Formula shortage reveals GOP’s compassion for American babies, anger over nourished immigrant ones

According to the Constitution, LIFE. That's why all of you demonic influenced pawns deny a fetus is a living human being.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

That is the only place where birth is mentioned. Nowhere does the Constitution mention rights given prior to birth or whether one is considered a person for Constitutional reasons prior to birth.

What I deny is that a fetus has a right to another person's body against that person's will.

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

That is the only place where birth is mentioned. Nowhere does the Constitution mention rights given prior to birth or whether one is considered a person for Constitutional reasons prior to birth.

What I deny is that a fetus has a right to another person's body against that person's will.
So you're denying science.
Thread title FOR ONCE is factual,
We do care more about American babies than those of the world and WE Certainly Do Not CARE LESS.
Yes. babies always tell their parents where to live. Fucking clown.

Parents have no right to come to my country illegally. This country admits more LEGAL immigrants than ALL of the rest of the countries of the world combined you fucking twat. Your useless piece of shit country admits less than we do in a single day. So fuck you.
I didnt realise that a baby could plan all of this. You need to snap up all these "illegal " babies becasue they are fucking well advanced.
Get some help you Fucking half wit.

Go piss up a rope you ignorant fuck. The parents shouldn't come here. They are committing a crime by doing so. The children being used as pawns by the parents are nothing more than an entry pass. Pissants, like you, don't give a shit for the native born children here, who are suffering because these parasites are infesting our country.
Hold on…

Are you saying that Baby Formula should be first given to non-citizen mother’s and our own citizens should wait at the back of the bus?

What is wrong with the mother breast milk for those that are coming here illegally?

What about a wet nurse helping out?

I mean let take a moment Evil Eye and tell me why must American Citizens come second to someone that illegally came here?

How would you feel if that is your child that was legally born here but need the formula?

Now you will ask what is wrong with the Americans Citizen mother breast milk and why don’t they pay for a wet nurse and my answer is simple, the American Citizen come first over those that illegally came here…

They can go home if they want to and don’t deserve something that American mother’s need also!
If we detain them we have the ethical duty to provide for them, simple as that. Forcibly returning them to their country is an option..but it's the Congress that makes that call.
Well...this hits the nail on the head, as indeed, for some, compassion is totally partisan and quite negotiable.

The baby formula shortage has led a number of Republicans to demonstrate their deep and abiding concern for the smallest among us, unless the "smallest" in question are ones Republicans don't want among us.
Texas Rep. Troy Nehls, for example, tenderly tweeted Thursday: "Baby formula should go to Americans before illegals. This should not have to be said."
Also not having to be said, apparently, is that undocumented children in U.S. care, by law, have to be fed. That and the whole "not feeding a baby is kind of wrong" thing, which in Nehls' mind must be morally negotiable.
Florida Rep. Kat Cammack, in a video posted on Facebook, said she is “so angry about this” fact that the government is giving food to infants in its care along the border. (I assume her anger is a form of love for all God’s children.)
“These are your tax dollars going to buy formula” for the immigrant babies, she said, before claiming without evidence that the babies she would like to see starve are also tragic victims of “violence and trafficking,” and calling President Joe Biden the “trafficker in chief.”
I mean, clearly it breaks Cammack’s heart to see these innocent infants harmed in any way, shape or form, and all she wants is for the government to immediately take away their food so they go hungry.
So clearly these Republicans are addressing the baby-formula shortage through the scriptural philosophy of: “All lives are precious, except these little immigrant whiners over here. They can pound sand.”

On Thursday, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the patron saint of logical consistency, said: “Food security is national security, and right now we have a food security crisis for the most vulnerable of Americans, the ones that we cherish the most, and that’s our babies.”
Yes. Our babies. But not other people’s babies, I guess.
I know some are going to see Greene’s concern about food insecurity as strange given that she and her Republican colleagues helped bring an end to the extended child-tax credit, which had lifted 3.7 million U.S. children out of poverty.

But were those really our children? Who's to say. Let’s assume they weren’t.
If Biden didn't open the border up, we wouldn't be having this problem.
If we detain them we have the ethical duty to provide for them, simple as that. Forcibly returning them to their country is an option..but it's the Congress that makes that call.
Again, Tommy Taint stated that our mother’s here in the Wtates should just breast feed their child, so tell me why can’t the illegal do the same with their kid?

Parents in this country should be put at the back of the bus for someone that came here illegally?

Is that the message the Democratic Party is sending and that is you need to wait because that mother who put her child in danger to get here come before you?
Again, Tommy Taint stated that our mother’s here in the Wtates should just breast feed their child, so tell me why can’t the illegal do the same with their kid?

Parents in this country should be put at the back of the bus for someone that came here illegally?

Is that the message the Democratic Party is sending and that is you need to wait because that mother who put her child in danger to get here come before you?
Dunno..not a Democrat. Dunno about Tommy's response--ask him?

There should be no 'back of the bus' and afaik that is not what is happening.
By feeding babies in custody we are meeting our responsibilities--How they got there and what country they came from has nothing to do with our duty.

BTW, formula, with limits, is on the shelves in my town. Helpful hint..powdered milk and protein powder works in a pinch~
Dunno..not a Democrat. Dunno about Tommy's response--ask him?

There should be no 'back of the bus' and afaik that is not what is happening.
By feeding babies in custody we are meeting our responsibilities--How they got there and what country they came from has nothing to do with our duty.

BTW, formula, with limits, is on the shelves in my town. Helpful hint..powdered milk and protein powder works in a pinch~

Bullshit. When Trump was our President we didn't have to worry about that as immigrants were forced to stay in Mexico until their court date, and it was the parents problem how to feed their kids.

Yes, in our country our children come first. If you don't like it, don't come here with your kid. Name me one country that would choose feeding a baby who's parents broke the law by invading over their own children.
Dunno..not a Democrat. Dunno about Tommy's response--ask him?

There should be no 'back of the bus' and afaik that is not what is happening.
By feeding babies in custody we are meeting our responsibilities--How they got there and what country they came from has nothing to do with our duty.

BTW, formula, with limits, is on the shelves in my town. Helpful hint..powdered milk and protein powder works in a pinch~
Well why isn’t the U.S. Government not using powder milk and protein powder?

See you are quick to tell the U.S. citizen they need to wait their turn and yet the U.S. Government could tell the illegal alien to breast feed their kid like Tommy said or do as you wrote…

I guess the voter doesn’t matter and they need to ride the back of the bus and the GOP should get sly and ask Black mother’s why they have to wait for formula or do as you wrote or breast feed while Illegals get the formula?
This despicable shit with American children not getting the nutrition they need but the goddamn Illegals getting everything they need just shows the convoluted priorities of the filthy Potatohead administration.

Anybody that voted for him is an idiot.

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