Fort Parasite

It is terrifying to think that tinfoil hat wearing fundamentalists are allowed to have children, let alone home brainwash them.
Yeah, too bad they can't all be little wind-up liberals, spouting the politically correct talking points like you.

Children should be allowed to think for themselves, and part of being able to do so is attending an excellent school. It does not help children to lock them away from reality and indoctrinate them with fundamentalist gibberish.

Finland ranks #1 in the world for education, btw.

Children should be allowed to think for themselves, and part of being able to do so is attending an excellent school. It does not help children to lock them away from reality and indoctrinate them with fundamentalist gibberish.

Finland ranks #1 in the world for education, btw.
Yeah, too bad they aren't allowed to think for themselves in the public schools (unless they regurgitate the liberal political correctness being shoved down their throats and up their asses).

The people who complain most about children not being encouraged to think are those people whose political views are so fantastically extreme that no school would ever want to teach their poitical views as being anything but humour.

Extremists need to be honest about their own extremism - and let their kids make up their own minds.

The people who complain most about children not being encouraged to think are those people whose political views are so fantastically extreme that no school would ever want to teach their poitical views as being anything but humour.

Extremists need to be honest about their own extremism - and let their kids make up their own minds.
The liberals are the extremists, and you make that point better than anyone here.
It is terrifying to think that tinfoil hat wearing fundamentalists are allowed to have children, let alone home brainwash them.

To Saigon: It is more terrifying when people like you deny parents the Right to raise and EDUCATE their children as they see fit, yet your kind gives undying support to Socialist fundamentalists irrespective of the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; . . .

Socialists not only established socialism as a state religion, they prohibit the free exercise of religion to everyone else.

You’re much too stupid to learn; so these two links are for anyone who is interested in learning a bit about Socialists and children:


. . . on October 17, 1979, President Jimmy Carter signed into law the Department of Education Organization Act, the U.S. Department of Education began operating on May 4, 1980, and things started to change.


In 1979 the Office of Education had 3,000 employees and an annual budget of $12 billion. In 2013 the Department of Education (DOE), with a cabinet level position, has 5,000 employees and a budget of $69.8 billion.


Republicans opposed the elevation of the DOE to cabinet level status as unconstitutional, . . .

Department of Education
Common Core and CSCOPE Education
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
Monday, April 1, 2013

Common Core and CSCOPE Education

And this brief followup:

With all eyes trained expectantly on the latest Obama executive order; with the definition of one man, one woman marriage being rewritten by the Supreme Court, progressives in office have been working out the details to come up with a way to capture your children.

Millions of parents with school-age children will never know their children have been captured and led away. The name of the program set up for the kidnap of all time is so innocent sounding: Common Core. But in typical Marxist fashion, the name can be morphed into a myriad of others when it becomes expedient to keep parents in the dark.

Only parents can set their children free from Common Core indoctrination
Judi McLeod Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Only parents can set their children free from Common Core indoctrination
Flanders -

I believe all children deserve a right to excellent schooling - with no politics involved.

You know and I know that the only reason you would home school is to indoctrinate children. Of course you might claim every other child in America is indoctrinated and yours are not - but you know as well as I do that in reality your childrens thinking would be poisoned with hatred and paranoia from Day One.

btw. I know this is obvious, but I AM NOT a socialist. Try and remember that.
Flanders -

I believe all children deserve a right to excellent schooling - with no politics involved.

To Saigon: What do you call forcing socialism on children if not politics?

You know and I know that the only reason you would home school is to indoctrinate children.

To Saigon: I know no such thing. Homeschooling includes not letting socialism’s garbage get into the minds of young children. This excerpt from Dr. Johnson’s article I linked in #46 permalink touches on the damage Socialist education does deliberately:

I did not fully comprehend how brainwashed my college students were by previous teachers until I tried to tell them what life and education were like under communism and none of them believed me, they were laughing! I stopped telling any stories about communism, it was an exercise in futility. The damage to these young people’s minds was so profound, not even direct contact with someone who actually lived under communism persuaded them. Why not?

Children were very impressionable and looked up to their elementary, middle, and high school teachers so much that once they got to college, they were already exposed to a heavy dose of “socialism, social justice, equity are grand” indoctrination. Most parents had no idea what their teachers inculcated into their children’s sponge-like brains. They were too busy making a living to care, some of them were ignorant themselves, even those with college degrees, or the teachers cleverly disguised what they were doing in the classroom.

Of course you might claim every other child in America is indoctrinated and yours are not - but you know as well as I do that in reality your childrens thinking would be poisoned with hatred and paranoia from Day One.

To Saigon: It is the people you defend who gave this country the Culture of Death. If teaching children the things Socialists initiate in the public schools do not end in pure hatred and paranoia aimed at everyone who objects, I don’t know what else I can say.

Incidentally, no organized religion ever slaughtered 50 million —— AND COUNTING —— infants in the womb. In addition to infanticide the people you defend suggest this:

Planned Parenthood lobbies for 'post-birth abortion'
Lawmakers told mother's 'choice' to let babies die on table
Published: 5 days ago

Planned Parenthood lobbies for ?post-birth abortion?

btw. I know this is obvious, but I AM NOT a socialist. Try and remember that.

To Saigon: I define my opposites by the majority of positions they advocate. If they walk like ducks, talk like ducks, they must be ducks. A Socialist duck in your case.
Loud wrote: No doubt they will start in rural areas to push people into the cities.

Granny says...

... Ya mean like the Chinamens?
Leadership by slight-of-hand politics.

They keep the imbeciles focused on guns, god, and gays while they systematically rip off the nation.
To Saigon: I define my opposites by the majority of positions they advocate.

No, you don't.

Your own incredibly extremism makes any reading of other people's positions impossible. To you, damn near everyone looks like a Socialist, whereas in practice there are perhaps 1, possibly 2 Socialists on this board.

The extremism here is yours - not everyone else's.
Leadership by slight-of-hand politics.

They keep the imbeciles focused on guns, god, and gays while they systematically rip off the nation.

To editec: I agree if you mean Democrats, the media and the parasite class.

To Saigon: I define my opposites by the majority of positions they advocate.

No, you don't.

Your own incredibly extremism makes any reading of other people's positions impossible. To you, damn near everyone looks like a Socialist, whereas in practice there are perhaps 1, possibly 2 Socialists on this board.

The extremism here is yours - not everyone else's.

To Saigon: Barry Goldwater said this in 1964:

[ame=]Barry Goldwater: "Extremism in the defense of liberty..." - YouTube[/ame]​

Senator Goldwater’s observation turned out to be a prophecy. The liberties guaranteed in the Constitution have been diminished considerably since 1964, and the Socialists are not yet finished. Naturally, anybody speaking up for those constitutional liberties is an extremist to liberals.

As to virtue. Goldwater did not quite understand the twisted sick logic of his opponents. They have been pursuing their version of virtue that is by legislating love. There is no form of political extremism more vile than that.

Today, there is ample proof showing that Goldwater was ahead of his time. If he could return and say the same thing in 2016 he would win the presidency in a landslide. Proof: Look at half-ass Republicans like John McCain and Mitt Romney. McCain, a legitimate war hero could not beat a Chicago sewer rat, nor could Romney. Even the Bush presidencies did nothing to restore the liberties the welfare state stole up to that time. The theft continues; so a little “Extremism in the defense of liberty” is called for.

Incidentally, scratch a liberal and you’ll uncover a person who thinks America’s Founders were extremists. I’d go so far as to say they would have fought on England’s side in America’s War for Independence.
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Flanders I meant anybody who is focused on those issues regardless of the side they take.

Those issues are the political sleights of hand that keep us from watching the MASTERS pull our rabbits out of the hat, amigo.

they do not give a flyuing fuck about ANY of those issues.

But they know that many of us do, ergo they create tension to keep us occupied with TRIFLES.

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