FOUR HUNDRED Surface-to-air Missiles Stolen -Benghazi

Surface-to-air missiles stolen in Libya may come into hands of Al Qaeda




However, the fact that the missiles have been stolen is not the worse thing in this story. Joe DiGenova claims that they were stolen on the same night when Libyan terrorists attacked the US embassy in Benghazi – September 11, 2012.

“We had troops ready to deploy in Croatia to go (to Benghazi) that night to rescue Americans,” DiGenova said in in interview with a Washington, D.C. radio station. “We have learned that one of the reasons the administration is so deeply concerned – we have been told there were 400 surface-to-air missiles stolen, and that they are or about in the hands of many people.”


Political observer Phil Greaves writes: “The Libyan weapons route to Syria
Read more: Surface-to-air missiles stolen in Libya may come into hands of Al Qaeda - News - World - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video

Let's be honest...they were shoulder fired missiles...unlike the type depicted in the photo. Nonetheless, the terrorists reaped a grand harvest from this attack. Hillary doesn't care who stole them. What difference does it make? Her goal is to move on and forget that it happened...and forget that she lied about the help with the re-election of our Liar in Chief. Liberals are well practiced at lying their way into office.
Where the hell were you when Rice trotted out on every talk show and said the attack was a demonstration in response to a video?? Cover up big time.

Shit. Where the hell were you when it was revealed that there were many requests from the embassy for beefed up security. Security that was needed because of threats. The Brits and the Red Cross pulled out because of those threats and Hillary's State Department did nothing, nada, zip. Four good men died because of they're incompetence. Once again they tried to blame it on a video. Not a cover up??

Apparantly you only recognize a cover up when a Rep is POTUS.

As for Hillary as POTUS. Better hope not. If the way she handled Benghazi is any indication she's as much of a fuck up as the current jackass in chief.

It was a "Cover Up" that lasted all of Three Days.


Its a cover up thats still going on. Look at all those missing missles, all those CIA guys who were on the ground.

All those NDA's and polygraphs and the fact that none of the survivors have been allowed to speak.

Sounds like a monumental cover up to me. Of course if Bush were POTUS you would see the cover up but since its your boy Barry there is no cover up and no scandal.

Blind much??
Where the hell were you when Rice trotted out on every talk show and said the attack was a demonstration in response to a video?? Cover up big time.
Where were you when the witch hunt revealed that the CIA gave her the talking points?

Shit. Where the hell were you when it was revealed that there were many requests from the embassy for beefed up security. Security that was needed because of threats. The Brits and the Red Cross pulled out because of those threats and Hillary's State Department did nothing, nada, zip. Four good men died because of they're incompetence. Once again they tried to blame it on a video. Not a cover up??
Where were you when it was revealed that the Republicans in Congress denied funding for more security in Benghazi?

Apparantly you only recognize a cover up when a Rep is POTUS.
I ony recognize a cover up when it is a cover up, not a witch hunt that comes up empty.

As for Hillary as POTUS. Better hope not. If the way she handled Benghazi is any indication she's as much of a fuck up as the current jackass in chief.
Hillary is smart, and she is very popular, start dreaming up more ways to bring her down because Republican candidates don't have a chance against her.
Barry's CIA gave her the talking points.

Funding was never a problem. Thats been debunked loads of times.

Funny how the only witch hunts are against Dems. Of course everything Bush did was a scandal. Barry? A witch hunt.

Oh and lets not for get all those NDA's the survivors had to sign. Wonder what they signed those for? Also all those polygraphys from all those CIA guys who were on site.

Its gotta be a witch hunt because blind idiots like you can't see the forrest for the trees. If the fucker walks like a duck and talks like a duck its a pretty good guss its a duck.

As for Hillary? If she's your idea of POTUS material I'll just bet you voted for Barry Boy. Neither one are fit to be POTUS. Hillary sucked as SecState and I'm sure she will be just as much of a loser as POTUS. God Forbid.
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Where the hell were you when Rice trotted out on every talk show and said the attack was a demonstration in response to a video?? Cover up big time.
Where were you when the witch hunt revealed that the CIA gave her the talking points?

Shit. Where the hell were you when it was revealed that there were many requests from the embassy for beefed up security. Security that was needed because of threats. The Brits and the Red Cross pulled out because of those threats and Hillary's State Department did nothing, nada, zip. Four good men died because of they're incompetence. Once again they tried to blame it on a video. Not a cover up??
Where were you when it was revealed that the Republicans in Congress denied funding for more security in Benghazi?

Apparantly you only recognize a cover up when a Rep is POTUS.
I ony recognize a cover up when it is a cover up, not a witch hunt that comes up empty.

As for Hillary as POTUS. Better hope not. If the way she handled Benghazi is any indication she's as much of a fuck up as the current jackass in chief.
Hillary is smart, and she is very popular, start dreaming up more ways to bring her down because Republican candidates don't have a chance against her.

Hillary is a fat cow, dumber than a crate of crowbars.

Benghazi will sink her ship.

Let's be honest...they were shoulder fired missiles...unlike the type depicted in the photo. Nonetheless, the terrorists reaped a grand harvest from this attack. Hillary doesn't care who stole them. What difference does it make? Her goal is to move on and forget that it happened...and forget that she lied about the help with the re-election of our Liar in Chief. Liberals are well practiced at lying their way into office.

The ones caught lying were the Republicans, who altered the e-mails to say things that would make it seem like a cover-up.

Why does Issa want a "closed" hearing with Pickering instead of a public hearing? Because he wants to make sure that whatever Pickering says agrees with his own version before the public hears it? I believe Issa is stalling.

It looks like Issa is the one covering up. I believe Issa's and Republican's idea of a coverup is blowing up in their face.

Issa also suggested on the program that Pickering and Mullen meet with the committee behind closed doors so as not to create "some sort of stage show." But the two assert in their letter that a public hearing is a "more appropriate forum" and accuse Issa of changing his "position on the terms of our appearance."

"Having taken liberal license to call into question the Board's work, it is surprising that you now maintain that members of the committee need a closed-door proceeding before being able to ask "informed questions" at a public hearing," they write in the letter.

Pickering and Mullen assert that since they are not witnesses, but rather officials asked to serve on a review board, they should be permitted to testify in public.

First on CNN: Pickering, Mullen challenge Issa to let them testify in public ? The Lead with Jake Tapper - Blogs
Where the hell were you when Rice trotted out on every talk show and said the attack was a demonstration in response to a video?? Cover up big time.
Where were you when the witch hunt revealed that the CIA gave her the talking points?

Shit. Where the hell were you when it was revealed that there were many requests from the embassy for beefed up security. Security that was needed because of threats. The Brits and the Red Cross pulled out because of those threats and Hillary's State Department did nothing, nada, zip. Four good men died because of they're incompetence. Once again they tried to blame it on a video. Not a cover up??
Where were you when it was revealed that the Republicans in Congress denied funding for more security in Benghazi?

Apparantly you only recognize a cover up when a Rep is POTUS.
I ony recognize a cover up when it is a cover up, not a witch hunt that comes up empty.

As for Hillary as POTUS. Better hope not. If the way she handled Benghazi is any indication she's as much of a fuck up as the current jackass in chief.
Hillary is smart, and she is very popular, start dreaming up more ways to bring her down because Republican candidates don't have a chance against her.

The CIA does NOT give ANY Secretary of State 'Talking Points'.

Unless the Sec State asks for and agrees with them. The Sec State is an incredible powerful position and does NOT do anything it doesn't want to do. Especially if it comes from a non-cabinet position like the CIA. Which is under another sub-cabinet position... The DNI

Ask yourself... Who does the CIA work for? And you may find it works for the Sec State. Or not. Or does it? Or doesn't it?

Republicans denied Hitlery her Security?

How, stupid?

Did the Republicans refuse to fund the United States Army? Did they shut down the United States Air Force, the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps?

Last I checked, all those branches get paid through the Department of Defense, not the State Department's whiz bang, GI Joe wannabe Security Detail.

Besides, a civilian security force would have had NO chance against a military or even a paramilitary group anyway. It would have only meant there would have been more dead Americans. Civilians can't stand against a Military force.

I hope Hitlery wins the dimocrap nomination for POS-TUS in 2016. God, I hope she does.

As an example of smart she is, tell us how it was all but over in 2008 when she announced her candidacy....

Tell us how she was all but coronated for the dimocrap nomination.

Tell us how she was so smart, that when the dimocrap party took Florida's and Michigan's Primary votes away from her (because they voted too early and against dimocrap rules) she didn't even make a fuss because she was so confident of victory.

Tell us how smart she was for not even contesting Iowa because it's "Caucus" State.

And do your self a BIG favor.....

Go back and listen to some of her speeches from 2008.

But not too many. As mcuch as I think you're an idiot (you are) I don't want you to start hurting yourself.

And, believe me, listening to Hitlery speak has that effect on people
Stolen my ass. More like given to the terrorists that the negroid in chief supports. We all know by now that CIA compound was there for 1 purpose only and that was raid Libya's warehouses and supply AL Quaeda and other Sunni mercs in Syria so they could commit genocide against, Shia, Christians, and whomever else they hate. Job well done Obama you phoney pile of black shit.
Let's be honest...they were shoulder fired missiles...unlike the type depicted in the photo. Nonetheless, the terrorists reaped a grand harvest from this attack. Hillary doesn't care who stole them. What difference does it make? Her goal is to move on and forget that it happened...and forget that she lied about the help with the re-election of our Liar in Chief. Liberals are well practiced at lying their way into office.

The ones caught lying were the Republicans, who altered the e-mails to say things that would make it seem like a cover-up.

Why does Issa want a "closed" hearing with Pickering instead of a public hearing? Because he wants to make sure that whatever Pickering says agrees with his own version before the public hears it? I believe Issa is stalling.

It looks like Issa is the one covering up. I believe Issa's and Republican's idea of a coverup is blowing up in their face.

Issa also suggested on the program that Pickering and Mullen meet with the committee behind closed doors so as not to create "some sort of stage show." But the two assert in their letter that a public hearing is a "more appropriate forum" and accuse Issa of changing his "position on the terms of our appearance."

"Having taken liberal license to call into question the Board's work, it is surprising that you now maintain that members of the committee need a closed-door proceeding before being able to ask "informed questions" at a public hearing," they write in the letter.

Pickering and Mullen assert that since they are not witnesses, but rather officials asked to serve on a review board, they should be permitted to testify in public.

First on CNN: Pickering, Mullen challenge Issa to let them testify in public ? The Lead with Jake Tapper - Blogs

A complete and utter lie.

Show me the e-mails. Not some fucking scumbag reporter's opinion. Not some Dan Rather 'Fake but True' fucking opinion column.

Show me the fucking emails or admit forever that you're a clueless dupe suckered by a dishonest member of the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

Show me the e-mails or shut the fuck up
The CIA does NOT give ANY Secretary of State 'Talking Points'.

Unless the Sec State asks for and agrees with them. The Sec State is an incredible powerful position and does NOT do anything it doesn't want to do. Especially if it comes from a non-cabinet position like the CIA. Which is under another sub-cabinet position... The DNI

You need to get up to date.

GOP Rep Admits CIA Approved U.N. Ambassador's Talking Points On Libya | ThinkProgress

Ask yourself... Who does the CIA work for? And you may find it works for the Sec State. Or not. Or does it? Or doesn't it?

You really sound confused. Why don't you answer your own question? Because it appears you don't even know.

The CIA, being responsible for US embassies, had to give their approval on whatever was said regarding the attack, and the CIA signed off on the final version, as well as all versions.

Republicans denied Hitlery her Security?
Ayup, Republicans in Congress voted "no" on additional funding for Benghazi. You really need to get up to speed on this.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said today that he voted to cut funding for U.S. embassy security amid political attacks from Republicans that the Obama administration did not do enough to secure the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya that was attacked last month.
GOP Rep: I 'Absolutely' Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security | ThinkProgress

How, stupid?
That's what I said, too.

Did the Republicans refuse to fund the United States Army? Did they shut down the United States Air Force, the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps?
What is your point? That we should have diverted all troops to Benghazi in spite of CIA being in control of any action taken there? Plus the fact that military leaders have already claimed there was no way they could have reached Benghazi in time? Brilliant!

Last I checked, all those branches get paid through the Department of Defense, not the State Department's whiz bang, GI Joe wannabe Security Detail.
And what does where their funding comes from have to do with Benghazi?
Besides, a civilian security force would have had NO chance against a military or even a paramilitary group anyway. It would have only meant there would have been more dead Americans. Civilians can't stand against a Military force.
Are you rambling?

I hope Hitlery wins the dimocrap nomination for POS-TUS in 2016. God, I hope she does.
You say that all the while trembling that she might. You know the clown car from the Republican Party has no one viable.

As an example of smart she is, tell us how it was all but over in 2008 when she announced her candidacy....
What? You really need to get out more. (Or quit relying on Faux for news).

Poll: Hillary Clinton continues to rule the 2016 roost - CBS News

Tell us how she was all but coronated for the dimocrap nomination.

Tell us how she was so smart, that when the dimocrap party took Florida's and Michigan's Primary votes away from her (because they voted too early and against dimocrap rules) she didn't even make a fuss because she was so confident of victory.
Ha,ha, what has any of that have to do with her intelligence? She's got a degree from Yale in Law, something Republican/conservatives would love to be able to say about poor Sarah Palin, who had to scrounge around in 6 colleges to get a degree in what? Journalism?:lol:

Tell us how smart she was for not even contesting Iowa because it's "Caucus" State.

And do your self a BIG favor.....

Go back and listen to some of her speeches from 2008.
You are really stretching, now. But Wait! She's still ahead in the polls!

But not too many. As mcuch as I think you're an idiot (you are) I don't want you to start hurting yourself.
That's right, when you prove yourself to be an idiot who doesn't even know who the CIA works for, start calling others idiots. So typically Republican/conservative. No wonder your party is in disarray, most of its members are so uninformed, it's pathetic.

And, believe me, listening to Hitlery speak has that effect on people
I know, that's why she's doing so well in the polls, and she hasn't even made it clear that she is running! Already Republicans are so scared! :lol:
I feel so sorry for you apologists.

The missiles were stolen.
The Benghazi survivors were made to sign non-disclosures and or being relocated in a protection program.

If this were Bush we Republicans would be calling for his head...but you Lefty's haven't an ounce ofintegrity, you are complete pieces of shit who will defend this half cracka no matter what.
The CIA does NOT give ANY Secretary of State 'Talking Points'.

Unless the Sec State asks for and agrees with them. The Sec State is an incredible powerful position and does NOT do anything it doesn't want to do. Especially if it comes from a non-cabinet position like the CIA. Which is under another sub-cabinet position... The DNI

You need to get up to date.

GOP Rep Admits CIA Approved U.N. Ambassador's Talking Points On Libya | ThinkProgress

Ask yourself... Who does the CIA work for? And you may find it works for the Sec State. Or not. Or does it? Or doesn't it?

You really sound confused. Why don't you answer your own question? Because it appears you don't even know.

The CIA, being responsible for US embassies, had to give their approval on whatever was said regarding the attack, and the CIA signed off on the final version, as well as all versions.

Ayup, Republicans in Congress voted "no" on additional funding for Benghazi. You really need to get up to speed on this.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said today that he voted to cut funding for U.S. embassy security amid political attacks from Republicans that the Obama administration did not do enough to secure the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya that was attacked last month.
GOP Rep: I 'Absolutely' Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security | ThinkProgress

That's what I said, too.

What is your point? That we should have diverted all troops to Benghazi in spite of CIA being in control of any action taken there? Plus the fact that military leaders have already claimed there was no way they could have reached Benghazi in time? Brilliant!

And what does where their funding comes from have to do with Benghazi?

Are you rambling?

You say that all the while trembling that she might. You know the clown car from the Republican Party has no one viable.

What? You really need to get out more. (Or quit relying on Faux for news).

Poll: Hillary Clinton continues to rule the 2016 roost - CBS News

Ha,ha, what has any of that have to do with her intelligence? She's got a degree from Yale in Law, something Republican/conservatives would love to be able to say about poor Sarah Palin, who had to scrounge around in 6 colleges to get a degree in what? Journalism?:lol:

You are really stretching, now. But Wait! She's still ahead in the polls!

But not too many. As mcuch as I think you're an idiot (you are) I don't want you to start hurting yourself.
That's right, when you prove yourself to be an idiot who doesn't even know who the CIA works for, start calling others idiots. So typically Republican/conservative. No wonder your party is in disarray, most of its members are so uninformed, it's pathetic.

And, believe me, listening to Hitlery speak has that effect on people
I know, that's why she's doing so well in the polls, and she hasn't even made it clear that she is running! Already Republicans are so scared! :lol:

Pathetic- A Hillary drone at it's finest.

Even Hitler had groupies.

She's a skank

I feel so sorry for you apologists.

The missiles were stolen.
The Benghazi survivors were made to sign non-disclosures and or being relocated in a protection program.

If this were Bush we Republicans would be calling for his head...but you Lefty's haven't an ounce ofintegrity, you are complete pieces of shit who will defend this half cracka no matter what.

Ha,ha,ha, sure you would, like you did on 9/11, or any of the 12 embassies that got hit on his watch? Be serious.
The CIA does NOT give ANY Secretary of State 'Talking Points'.

Unless the Sec State asks for and agrees with them. The Sec State is an incredible powerful position and does NOT do anything it doesn't want to do. Especially if it comes from a non-cabinet position like the CIA. Which is under another sub-cabinet position... The DNI

You need to get up to date.

GOP Rep Admits CIA Approved U.N. Ambassador's Talking Points On Libya | ThinkProgress

You really sound confused. Why don't you answer your own question? Because it appears you don't even know.

The CIA, being responsible for US embassies, had to give their approval on whatever was said regarding the attack, and the CIA signed off on the final version, as well as all versions.

Ayup, Republicans in Congress voted "no" on additional funding for Benghazi. You really need to get up to speed on this.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said today that he voted to cut funding for U.S. embassy security amid political attacks from Republicans that the Obama administration did not do enough to secure the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya that was attacked last month.
GOP Rep: I 'Absolutely' Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security | ThinkProgress

That's what I said, too.

What is your point? That we should have diverted all troops to Benghazi in spite of CIA being in control of any action taken there? Plus the fact that military leaders have already claimed there was no way they could have reached Benghazi in time? Brilliant!

And what does where their funding comes from have to do with Benghazi?

Are you rambling?

You say that all the while trembling that she might. You know the clown car from the Republican Party has no one viable.

What? You really need to get out more. (Or quit relying on Faux for news).

Poll: Hillary Clinton continues to rule the 2016 roost - CBS News

Ha,ha, what has any of that have to do with her intelligence? She's got a degree from Yale in Law, something Republican/conservatives would love to be able to say about poor Sarah Palin, who had to scrounge around in 6 colleges to get a degree in what? Journalism?:lol:

You are really stretching, now. But Wait! She's still ahead in the polls!

That's right, when you prove yourself to be an idiot who doesn't even know who the CIA works for, start calling others idiots. So typically Republican/conservative. No wonder your party is in disarray, most of its members are so uninformed, it's pathetic.

And, believe me, listening to Hitlery speak has that effect on people
I know, that's why she's doing so well in the polls, and she hasn't even made it clear that she is running! Already Republicans are so scared! :lol:

Pathetic- A Hillary drone at it's finest.

Even Hitler had groupies.

She's a skank


You're just so scared because none of the top Republican clowns can come close to her in the polls.
You need to get up to date.

GOP Rep Admits CIA Approved U.N. Ambassador's Talking Points On Libya | ThinkProgress

You really sound confused. Why don't you answer your own question? Because it appears you don't even know.

The CIA, being responsible for US embassies, had to give their approval on whatever was said regarding the attack, and the CIA signed off on the final version, as well as all versions.

Ayup, Republicans in Congress voted "no" on additional funding for Benghazi. You really need to get up to speed on this.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said today that he voted to cut funding for U.S. embassy security amid political attacks from Republicans that the Obama administration did not do enough to secure the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya that was attacked last month.
GOP Rep: I 'Absolutely' Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security | ThinkProgress

That's what I said, too.

What is your point? That we should have diverted all troops to Benghazi in spite of CIA being in control of any action taken there? Plus the fact that military leaders have already claimed there was no way they could have reached Benghazi in time? Brilliant!

And what does where their funding comes from have to do with Benghazi?

Are you rambling?

You say that all the while trembling that she might. You know the clown car from the Republican Party has no one viable.

What? You really need to get out more. (Or quit relying on Faux for news).

Poll: Hillary Clinton continues to rule the 2016 roost - CBS News

Ha,ha, what has any of that have to do with her intelligence? She's got a degree from Yale in Law, something Republican/conservatives would love to be able to say about poor Sarah Palin, who had to scrounge around in 6 colleges to get a degree in what? Journalism?:lol:

You are really stretching, now. But Wait! She's still ahead in the polls!

That's right, when you prove yourself to be an idiot who doesn't even know who the CIA works for, start calling others idiots. So typically Republican/conservative. No wonder your party is in disarray, most of its members are so uninformed, it's pathetic.

I know, that's why she's doing so well in the polls, and she hasn't even made it clear that she is running! Already Republicans are so scared! :lol:

Pathetic- A Hillary drone at it's finest.

Even Hitler had groupies.

She's a skank


You're just so scared because none of the top Republican clowns can come close to her in the polls.

I'm no Republican


You're just so scared because none of the top Republican clowns can come close to her in the polls.

I'm no Republican



Oh geez, you sounded so Democrat, I should have picked up on it.

Are you that clueless? That's the problem today, everyone thinks you should be part of a one party system comprised of Dems and Pubs

Come on, you can do better than that?

I'm no Republican



Oh geez, you sounded so Democrat, I should have picked up on it.

Are you that clueless?
Why don't you clue me in, which party do you belong to?

That's the problem today, everyone thinks you should be part of a one party system comprised of Dems and Pubs
As far as I know, Libertarians vote Repubican and Independents are evenly split, but neither has their own candidate.

Come on, you can do better than that?
I think you can do better than that yourself.

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