Fort Parasite

Like I said all along, it was always about background checks:

Sen. Jeff Flake, Arizona Republican, said Sunday that universal background checks on all gun sales are “a bridge too far for most of us” as Democrats try to cobble together a package that can win 60 votes in the Senate.

Sen. Jeff Flake: Universal background checks 'a bridge too far'
By David Sherfinski - The Washington Times
March 31, 2013, 11:49AM

Sen. Jeff Flake: Universal background checks 'a bridge too far' - Washington Times

The book on this one says Senator Flake will be joined by enough senators to stop this latest attack on the Second Amendment. Maybe this time around Democrats will get the message. Try repealing the Second Amendment if you want to disarm law-abiding Americans.
Jeremiah -

Mindless puppets that go along with whatever the Commie in chief says because they checked their brains at the door when they joined him in destroying America

If you are going to post things like, you should also explain where you left your own brain, because it clearly isn't functioning here.

You are not qualified to judge my abilities, Saigon. I've read your posts. Not much substance.

- Jeremiah
I hope to fuck that you're the first person the black helicopters land on.

Spoken like a true Nazi SS troop to a jew.

seriously... It is people like her and mememe that I can picture as SS women brutalising Jewish women in death camps of Hitler.. It is like I have to hold my nose to try to snatch her from the fire ( Jude 1 ) she's so filthed up in this nazi feces. My flesh despises her while my conscience tells me I must realise but for the grace of God I could be like her. Nevertheless... Its repulsive to see a human soul in such a wretched state. I'm horrified. - J.
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In plain English, the commander in chief ordering the regular army to slaughter Americans is not a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act so long as military operations against Americans are commanded by dual officers; i.e., officers holding commissions in both forces.

Bottom line: Officers in the Reserve Corps becoming officers in the regular army effectively administers the coup de grâce to the Posse Comitatus Act.

Some of the stuff in this article needs more proof, but the history of P. C. is right on point:[/B]

U.S. Military To Assault U.S. Citizens: 1878 Posse Comitatus Act Destroyed

Untitled Document

I guess that whole yellow ribbon magnetic "Support Our Troops" bumper sticker stuff was all a big sham, eh?

In reality, all you fuckheads HATE Our Troops.

Well, fuck you too, you flag pin wearing little piece of shit. Put down the Ritalin and come up out of your mother's basement and get some air into that oxygen-deprived walnut you call a brain.

You little *****, sitting there, drinking the fucking piss being poured for you, denigrating the fuck out of the men and women who have been doing five, six, seven fucking combat tours in shitholes on the other side of the world for the past ten years, getting shot at, maimed, and killed. You fucking little fuck. How dare you! You little piece of shit coward motherfucker.

Have you NO shame?
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Alex Jones has pole vaulted to the number one position on my List Of People To Gut Punch On Sight.
Unless they rewrite the Constitution, Flanders, there is no reason for any american to agree to a universal background check or any other type of "check" because that is a violation of our rights. Gun registration is what Hitler did right before he told the citizens of Germany and Austria ( not just Jews but ALL citizens ) to turn in all their weapons or face capitol punishment. ( death sentence ) So the citizens trusted Hitler and everyone turned their guns in. We see how that went. ( google Kitty Werthmann story on How Hitler confiscated all firearms in 1945 right after forced registration. This is why SALON left wing rag is trying so hard to rewrite history claiming Hitler "only took guns from the Jews"...... actually their arguement gave me the creeps as I realised that outfits such as SALON would probably be the very type people to run propaganda for Hitler knowing full well the anti semitic and anti christian hatred it produces ( just as they are doing for Obama admin today it appears ) and not give it a second thought. Mindless puppets that go along with whatever the Commie in chief says because they checked their brains at the door when they joined him in destroying America. - Jeremilah

Jeremiah, you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to derail teh crazee thread, not egg teh loony on.

I'm praying for you, Grandma. Because your problem is moral insanity. You are racing towards hell at 200 mph as if it were heaven with no sign of turning around.

You glory in what is shameful and exalt what is shameful as if it is something to be glorified. You condemn the righteous and those who speak right about a matter. You are utterly confused, lost and on your way to hell in a handbasket. You need prayer.

I would like to ask others reading this to also pray for you. To pray that whatever it takes, WHATEVER it takes, that God would do it in order to save your soul from hell. Even if he has to allow you to end up in a wheel chair to wake you up I pray he will do it so that you don't end up able bodied in hell. Whatever it takes. That is my prayer for you and I'll keep praying it until I get the news its done. Keep us updated. - Jeremiah

Your "god" has orange hair and a red nose. His emissary is Alex Jones.

I have an idea - why don't you see if one of your local psychiatrists will "pray" with you.
I guess that whole yellow ribbon magnetic "Support Our Troops" bumper sticker stuff was all a big sham, eh?

In reality, all you fuckheads HATE Our Troops.

Well, fuck you too, you flag pin wearing little piece of shit. Put down the Ritalin and come up out of your mother's basement and get some air into that oxygen-deprived walnut you call a brain.

You little *****, sitting there, drinking the fucking piss being poured for you, denigrating the fuck out of the men and women who have been doing five, six, seven fucking combat tours in shitholes on the other side of the world for the past ten years, getting shot at, maimed, and killed. You fucking little fuck. How dare you! You little piece of shit coward motherfucker.

Have you NO shame?

To g5000: Don’t wrap yourself in the flag with me you foul-mouth halfwit. Read my comments in this thread over and over again, especially #3 permalink, until you understand the difference between defending this country in foreign lands and making war on Americans as Hussein & Company are planning.
There is a reason why the grandma poster and this G5000 person attack so viciously, Flanders. They have no grounds on which to debate the facts because the facts point out just how badly they have been deceived. Their delusions are all they have. If reality ever sinks in, they're through! lol.... - Jeremiah
Jeremiah, you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to derail teh crazee thread, not egg teh loony on.

I'm praying for you, Grandma. Because your problem is moral insanity. You are racing towards hell at 200 mph as if it were heaven with no sign of turning around.

You glory in what is shameful and exalt what is shameful as if it is something to be glorified. You condemn the righteous and those who speak right about a matter. You are utterly confused, lost and on your way to hell in a handbasket. You need prayer.

I would like to ask others reading this to also pray for you. To pray that whatever it takes, WHATEVER it takes, that God would do it in order to save your soul from hell. Even if he has to allow you to end up in a wheel chair to wake you up I pray he will do it so that you don't end up able bodied in hell. Whatever it takes. That is my prayer for you and I'll keep praying it until I get the news its done. Keep us updated. - Jeremiah

Your "god" has orange hair and a red nose. His emissary is Alex Jones.

I have an idea - why don't you see if one of your local psychiatrists will "pray" with you.

Thanks but if it is all the same to you, I'll pray for you as I've already said I would. You need it whether you realise it or not. - Jeremiah
I hope to fuck that you're the first person the black helicopters land on.

Spoken like a true communist hater. Satan must be so proud of you. :clap2:

- Jeremiah

You're an expert on communism and satan? I'm surprised you get that in home school.

Carry on.

You'd be surprised at what homeschoolers are being taught. They study the true history of Karl Marx and his upbringing - the true roots of Progressive movement which began in Europe - they study American law and how it is changing - they are masters at the constitution and using it to defend their rights.

They outrank public school and private school students GPA across the nation. I was a judge for homeschool debates in our city and was astounded to find students very young in age studying Latin. I have three grown children - one graduated suma cum laude the other magna and neither can speak Latin. Third isn't finished yet.

The homeschoolers are debating subjects such as whether or not civil asset forfeiture is a violation of our constitution. lol.... they are brilliant. I'm not kidding. Just wait until America meets this generation of homeschoolers. Are they in for a shock!! I can't wait!

There is a reason why the grandma poster and this G5000 person attack so viciously, Flanders. They have no grounds on which to debate the facts because the facts point out just how badly they have been deceived. Their delusions are all they have. If reality ever sinks in, they're through! lol.... - Jeremiah

To Jeremiah: The worst of it is that they are touchy-feely half-wits saving the wrong world.

You'd be surprised at what homeschoolers are being taught. They study the true history of Karl Marx and his upbringing - the true roots of Progressive movement which began in Europe - they study American law and how it is changing - they are masters at the constitution and using it to defend their rights.

They outrank public school and private school students GPA across the nation. I was a judge for homeschool debates in our city and was astounded to find students very young in age studying Latin. I have three grown children - one graduated suma cum laude the other magna and neither can speak Latin. Third isn't finished yet.

The homeschoolers are debating subjects such as whether or not civil asset forfeiture is a violation of our constitution. lol.... they are brilliant. I'm not kidding. Just wait until America meets this generation of homeschoolers. Are they in for a shock!! I can't wait!


To Jeremiah: Right on. I would add that homeschooling is feared by Socialists because they can’t put their garbage into the heads of home schooled kids. Look at what European Socialists are up to if you want to see where American Socialists are heading:

This article will interest you in relation to homeschooling:

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