Fort Hood Victims – Five Years Later


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Not the least bit of help from Obama and his administration. Okay, so this comes from Sean Hannity's website and will automatically infuriate all leftists. But, who cares? The headline and story speaks for itself. Maybe the new Congress will set this right.

Fort Hood Victims Release Scathing Statement on 5 Yr Anniversary

Read more: Fort Hood Victims Release Scathing Statement on 5 Yr Anniversary The Sean Hannity Show

The VA page on the Purple Heart says:

Executive Order 12464 signed by President Ronald Reagan in February 1984, authorized award of the Purple Heart as a result of terrorist attacks or while serving as part of a peacekeeping force subsequent to March 28, 1973. The 1998 National Defense Authorization Act removed civilians from the list of personnel eligible for the medal.

Notice that it says "terrorist attacks" So, if the Obama administration changes "workplace violence" to what it actually was, those wounded and killed would be eligible. And they would therefore be eligible for benefits as shown in
But don't you get it, even though the shooter preached jihad, had connections to terrorists imams, carried a card that he handed out that said warrior for jihad, and shouted praise allah when he was shooting....?

It was obviously a case of work place violence brought on the stress of not being deployed overseas....

What don't you get....?
Disability retirement is sometimes called Chapter 61 retirement, since the law governing such a retirement is in Chapter 61 of title 10 United States Code. Members who have been determined to be unfit for duty with a disability rated by the military Service as 30% or greater are eligible for disability retirement. A member whose condition is not stable may be placed on the temporary disability retired list (TDRL) for up to five years at which point they must be either discharged, retired or returned to duty. Members whose condition has stabilized at a disability rating of 30% or higher may be placed on the permanent disability retired list (PDRL).
Veterans who do not receive military retirement pay are still eligible to file a Service Connected Disability Compensation Claim with the VA.

There are certain criteria that allow Veterans to receive both military retirement pay and VA Service Connected Disability Compensation. The following link explains who is eligible.

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