Formula shortage reveals GOP’s compassion for American babies, anger over nourished immigrant ones

Well...this hits the nail on the head, as indeed, for some, compassion is totally partisan and quite negotiable.

The baby formula shortage has led a number of Republicans to demonstrate their deep and abiding concern for the smallest among us, unless the "smallest" in question are ones Republicans don't want among us.
Texas Rep. Troy Nehls, for example, tenderly tweeted Thursday: "Baby formula should go to Americans before illegals. This should not have to be said."
Also not having to be said, apparently, is that undocumented children in U.S. care, by law, have to be fed. That and the whole "not feeding a baby is kind of wrong" thing, which in Nehls' mind must be morally negotiable.
Florida Rep. Kat Cammack, in a video posted on Facebook, said she is “so angry about this” fact that the government is giving food to infants in its care along the border. (I assume her anger is a form of love for all God’s children.)
“These are your tax dollars going to buy formula” for the immigrant babies, she said, before claiming without evidence that the babies she would like to see starve are also tragic victims of “violence and trafficking,” and calling President Joe Biden the “trafficker in chief.”
I mean, clearly it breaks Cammack’s heart to see these innocent infants harmed in any way, shape or form, and all she wants is for the government to immediately take away their food so they go hungry.
So clearly these Republicans are addressing the baby-formula shortage through the scriptural philosophy of: “All lives are precious, except these little immigrant whiners over here. They can pound sand.”

On Thursday, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the patron saint of logical consistency, said: “Food security is national security, and right now we have a food security crisis for the most vulnerable of Americans, the ones that we cherish the most, and that’s our babies.”
Yes. Our babies. But not other people’s babies, I guess.
I know some are going to see Greene’s concern about food insecurity as strange given that she and her Republican colleagues helped bring an end to the extended child-tax credit, which had lifted 3.7 million U.S. children out of poverty.

But were those really our children? Who's to say. Let’s assume they weren’t.
Dumb-ass even by liberal standards.
You really are a sick fuck. What shuld the baby have done to gain your approval you sick fuck ?
Says the sick fuck who puts his dick in another man's ass. HIV is just right for someone like you.
Both of you please stop with the nonsense of abusing each other.

Tommy you stated a mother breast milk is better for the child, so why can’t the illegal alien breast feed her kid?

Let think about what you wrote and apply it correctly…
Well I said that most women didnt need it. Maybe if you could read you would have spotted that you thick fucker.
Lol. Way to go revert to the standard four letter name calling that seems to be the go to of some that have problems with words.
exactly how many women do you know that can afford to stay home without a paycheck?
I would think you know very few women little own those that can stay home and not work
So if you reversed that and said most women need formula you would have been correct
Mothers with babies should be working from home so they can nurse them. They also should have prepared to nurse by improving their own health.
How many burger flipping jobs are work from home? How many waitress jobs are work from home? Do you need me to continue to list jobs that are not work at home?
Health is not the only factor. Biology plays a potion in that.
Come on Westwall - what choice do those children have? Why punish them?

A question equally worthy of asking the people who drag them here! For doesn't taking these kids in and feeding them also reward these people encouraging yet MORE be brought in the hope of using them to get their foot into the door of the USA?
How many burger flipping jobs are work from home? How many waitress jobs are work from home? Do you need me to continue to list jobs that are not work at home?
If a woman should wait to have kids until she can properly care for them.
Health is not the only factor. Biology plays a potion in that.
I know, I'm a student of health and biology.
Well...this hits the nail on the head, as indeed, for some, compassion is totally partisan and quite negotiable.

The baby formula shortage has led a number of Republicans to demonstrate their deep and abiding concern for the smallest among us, unless the "smallest" in question are ones Republicans don't want among us.
Texas Rep. Troy Nehls, for example, tenderly tweeted Thursday: "Baby formula should go to Americans before illegals. This should not have to be said."
Also not having to be said, apparently, is that undocumented children in U.S. care, by law, have to be fed. That and the whole "not feeding a baby is kind of wrong" thing, which in Nehls' mind must be morally negotiable.
Florida Rep. Kat Cammack, in a video posted on Facebook, said she is “so angry about this” fact that the government is giving food to infants in its care along the border. (I assume her anger is a form of love for all God’s children.)
“These are your tax dollars going to buy formula” for the immigrant babies, she said, before claiming without evidence that the babies she would like to see starve are also tragic victims of “violence and trafficking,” and calling President Joe Biden the “trafficker in chief.”
I mean, clearly it breaks Cammack’s heart to see these innocent infants harmed in any way, shape or form, and all she wants is for the government to immediately take away their food so they go hungry.
So clearly these Republicans are addressing the baby-formula shortage through the scriptural philosophy of: “All lives are precious, except these little immigrant whiners over here. They can pound sand.”

On Thursday, Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the patron saint of logical consistency, said: “Food security is national security, and right now we have a food security crisis for the most vulnerable of Americans, the ones that we cherish the most, and that’s our babies.”
Yes. Our babies. But not other people’s babies, I guess.
I know some are going to see Greene’s concern about food insecurity as strange given that she and her Republican colleagues helped bring an end to the extended child-tax credit, which had lifted 3.7 million U.S. children out of poverty.

But were those really our children? Who's to say. Let’s assume they weren’t.
I get it!

Aborted infants are dead babies and dead babies don't need formula.

Pity there was no family tradition but maybe it's not too late to start one?

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