over 99.99% all the old losers in this country.
Provided they had no criminal records and were under 40 and came over at a 1:1 ratio for every useless, old fart like you whom we through into 'Carousel'.
Old people like you are TOTALLY useless.
You take up valuable resources and give nothing back but your stupid, senile opinions.
At least aliens without criminal records can work and help this country.
You sure as shit cannot.
You are NOTHING but a drain.

I do NOT agree with letting aliens into America.
But I would gladly let those under 40 with no criminal record so long as every one we let in meant one of you wastes-of-flesh are thrown into 'Carousel'.
Especially if they are MAGA morons/racist slobs.

Bye now, useless, old fart.
Oh...I forgot again how deaf you old people are.

Well...this hits the nail on the head, as indeed, for some, compassion is totally partisan and quite negotiable.

The baby formula shortage has led a number of Republicans to demonstrate their deep and abiding concern for the smallest among us, unless the "smallest" in question are ones Republicans don't want among us.
Texas Rep. Troy Nehls, for example, tenderly tweeted Thursday: "Baby formula should go to Americans before illegals. This should not have to be said."
Also not having to be said, apparently, is that undocumented children in U.S. care, by law, have to be fed. That and the whole "not feeding a baby is kind of wrong" thing, which in Nehls' mind must be morally negotiable.
Florida Rep. Kat Cammack, in a video posted on Facebook, said she is “so angry about this” fact that the government is giving food to infants in its care along the border. (I assume her anger is a form of love for all God’s children.)
“These are your tax dollars going to buy formula” for the immigrant babies, she said, before claiming without evidence that the babies she would like to see starve are also tragic victims of “violence and trafficking,” and calling President Joe Biden the “trafficker in chief.”
I mean, clearly it breaks Cammack’s heart to see these innocent infants harmed in any way, shape or form, and all she wants is for the government to immediately take away their food so they go hungry.
So clearly these Republicans are addressing the baby-formula shortage through the scriptural philosophy of: “All lives are precious, except these little immigrant whiners over here. They can pound sand.”

On Thursday, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the patron saint of logical consistency, said: “Food security is national security, and right now we have a food security crisis for the most vulnerable of Americans, the ones that we cherish the most, and that’s our babies.”
Yes. Our babies. But not other people’s babies, I guess.
I know some are going to see Greene’s concern about food insecurity as strange given that she and her Republican colleagues helped bring an end to the extended child-tax credit, which had lifted 3.7 million U.S. children out of poverty.

But were those really our children? Who's to say. Let’s assume they weren’t.
We can't even provide enough baby formula for our own kids right now, the gov't is hoarding literally truck loads of formula for illegals and to ship to Ukraine.

Compassion? Give them a ride back to the border or a plane ticket home and let their home countries deal with their needs.

We've got an obligation to take care of American Citizens first.
Let’s see. Some women because of biology produce too little milk or they stop producing before the baby is fully weaned. Some mothers have to work so it makes it very hard to feed their infants on the job.
Some infants require more vitamins and or minerals then they can get from a mothers milk. Again because of biology.
But in tommy land, not based in reality, everyone and everything is just perfect
Few women can't produce eneough to feed their own kids and have you never heard of a Breast Pump?

Mothers managed just fine without commercial formula for many tens of thousands of years working a lot longer and harder than anyone does today.

Every study done says that breast feeding is the number one way to get your baby a healthy start in life and starts building a healthy immune system immediately, that's why it's recommended to if possible breast feed for at least 3-6 months.

No, it's not as convenient as buying it prepackaged and ready to go at the store but it is by far the healthiest option in the vast majority of cases.
Kinda hard when a lot of women are working 9 to 5 because of the inflationary practices of the Dementicraps. Yeah, i know back in the 1950s only one person needed to work, while the other was there nurturing their children with love and teaching them about God, but Marxists cant have that, so their war on women commenced. Today, those Marxists cant even identify what a woman is anymore. Stupid fucks screw up everything.

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They managed quite well in the forties when women made up the majority of the workforce during WWII.

Where there's a will there's a way.
Or....we could not play partisan politics with this issue..and that we should endeavor to feed all children irregardless of immigration status.

Using this shortage to advance a partisan political agenda is contemptible~
Odd democrats never think of this when we're discussing a mass shooting while there's still blood in the streets.

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