Four men sentenced to death in India gang rape


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2013
NEW DELHI (AP) — A judge on Friday sentenced to death the four men convicted in the December gang rape and murder of a young New Delhi woman, ordering them to the gallows for a brutal attack on a bus that left the young woman with such severe internal injuries that she died two weeks later.

Four men sentenced to death in India gang rape

Do you think the sentence was to severe or just given the fact that she died from internal injuries sustained from the brutal rape?
Do you think the sentence was to severe or just given the fact that she died from internal injuries sustained from the brutal rape?
I am against the death penalty under any circumstances; however, given the severity of the attack, I can understand people demanding the death penalty.

I read in another article the defence lawyers argued during the trial that their clients had been tortured and some of their confessions coerced, which were later retracted. I anticipate the convictions will be appealed.

These are four young men who had a whole life ahead of them. Death if final. I say sentence them to life in prison and let them spend the rest of their life trying to redeem themself. Hanging these young men will not bring back the young woman.
NEW DELHI (AP) — A judge on Friday sentenced to death the four men convicted in the December gang rape and murder of a young New Delhi woman, ordering them to the gallows for a brutal attack on a bus that left the young woman with such severe internal injuries that she died two weeks later.

Four men sentenced to death in India gang rape

Do you think the sentence was to severe or just given the fact that she died from internal injuries sustained from the brutal rape?

not severe enough. They are getting off to easy.

I would have preferred them to be raped the same way the woman was raped..... and to die a nice.... slow... painful....death.
"Sending these four men to the gallows will accomplish nothing except short-term revenge," said Tara Rao, Director of Amnesty International India.

"While the widespread anger over this case is understandable, authorities must avoid using the death penalty as a 'quick-fix' solution."
They took a metal rod and rammed it in and out of her vagina with enough force to cause internal injuries that caused her to die.

Can you imagine what that felt like? Can you imagine the fear she was feeling? The pain she was feeling?

Kill the fuckers. Revenge is sweet.
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What is your opinion, drifter?

I view them as murderer's on top of also being rapists.

I am appalled at what they did. I think India has a major problem in how women are treated.

They have a high incidence of rape, aids infection and violence against women, I see the sentence as a message to the culture that the government will not tolerate this mistreatment of women any longer.
What is your opinion, drifter?

I view them as murderer's on top of also being rapists.

I am appalled at what they did. I think India has a major problem in how women are treated.

They have a high incidence of rape, aids infection and violence against women, I see the sentence as a message to the culture that the government will not tolerate this mistreatment of women any longer.
According to Indian government statistics, a woman is raped every 22 minutes. Quoting from an article at CNN, the legacy of the woman who was killed can’t just be five convictions and laws improved on paper—it must be to end the violent culture of sexual entitlement that led to her death.

As the author suggests, certain justice and mass education and awareness programs need to be implemented to raise public awareness, on an ongoing, indefinite basis. It needs to be inculcated into the collective conscious. Otherwise, hanging these four men would be seen as an act of revenge, not justice.
NEW DELHI (AP) — A judge on Friday sentenced to death the four men convicted in the December gang rape and murder of a young New Delhi woman, ordering them to the gallows for a brutal attack on a bus that left the young woman with such severe internal injuries that she died two weeks later.

Four men sentenced to death in India gang rape

Do you think the sentence was to severe or just given the fact that she died from internal injuries sustained from the brutal rape?
Death following torture is cruel and unusual universally.

Sometimes it takes a good public hanging to end shocking crimes that could potentially deny a country of half a billion dollars in tourist trade in a land that has lost millions of its people to hunger.
NEW DELHI (AP) — A judge on Friday sentenced to death the four men convicted in the December gang rape and murder of a young New Delhi woman, ordering them to the gallows for a brutal attack on a bus that left the young woman with such severe internal injuries that she died two weeks later.

Four men sentenced to death in India gang rape

Do you think the sentence was to severe or just given the fact that she died from internal injuries sustained from the brutal rape?

Hang them publicly, chop off thier heads, and place the heads on pikes for all to see.
NEW DELHI (AP) — A judge on Friday sentenced to death the four men convicted in the December gang rape and murder of a young New Delhi woman, ordering them to the gallows for a brutal attack on a bus that left the young woman with such severe internal injuries that she died two weeks later.

Four men sentenced to death in India gang rape

Do you think the sentence was to severe or just given the fact that she died from internal injuries sustained from the brutal rape?

Hang them publicly, chop off thier heads, and place the heads on pikes for all to see.

to you refer?

though in this case both would work for me.
I say castrate them in public, and let the public finish them off.

Why should they be allowed to walk free after raping and causing the death of a woman? To hell with them!
NEW DELHI (AP) — A judge on Friday sentenced to death the four men convicted in the December gang rape and murder of a young New Delhi woman, ordering them to the gallows for a brutal attack on a bus that left the young woman with such severe internal injuries that she died two weeks later.

Four men sentenced to death in India gang rape

Do you think the sentence was to severe or just given the fact that she died from internal injuries sustained from the brutal rape?

They are disgusting human beings to have done that to an innocent woman, but killing them won't change what happen, and it won't bring her back.
I was watching a debate on the Indian TV few days ago. One of the panelists tried to defend the rape incidents in India citing far higher incidents of rape in the US and the UK – India has less than 2 incidents of rape per 100,000 people compared to 30 in the US and over 10 in the UK. People responded very angrily to that and stated that they will not tolerate even one rape case in India, it does not matter what they do to women in the US and the UK. I thought that was very honest approach. Indians in general are averse to the idea of death penalty which is reserved for cases of extreme brutality. Idea of abolishing death penalty in India was beginning to gain momentum but thanks to these animals, Indians will have to keep that option open.
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I was watching a debate on the Indian TV few days ago. One of the panelists tried to defend the rape incidents in India citing far higher incidents of rape in the US and the UK – India has less than 2 incidents of rape per 100,000 people compared to 30 in the US and over 10 in the UK. People responded very angrily to that and stated that they will not tolerate even one rape case in India, it does not matter what they do to women in the US and the UK. I thought that was very honest approach. Indians in general are averse to the idea of death penalty which is reserved for cases of extreme brutality. Idea of abolishing death penalty in India was beginning to gain momentum but thanks to these animals, Indians will have to keep that option open.

I suspect India is higher in rape, and you have to remember what is cited is "reported rape" that means it may be that more women report rape in the ua then they do in India.
I was watching a debate on the Indian TV few days ago. One of the panelists tried to defend the rape incidents in India citing far higher incidents of rape in the US and the UK – India has less than 2 incidents of rape per 100,000 people compared to 30 in the US and over 10 in the UK. People responded very angrily to that and stated that they will not tolerate even one rape case in India, it does not matter what they do to women in the US and the UK. I thought that was very honest approach. Indians in general are averse to the idea of death penalty which is reserved for cases of extreme brutality. Idea of abolishing death penalty in India was beginning to gain momentum but thanks to these animals, Indians will have to keep that option open.

I suspect India is higher in rape, and you have to remember what is cited is "reported rape" that means it may be that more women report rape in the ua then they do in India.

Death chambers make the state a premeditated, cold-blooded killer of human beings.

Indians do not have to keep death chambers at all.
I was watching a debate on the Indian TV few days ago. One of the panelists tried to defend the rape incidents in India citing far higher incidents of rape in the US and the UK – India has less than 2 incidents of rape per 100,000 people compared to 30 in the US and over 10 in the UK. People responded very angrily to that and stated that they will not tolerate even one rape case in India, it does not matter what they do to women in the US and the UK. I thought that was very honest approach. Indians in general are averse to the idea of death penalty which is reserved for cases of extreme brutality. Idea of abolishing death penalty in India was beginning to gain momentum but thanks to these animals, Indians will have to keep that option open.

I suspect India is higher in rape, and you have to remember what is cited is "reported rape" that means it may be that more women report rape in the ua then they do in India.

Death chambers make the state a premeditated, cold-blooded killer of human beings.

Indians do not have to keep death chambers at all.

Some of us apparently don't think a man who takes a metal rod and slams it in and out of a young girl's vagina with such force that the internal injuries that action causes are so severe that they result in her death...some of us don't think that man qualifies as a human being.
I was watching a debate on the Indian TV few days ago. One of the panelists tried to defend the rape incidents in India citing far higher incidents of rape in the US and the UK – India has less than 2 incidents of rape per 100,000 people compared to 30 in the US and over 10 in the UK. People responded very angrily to that and stated that they will not tolerate even one rape case in India, it does not matter what they do to women in the US and the UK. I thought that was very honest approach. Indians in general are averse to the idea of death penalty which is reserved for cases of extreme brutality. Idea of abolishing death penalty in India was beginning to gain momentum but thanks to these animals, Indians will have to keep that option open.

I suspect India is higher in rape, and you have to remember what is cited is "reported rape" that means it may be that more women report rape in the ua then they do in India.

Your suspicion is wrong. Rape is far more prevalent in western societies as a result some women do not even feel that the trouble of reporting is worth it. This especially includes women who get raped on college campuses during parties. I could never understand the compulsion on the part of western media to deny the truth. Fact is glaring at your face then you go around and fabricate excuses. This is wrong.

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