Fort Hood shooting suspect draws $278K while soldier victims struggle for pay


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
So we pay this scum while Obama and his administration can't even classify this as a terrorist act so our real soldiers can be paid:evil:


Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army psychiatrist, has been charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder in the November 2009 attack at Fort Hood, Texas

Just because Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, the Fort Hood shooting suspect, is behind bars awaiting trial for the November 2009 shooting deaths of 13 doesn’t mean he isn’t making money.

The suspect continued to draw more than $278,000 in military salary, in line with Department of Defense policies that require pay to continue until a guilty verdict is rendered. Had Maj. Hasan, a psychiatrist, been a civilian employee working at the military base, his pay could have been suspended after seven days, NBC reported.

The shooting also injured 32. And while Maj. Hasan draws his officer-rank salary, those on the injured list he is suspected of shooting are fighting to get pay and medical benefits that normally are afforded combat wounded, NBC reported. That’s because the Army hasn’t classified the shooting as “combat-related,” an important designation that frees up combat pay coffers, NBC said. It also opens the doors to recognition of survivors and victims with the Purple Heart and retirement medical benefits.

Instead, the Army has called the Fort Hood shootings an act of “workplace violence,”

Fort Hood shooting suspect draws $278K in jail while soldier victims struggle for pay - Washington Times
I could understand it if a military member was accused of a crime and was pleading not guilty. We wouldn't want to stop the pay of an innocent person.

Is there any question here that this loser did the shooting? We have many witnesses and the guy hasn't denied it.

We need to call those shootings what they were- a terrorist attack. It wasn't just workplace violence and some guy upset that he lost his job. This guy indicated that it was connected to radical Islam when he yelled Allah.

But, in this politically correct world, we wouldn't want to insult the piece of shit who hated Americans enough to kill them.
You can't just change the laws and policies to affect whoever you want however you want, or else you're going to face the same sort of thing happening when you don't want it to.

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