Formula shortage reveals GOP’s compassion for American babies, anger over nourished immigrant ones

If we detain them we have the ethical duty to provide for them, simple as that. Forcibly returning them to their country is an option..but it's the Congress that makes that call.

Yes it is, and the commie led Congress decided to cater to foreign children over our own children. These people are paying money to our federal government so they can in turn give that formula to people that are here illegally, pay no taxes, and have no right to be here.
I'm all for giving illegal babies contaminated formula. Maybe they'll turn around and go home where they belong.
Jesus. You support punishing and possibly killing children and babies because of their parents? Didn’t you guys could get any lower But you blew past even that very modest marker.
Yes it is, and the commie led Congress decided to cater to foreign children over our own children. These people are paying money to our federal government so they can in turn give that formula to people that are here illegally, pay no taxes, and have no right to be here.
No one is catering to them. They are fulfilling a legal obligation to provide a minimum standard of care to incarcerated children.
A question equally worthy of asking the people who drag them here! For doesn't taking these kids in and feeding them also reward these people encouraging yet MORE be brought in the hope of using them to get their foot into the door of the USA?
Are kids political pawns then? Not people?
No one is catering to them. They are fulfilling a legal obligation to provide a minimum standard of care to incarcerated children.

Bull. When the babies of American parents have to suffer because of some illegals, they are catering to them. What about the minimum standards of American babies? Oh, that's right, they don't count. Some of them may not vote Democrat when they get older.
Parents have no right to come to my country illegally. This country admits more LEGAL immigrants than ALL of the rest of the countries of the world combined you fucking twat. Your useless piece of shit country admits less than we do in a single day. So fuck you.

That isn’t even close to true. The ten countries that take in the most:

S. Korea

#3 Spain, takes in half of what the US does, despite being a fraction of the size.

Germany takes in 1383580 to the US’s 1096611…and Germany is a fraction of our size.


(I was actually pretty surprised at some of the countries)
Bull. When the babies of American parents have to suffer because of some illegals, they are catering to them. What about the minimum standards of American babies? Oh, that's right, they don't count. Some of them may not vote Democrat when they get older.
First of all, they aren’t suffering. What you are doing is pitting babies against babies because you hate illegal immigrants. No babies are suffering, parents are just being annoyingly inconvenienced in the short term. There are a lot of perfectly good options.

All this seems to be about is that some babies within our borders are less deserving than other babies, but it isn’t the baby’s fault.
What does that have to do with the comment I responded to? The parents are responsible for their own babies, not American taxpayers. Our babies first.
Babies are babies and within our borders they should all be treated the same. They are all “our babies”. We are collectively responsible for the the well being of all of them. (But then, I’m a leftist, I believe in a collective responsibility rather than a collective punishment) … if they are within our country. They didn’t make these choices.
That isn’t even close to true. The ten countries that take in the most:

S. Korea

#3 Spain, takes in half of what the US does, despite being a fraction of the size.

Germany takes in 1383580 to the US’s 1096611…and Germany is a fraction of our size.


(I was actually pretty surprised at some of the countries)

Germany did that one time. All of those numbers you are quoting were one time influxes. We do those numbers every year.
Biden the Turnip in Chief should go and become President of Ukraine if he cares so much about that country and gives a fuck about American children! Shame on him and all his gangsters in this stolen Administration!

If babies don't have formula they are. BABIES!
Not really Skye. My generation had a formula made of condensed milk, karo syrup and water. That was what mother’s were advised to use and it worked.

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