Formula shortage reveals GOP’s compassion for American babies, anger over nourished immigrant ones

Not every mother can breastfeed successfully and nobody keeps goats anymore.
Most can that is totally false. Meat and dairy goat production has increased several hundred times over in the last 30 years due to the large influx of Middle and East Asian immigrants to the US along with the green health food nuts who seem to think Goat's milk is sent straight from God.

Babies aren't going to starve for lack of formula in the US unless their mothers are too stupid or lazy to seek and use other options till the shortage is resolved.
Hold on…

Are you saying that Baby Formula should be first given to non-citizen mother’s and our own citizens should wait at the back of the bus?

What is wrong with the mother breast milk for those that are coming here illegally?

What about a wet nurse helping out?

I mean let take a moment Evil Eye and tell me why must American Citizens come second to someone that illegally came here?

How would you feel if that is your child that was legally born here but need the formula?

Now you will ask what is wrong with the Americans Citizen mother breast milk and why don’t they pay for a wet nurse and my answer is simple, the American Citizen come first over those that illegally came here…

They can go home if they want to and don’t deserve something that American mother’s need also!
The US doesn't want to stop illegals.
Up to 10,000 or slightly more on any given day.

How did they make it to he US alive if mothers didn't provide for them on the trip north?
The problems with baby formula and baby food is a production problem. The Manufacturers lobbied against stringent safety regulations.
Well...this hits the nail on the head, as indeed, for some, compassion is totally partisan and quite negotiable.

The baby formula shortage has led a number of Republicans to demonstrate their deep and abiding concern for the smallest among us, unless the "smallest" in question are ones Republicans don't want among us.
Texas Rep. Troy Nehls, for example, tenderly tweeted Thursday: "Baby formula should go to Americans before illegals. This should not have to be said."
Also not having to be said, apparently, is that undocumented children in U.S. care, by law, have to be fed. That and the whole "not feeding a baby is kind of wrong" thing, which in Nehls' mind must be morally negotiable.
Florida Rep. Kat Cammack, in a video posted on Facebook, said she is “so angry about this” fact that the government is giving food to infants in its care along the border. (I assume her anger is a form of love for all God’s children.)
“These are your tax dollars going to buy formula” for the immigrant babies, she said, before claiming without evidence that the babies she would like to see starve are also tragic victims of “violence and trafficking,” and calling President Joe Biden the “trafficker in chief.”
I mean, clearly it breaks Cammack’s heart to see these innocent infants harmed in any way, shape or form, and all she wants is for the government to immediately take away their food so they go hungry.
So clearly these Republicans are addressing the baby-formula shortage through the scriptural philosophy of: “All lives are precious, except these little immigrant whiners over here. They can pound sand.”

On Thursday, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the patron saint of logical consistency, said: “Food security is national security, and right now we have a food security crisis for the most vulnerable of Americans, the ones that we cherish the most, and that’s our babies.”
Yes. Our babies. But not other people’s babies, I guess.
I know some are going to see Greene’s concern about food insecurity as strange given that she and her Republican colleagues helped bring an end to the extended child-tax credit, which had lifted 3.7 million U.S. children out of poverty.

But were those really our children? Who's to say. Let’s assume they weren’t.
When faced with a shortage of sustenance that your child may need, you ensure that your child comes first. That's good parenting.
How is a baby "illegal" you fucking pig ?
It is a fucking crime to cross the American border without permission so therefore anybody that does it is "Illegal". It is a misdemeanor to do it once and felony to do it more than once.

All those shitheads are criminals.
Look to the manufacturers themselves if you want to assign blame and politicize this.
I know, we hear it all the time for you stupid asshole Libtards. It is never the fault of Potatohead. You always deny and blame it on somebody else. "Mababydidindunutin".

We have a major problem and Joe Potatohead ain't doing jackshit to fix it. Typical Potatohead incompetency and lack of priorities. No leadership. Instead of focusing on American children not having a supply of food the assholes is out giving speeches on Trump's Mega MAGA. Really?

Joe Potatohead is a worthless peice of shit and anybody that voted for him is a moron. We told you he was going to be worthless.
I know, we hear it all the time for you stupid asshole Libtards. It is never the fault of Potatohead. You always deny and blame it on somebody else. "Mababydidindunutin".

We have a major problem and Joe Potatohead ain't doing jackshit to fix it. Typical Potatohead incompetency and lack of priorities. No leadership. Instead of focusing on American children not having a supply of food the assholes is out giving speeches on Trump's Mega MAGA. Really?

Joe Potatohead is a worthless peice of shit and anybody that voted for him is a moron. We told you he was going to be worthless.
You're irrational, kid.
I know, we hear it all the time for you stupid asshole Libtards. It is never the fault of Potatohead. You always deny and blame it on somebody else. "Mababydidindunutin".

We have a major problem and Joe Potatohead ain't doing jackshit to fix it. Typical Potatohead incompetency and lack of priorities. No leadership. Instead of focusing on American children not having a supply of food the assholes is out giving speeches on Trump's Mega MAGA. Really?

Joe Potatohead is a worthless peice of shit and anybody that voted for him is a moron. We told you he was going to be worthless.
What would you like him to do that isn’t being done other than executing asylum seekers with two bullets to the brain?

  • More people are employed
  • We are producing more oil
  • Deficit is down
  • GDP is up
  • Company profits up
  • Housing is strong
The government doesn’t set prices. That’s the market. Blame companies.
In Hoaxster World, you pretend that immigrant kids need to be punished for the sins of their parents, so you create false narratives claiming that they are stealing food from American children In order to justify abusing them.

Pathetic … but affective in enraging the base.
Stealing food? Is reading comprehension beyond your skill set? Our govt is taking it and delivering it to illegals in the middle of a shortage.
Are you trying to claim there is no shortage because your argument for American kids last is both pathetic & infuriating.
Facts you don't approve are not a hoax proggy
Stealing food? Is reading comprehension beyond your skill set? Our govt is taking it and delivering it to illegals in the middle of a shortage.
Are you trying to claim there is no shortage because your argument for American kids last is both pathetic & infuriating.
Facts you don't approve are not a hoax proggy
Fact. The government isn’t “taking” anything. It purchases it like anyone else and does months in advance.

Once you get that through your thick skull, here is another fact. The government is legally required to provide a minimum standard of care to any children it has detained at the border. If it is important to you to be able to abuse those kids because their parents crossed the border illegally, then change the law.

In the meantime, no American children are starving due to this temporary shortage. They aren’t going hungry. Many are still able to get baby formula, which detained people are not able to do.
I guess they are if aliens bring them here illegally for political reasons and governments continue to defy their own mandates for existing and allow them to come in and break the law also for political reasons!

A far better solution is to turn them away at the border with whatever food and emergency care they need and tell them no thank you and let Mexico deal with them since they let them into THEIR country and thru to the USA-- -- we have a legal process for applying for immigration, and last I checked, the very definition of a Republic is a nation governed by LAWS.

Not excuses and exceptions.
Better? Turn them away like we did the St. Louis?

Asylum IS a LEGAL process.

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