Four things that were supposed to happen by 2015 because Obama got reelected

You bunch of dumb ass big government fans already vamp over $6 trillion dollars a year out of the economy for your government utopia. Not including the decades of future interest on all the mega near trillion dollar credit cards you have maxed out recently.

Good lord how much money do you people really need to pull this off you are already spending $20k a year on every man, woman, and child in the country.
You bunch of dumb ass big government fans already vamp over $6 trillion dollars a year out of the economy for your government utopia. Not including the decades of future interest on all the mega near trillion dollar credit cards you have maxed out recently.

Good lord how much money do you people really need to pull this off you are already spending $20k a year on every man, woman, and child in the country.

ONE place your libertarian fantasy has EVER worked? LOL

If left up to you Klowns the US would look like China again, you know BEFORE PROGRESSIVE POLICIES CREATED THE WORLDS LARGEST MIDDLE CLASS!!!!

Every time I listen to the small-gummint wingnuts, I reminds me of my 8 year old G/D when she says that rules like limits on candy and computer-time don't make sense.
You bunch of dumb ass big government fans already vamp over $6 trillion dollars a year out of the economy for your government utopia. Not including the decades of future interest on all the mega near trillion dollar credit cards you have maxed out recently.

Good lord how much money do you people really need to pull this off you are already spending $20k a year on every man, woman, and child in the country.

The greatest failure in the Libertarian, Tea Party, and Republican Party philosophy is this absurd notion that getting rid of regulations and restrictions of government on business....people, human beings, will always do the right thing. There are currently very few regulations on burning coal in China....the result is a high-level emergency and health crisis that has the Chinese government scrambling to put together legislation that can be enforced BY GOVERNMENT.

Government also exists to take care of and protect its citizens against other citizens. Purist Randian philosophy is just the Law of the Jungle in a tie and a coat.

"Servants, labourers and workmen of different kinds, make up the far greater part of every great political society. But what improves the circumstances of the greater part can never be regarded as an inconvenience to the whole. No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable. It is but equity, besides, that they who feed, clothe and lodge the whole body of the people, should have such a share of the produce of their own labour as to be themselves tolerably well fed, cloathed and lodged." - Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations
You bunch of dumb ass big government fans already vamp over $6 trillion dollars a year out of the economy for your government utopia. Not including the decades of future interest on all the mega near trillion dollar credit cards you have maxed out recently.

Good lord how much money do you people really need to pull this off you are already spending $20k a year on every man, woman, and child in the country.

ONE place your libertarian fantasy has EVER worked? LOL

If left up to you Klowns the US would look like China again, you know BEFORE PROGRESSIVE POLICIES CREATED THE WORLDS LARGEST MIDDLE CLASS!!!!

Every time I listen to the small-gummint wingnuts, I reminds me of my 8 year old G/D when she says that rules like limits on candy and computer-time don't make sense.

I point out that government already spends $20k a year on every man, woman, and child, in the country. That's enough to buy every man, woman, and child a new house and car and pay them off in what 10 years. Can you present an argument that somehow spending even more is the answer? If so how much more, we ask you libs all the time how much more do you need and you never answer. Okay raise taxes on the rich, how much of every dollar they earn do you want to confiscate, 50%? 80% 99%? Pick a number.
You bunch of dumb ass big government fans already vamp over $6 trillion dollars a year out of the economy for your government utopia. Not including the decades of future interest on all the mega near trillion dollar credit cards you have maxed out recently.

Good lord how much money do you people really need to pull this off you are already spending $20k a year on every man, woman, and child in the country.

ONE place your libertarian fantasy has EVER worked? LOL

If left up to you Klowns the US would look like China again, you know BEFORE PROGRESSIVE POLICIES CREATED THE WORLDS LARGEST MIDDLE CLASS!!!!

Every time I listen to the small-gummint wingnuts, I reminds me of my 8 year old G/D when she says that rules like limits on candy and computer-time don't make sense.

I point out that government already spends $20k a year on every man, woman, and child, in the country. That's enough to buy every man, woman, and child a new house and car and pay them off in what 10 years. Can you present an argument that somehow spending even more is the answer? If so how much more, we ask you libs all the time how much more do you need and you never answer. Okay raise taxes on the rich, how much of every dollar they earn do you want to confiscate, 50%? 80% 99%? Pick a number.

Got it, you can't be honest and recognize the cost of Gov't to defend and protect US

I guess when you can't point to spending less will protect US more, you have NOTHING



HOW MUCH SHOULD THEY PAY? How about going back to Ikes tax rates Bubba? Both Corp AND personal??
Last edited:
You forgot the debt was supposed to be cut in half by the end of Obama's first term.

Actually it was the deficit that was supposed to be cut in half

In actuality it has been cut by 2/3.....chalk another one up for Obama

Another plus for president Obama in economics. Funding infrastructure, science and r&d right would be peanuts compared to the real maker of our debts...The wars, the fucked up medical system, and the bullshit.
You bunch of dumb ass big government fans already vamp over $6 trillion dollars a year out of the economy for your government utopia. Not including the decades of future interest on all the mega near trillion dollar credit cards you have maxed out recently.

Good lord how much money do you people really need to pull this off you are already spending $20k a year on every man, woman, and child in the country.

So you'd scrap infrastructure, our science programs and r&d at a time when America is losing ground? You're the dumb ass without the slightest clue. Maybe you should study reality a little and get back to me? Maybe, let's say check out how much we spend on infrastructure and science today compared to 10 years ago. The lowest level of infrastructure spending in at least the past 20 years.

You see, infrastructure, science and r&d isn't the cause of our debts. You're arguing that we fuck over the American people when these things that help them don't even cause the debt.
How about the prediction that if like your insurance you can keep your insurance,
if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

And, of course, if you like your Constitution you can keep your Constitution.
To yourself....
How about the prediction that if like your insurance you can keep your insurance,
if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

And, of course, if you like your Constitution you can keep your Constitution.
To yourself....

Or tax cuts will pay for themselves and create a booming economy right? lol
How about the prediction that if like your insurance you can keep your insurance,
if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

And, of course, if you like your Constitution you can keep your Constitution.
To yourself....
What about it?
How about the prediction that if like your insurance you can keep your insurance,
if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

And, of course, if you like your Constitution you can keep your Constitution.
To yourself....
What about it?

Well, for the doctors who quit, their former patients lost their doctors.

Friends at both my jobs were "dismayed"
at their inability to afford insurance. My policy will end
toward the end of the year; and because I had been investing my
work and savings into the community, people who knew what
I am doing were my back up plan if I have hospital costs.

But now they won't be able to help like they could before
because of their own costs going up,
and it will be harder to help me now if something goes wrong.

I am one of those people who either pays for things myself,
or other friends pay voluntarily, but that's changed now since
the govt now REQUIRES it to be done a certain way.

The GOVT is NOT REQUIRING the wrongdoers to pay proportionally,
who caused damages and debts to taxpayers so we don't have enough to pay for health care with that money.

The GOVT is imposing requirements on lawabiding taxpayers -- who didn't commit crimes or abuses --
because lawabiding citizens are easier to regulate than the criminals actually racking up costs.

Govt is basically dictating what we need to pay for and how,
instead of leaving it to free choice, where I can invest money into
lots of other things that are emergencies besides just health care,
and other people can "choose" to help me cover my health care costs
since they know I am actually doing work in the community
that saves taxpayers money by preventing worse losses from the
govt abuses going on at taxpayer expense.

Covering my health care costs doesn't count toward the regulations.
We no longer have "freedom to choose"
but are required to cover what the GOVT mandates we have to first.

Because it takes "due process" to deprive criminals of their liberty,
this is AVOIDED and the criminals and their costs to taxpayers is not addressed
because it is not convenient to go after; instead, lawabiding taxpayers
are targeted without respecting our due process at all which wasn't even considered.

According to the advocates of this bill, because health care is a right to be
guaranteed by govt, there is no question of choice or due process in losing liberty
because "it never existed in the first place."

So rightwinger, by passing this law and continuing to push it as
lawful when it is unconstitutional in spirit by the mandates opposed on those grounds,
Obama continued to fulfill the prediction of dangerously undermining
and dividing the nation, making war and making enemies out of the political opponents
who are, in fact, trying to enforce the laws and hold govt accountable to that.

That is inexcusable because the vow that military, police, and Obama
as President and Chief Executive is to uphold the Constitution. Instead he has put
political PARTISAN interests and BELIEFS above the law of the land,
abusing office and laws for political leverage like a threat to hold over opponents, to the point of denying
and discriminating against the beliefs of half the nation by imposing
mandates that rob us of our free choice to pay for health care in more efficient ways.

Health care as a right is NOT in the Constitution.
It is a political belief that is equally protected, but cannot be mandated
or imposed by law unless everyone shares that belief.

For those who believe our natural liberty comes from God or Nature
and do NOT believe federal govt has authority to regulate tax
or fine choices of how to pay for health care (without a specific amendment
to the Constitution granting these authorities), these laws
have discriminated by creed and penalized people unfairly
by regulating exemptions on the basis of "which beliefs
or group memberships/affiliations" count for exemptions and which do not.

This is a dangerous path to go down, as shown by the Hobby Lobby case,
and trying to micromanage what businesses, individuals and govt should
be required to provide. That's why the Constitution didn't go there, and
didn't give such regulatory power to govt to get into all the details of people's private business.

The whole point is to manage that ourselves without relying on govt to regulate for us.

This point is lost on Obama, and other Democrats
who turn to Govt as the default means of providing for welfare.
While those who believe in taking that responsibility ourselves get punished with fines
under this law REQUIRING us to pay for health care through govt approved means.

My friend D2 who voted for and supports Obama
but disagrees with the insurance mandates
is unable to afford the cost to get insurance
and pay the minimum deductibles so he's looking at
selling his car, prized possessions, and just worried about
not losing the house.

He does not get any of these constitutional arguments.

He just thinks that for all he has done to support the
Party, the Democrats ought to help him; if he as a taxpayer
is paying for their fancy insurance,
why aren't they paying for his.
You bunch of dumb ass big government fans already vamp over $6 trillion dollars a year out of the economy for your government utopia. Not including the decades of future interest on all the mega near trillion dollar credit cards you have maxed out recently.

Good lord how much money do you people really need to pull this off you are already spending $20k a year on every man, woman, and child in the country.

ONE place your libertarian fantasy has EVER worked? LOL

If left up to you Klowns the US would look like China again, you know BEFORE PROGRESSIVE POLICIES CREATED THE WORLDS LARGEST MIDDLE CLASS!!!!

Every time I listen to the small-gummint wingnuts, I reminds me of my 8 year old G/D when she says that rules like limits on candy and computer-time don't make sense.

I point out that government already spends $20k a year on every man, woman, and child, in the country. That's enough to buy every man, woman, and child a new house and car and pay them off in what 10 years. Can you present an argument that somehow spending even more is the answer? If so how much more, we ask you libs all the time how much more do you need and you never answer. Okay raise taxes on the rich, how much of every dollar they earn do you want to confiscate, 50%? 80% 99%? Pick a number.

Got it, you can't be honest and recognize the cost of Gov't to defend and protect US

I guess when you can't point to spending less will protect US more, you have NOTHING



HOW MUCH SHOULD THEY PAY? How about going back to Ikes tax rates Bubba? Both Corp AND personal??

FAIL! Can you understand plain English, you want to raise taxes okay so by how much? How much will it take to achieve your liberal utopia? It would almost be worth it to pay the taxes just to shut the left up for 10 minutes whining about how someone isn't taxed enough.
You bunch of dumb ass big government fans already vamp over $6 trillion dollars a year out of the economy for your government utopia. Not including the decades of future interest on all the mega near trillion dollar credit cards you have maxed out recently.

Good lord how much money do you people really need to pull this off you are already spending $20k a year on every man, woman, and child in the country.

So you'd scrap infrastructure, our science programs and r&d at a time when America is losing ground? You're the dumb ass without the slightest clue. Maybe you should study reality a little and get back to me? Maybe, let's say check out how much we spend on infrastructure and science today compared to 10 years ago. The lowest level of infrastructure spending in at least the past 20 years.

You see, infrastructure, science and r&d isn't the cause of our debts. You're arguing that we fuck over the American people when these things that help them don't even cause the debt.

You should sue your math teachers. Government will spend over $60 trillion dollars over the next 10 years, we should be vacationing on Mars for that kind of insane spending.
You bunch of dumb ass big government fans already vamp over $6 trillion dollars a year out of the economy for your government utopia. Not including the decades of future interest on all the mega near trillion dollar credit cards you have maxed out recently.

Good lord how much money do you people really need to pull this off you are already spending $20k a year on every man, woman, and child in the country.

ONE place your libertarian fantasy has EVER worked? LOL

If left up to you Klowns the US would look like China again, you know BEFORE PROGRESSIVE POLICIES CREATED THE WORLDS LARGEST MIDDLE CLASS!!!!

Every time I listen to the small-gummint wingnuts, I reminds me of my 8 year old G/D when she says that rules like limits on candy and computer-time don't make sense.

I point out that government already spends $20k a year on every man, woman, and child, in the country. That's enough to buy every man, woman, and child a new house and car and pay them off in what 10 years. Can you present an argument that somehow spending even more is the answer? If so how much more, we ask you libs all the time how much more do you need and you never answer. Okay raise taxes on the rich, how much of every dollar they earn do you want to confiscate, 50%? 80% 99%? Pick a number.

Got it, you can't be honest and recognize the cost of Gov't to defend and protect US

I guess when you can't point to spending less will protect US more, you have NOTHING



HOW MUCH SHOULD THEY PAY? How about going back to Ikes tax rates Bubba? Both Corp AND personal??

FAIL! Can you understand plain English, you want to raise taxes okay so by how much? How much will it take to achieve your liberal utopia? It would almost be worth it to pay the taxes just to shut the left up for 10 minutes whining about how someone isn't taxed enough.

Plain English? Bubba, unlike how you low info types 'think', funding the Gov't isn't simple nor set. Yes a start is to get US back to the revenues we had PRE REAGANOMICS when Carter had 20% of GDP. Clinton got US there, of course Dubya took US back to Korean war levels of less than 15%

To run Gov't, without deficits, and to pay down the debt that the GOP has run up, will probably require closer to 21% of GDP, IMO

How much? How about taxing 90% ANYTHING over $50 million a year? 70% over $25 million? 50% over $10 million?

How's that work for you?
How about the prediction that if like your insurance you can keep your insurance,
if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

And, of course, if you like your Constitution you can keep your Constitution.
To yourself....
What about it?

Well, for the doctors who quit, their former patients lost their doctors.

Friends at both my jobs were "dismayed"
at their inability to afford insurance. My policy will end
toward the end of the year; and because I had been investing my
work and savings into the community, people who knew what
I am doing were my back up plan if I have hospital costs.

But now they won't be able to help like they could before
because of their own costs going up,
and it will be harder to help me now if something goes wrong.

I am one of those people who either pays for things myself,
or other friends pay voluntarily, but that's changed now since
the govt now REQUIRES it to be done a certain way.

The GOVT is NOT REQUIRING the wrongdoers to pay proportionally,
who caused damages and debts to taxpayers so we don't have enough to pay for health care with that money.

The GOVT is imposing requirements on lawabiding taxpayers -- who didn't commit crimes or abuses --
because lawabiding citizens are easier to regulate than the criminals actually racking up costs.

Govt is basically dictating what we need to pay for and how,
instead of leaving it to free choice, where I can invest money into
lots of other things that are emergencies besides just health care,
and other people can "choose" to help me cover my health care costs
since they know I am actually doing work in the community
that saves taxpayers money by preventing worse losses from the
govt abuses going on at taxpayer expense.

Covering my health care costs doesn't count toward the regulations.
We no longer have "freedom to choose"
but are required to cover what the GOVT mandates we have to first.

Because it takes "due process" to deprive criminals of their liberty,
this is AVOIDED and the criminals and their costs to taxpayers is not addressed
because it is not convenient to go after; instead, lawabiding taxpayers
are targeted without respecting our due process at all which wasn't even considered.

According to the advocates of this bill, because health care is a right to be
guaranteed by govt, there is no question of choice or due process in losing liberty
because "it never existed in the first place."

So rightwinger, by passing this law and continuing to push it as
lawful when it is unconstitutional in spirit by the mandates opposed on those grounds,
Obama continued to fulfill the prediction of dangerously undermining
and dividing the nation, making war and making enemies out of the political opponents
who are, in fact, trying to enforce the laws and hold govt accountable to that.

That is inexcusable because the vow that military, police, and Obama
as President and Chief Executive is to uphold the Constitution. Instead he has put
political PARTISAN interests and BELIEFS above the law of the land,
abusing office and laws for political leverage like a threat to hold over opponents, to the point of denying
and discriminating against the beliefs of half the nation by imposing
mandates that rob us of our free choice to pay for health care in more efficient ways.

Health care as a right is NOT in the Constitution.
It is a political belief that is equally protected, but cannot be mandated
or imposed by law unless everyone shares that belief.

For those who believe our natural liberty comes from God or Nature
and do NOT believe federal govt has authority to regulate tax
or fine choices of how to pay for health care (without a specific amendment
to the Constitution granting these authorities), these laws
have discriminated by creed and penalized people unfairly
by regulating exemptions on the basis of "which beliefs
or group memberships/affiliations" count for exemptions and which do not.

This is a dangerous path to go down, as shown by the Hobby Lobby case,
and trying to micromanage what businesses, individuals and govt should
be required to provide. That's why the Constitution didn't go there, and
didn't give such regulatory power to govt to get into all the details of people's private business.

The whole point is to manage that ourselves without relying on govt to regulate for us.

This point is lost on Obama, and other Democrats
who turn to Govt as the default means of providing for welfare.
While those who believe in taking that responsibility ourselves get punished with fines
under this law REQUIRING us to pay for health care through govt approved means.

My friend D2 who voted for and supports Obama
but disagrees with the insurance mandates
is unable to afford the cost to get insurance
and pay the minimum deductibles so he's looking at
selling his car, prized possessions, and just worried about
not losing the house.

He does not get any of these constitutional arguments.

He just thinks that for all he has done to support the
Party, the Democrats ought to help him; if he as a taxpayer
is paying for their fancy insurance,
why aren't they paying for his.

Th only industrialized nation without UHC. And you whiners complain about a conservative mandate to make sure you cover yourself with insurance so the collective of society doesn't have to carry the cost when you don't have it? lol

"In 1790, the first Congress, which was packed with framers, required all ship owners to provide medical insurance for seamen; in 1798, Congress also required seamen to buy hospital insurance for themselves. In 1792, Congress enacted a law mandating that all able-bodied citizens obtain a firearm."

Harvard Law professor says early Congress mandated health insurance for seamen and gun ownership for most men PolitiFact Rhode Island

FLASHBACK: Heritage Touted RomneyCare, Key Elements Of Health Reform Heritage Now Opposes

– Heritage On Romney’s Individual Mandate: “Not an unreasonable position, and one that is clearly consistent with conservative values.” [Heritage, 1/28/06]

– Heritage On President Obama’s Individual Mandate: “Both unprecedented and unconstitutional.” [Heritage, 12/9/09]

In fact, in 2007, Heritage again boasted that Romney’s plan is “already showing progress.” That same year, Heritage proudly posted a video of Romney gloating that Heritage officials had supported him in creating “ultimate conservatism

FLASHBACK Heritage Touted RomneyCare Key Elements Of Health Reform Heritage Now Opposes ThinkProgress
You bunch of dumb ass big government fans already vamp over $6 trillion dollars a year out of the economy for your government utopia. Not including the decades of future interest on all the mega near trillion dollar credit cards you have maxed out recently.

Good lord how much money do you people really need to pull this off you are already spending $20k a year on every man, woman, and child in the country.

So you'd scrap infrastructure, our science programs and r&d at a time when America is losing ground? You're the dumb ass without the slightest clue. Maybe you should study reality a little and get back to me? Maybe, let's say check out how much we spend on infrastructure and science today compared to 10 years ago. The lowest level of infrastructure spending in at least the past 20 years.

You see, infrastructure, science and r&d isn't the cause of our debts. You're arguing that we fuck over the American people when these things that help them don't even cause the debt.

You should sue your math teachers. Government will spend over $60 trillion dollars over the next 10 years, we should be vacationing on Mars for that kind of insane spending.

So no you can't critically think OR be honest...
How about the prediction that if like your insurance you can keep your insurance,
if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.

And, of course, if you like your Constitution you can keep your Constitution.
To yourself....
What about it?

Well, for the doctors who quit, their former patients lost their doctors.

Friends at both my jobs were "dismayed"
at their inability to afford insurance. My policy will end
toward the end of the year; and because I had been investing my
work and savings into the community, people who knew what
I am doing were my back up plan if I have hospital costs.

But now they won't be able to help like they could before
because of their own costs going up,
and it will be harder to help me now if something goes wrong.

I am one of those people who either pays for things myself,
or other friends pay voluntarily, but that's changed now since
the govt now REQUIRES it to be done a certain way.

The GOVT is NOT REQUIRING the wrongdoers to pay proportionally,
who caused damages and debts to taxpayers so we don't have enough to pay for health care with that money.

The GOVT is imposing requirements on lawabiding taxpayers -- who didn't commit crimes or abuses --
because lawabiding citizens are easier to regulate than the criminals actually racking up costs.

Govt is basically dictating what we need to pay for and how,
instead of leaving it to free choice, where I can invest money into
lots of other things that are emergencies besides just health care,
and other people can "choose" to help me cover my health care costs
since they know I am actually doing work in the community
that saves taxpayers money by preventing worse losses from the
govt abuses going on at taxpayer expense.

Covering my health care costs doesn't count toward the regulations.
We no longer have "freedom to choose"
but are required to cover what the GOVT mandates we have to first.

Because it takes "due process" to deprive criminals of their liberty,
this is AVOIDED and the criminals and their costs to taxpayers is not addressed
because it is not convenient to go after; instead, lawabiding taxpayers
are targeted without respecting our due process at all which wasn't even considered.

According to the advocates of this bill, because health care is a right to be
guaranteed by govt, there is no question of choice or due process in losing liberty
because "it never existed in the first place."

So rightwinger, by passing this law and continuing to push it as
lawful when it is unconstitutional in spirit by the mandates opposed on those grounds,
Obama continued to fulfill the prediction of dangerously undermining
and dividing the nation, making war and making enemies out of the political opponents
who are, in fact, trying to enforce the laws and hold govt accountable to that.

That is inexcusable because the vow that military, police, and Obama
as President and Chief Executive is to uphold the Constitution. Instead he has put
political PARTISAN interests and BELIEFS above the law of the land,
abusing office and laws for political leverage like a threat to hold over opponents, to the point of denying
and discriminating against the beliefs of half the nation by imposing
mandates that rob us of our free choice to pay for health care in more efficient ways.

Health care as a right is NOT in the Constitution.
It is a political belief that is equally protected, but cannot be mandated
or imposed by law unless everyone shares that belief.

For those who believe our natural liberty comes from God or Nature
and do NOT believe federal govt has authority to regulate tax
or fine choices of how to pay for health care (without a specific amendment
to the Constitution granting these authorities), these laws
have discriminated by creed and penalized people unfairly
by regulating exemptions on the basis of "which beliefs
or group memberships/affiliations" count for exemptions and which do not.

This is a dangerous path to go down, as shown by the Hobby Lobby case,
and trying to micromanage what businesses, individuals and govt should
be required to provide. That's why the Constitution didn't go there, and
didn't give such regulatory power to govt to get into all the details of people's private business.

The whole point is to manage that ourselves without relying on govt to regulate for us.

This point is lost on Obama, and other Democrats
who turn to Govt as the default means of providing for welfare.
While those who believe in taking that responsibility ourselves get punished with fines
under this law REQUIRING us to pay for health care through govt approved means.

My friend D2 who voted for and supports Obama
but disagrees with the insurance mandates
is unable to afford the cost to get insurance
and pay the minimum deductibles so he's looking at
selling his car, prized possessions, and just worried about
not losing the house.

He does not get any of these constitutional arguments.

He just thinks that for all he has done to support the
Party, the Democrats ought to help him; if he as a taxpayer
is paying for their fancy insurance,
why aren't they paying for his.

"For those who believe our natural liberty comes from God or Nature
and do NOT believe federal govt has authority to regulate tax
or fine choices of how to pay for health care (without a specific amendment
to the Constitution granting these authorities),
these laws
have discriminated by creed and penalized people unfairly
by regulating exemptions on the basis of "which beliefs
or group memberships/affiliations" count for exemptions and which do not."


Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798

Congress Passes Socialized Medicine and Mandates Health Insurance -In 1798 - Forbes

Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father, American diplomat, statesman, and scientist; letter to Robert Morris, December 25, 1783:

"All the property that is necessary to a Man, for the Conservation of the Individual and the Propagation of the Species, is his natural Right, which none can justly deprive him of: But all Property superfluous to such purposes is the Property of the Publick, who, by their Laws, have created it, and who may therefore by other laws dispose of it, whenever the Welfare of the Publick shall demand such Disposition. He that does not like civil Society on these Terms, let him retire and live among Savages. He can have no right to the benefits of Society, who will not pay his Club towards the Support of it."
You bunch of dumb ass big government fans already vamp over $6 trillion dollars a year out of the economy for your government utopia. Not including the decades of future interest on all the mega near trillion dollar credit cards you have maxed out recently.

Good lord how much money do you people really need to pull this off you are already spending $20k a year on every man, woman, and child in the country.

ONE place your libertarian fantasy has EVER worked? LOL

If left up to you Klowns the US would look like China again, you know BEFORE PROGRESSIVE POLICIES CREATED THE WORLDS LARGEST MIDDLE CLASS!!!!

Every time I listen to the small-gummint wingnuts, I reminds me of my 8 year old G/D when she says that rules like limits on candy and computer-time don't make sense.

I point out that government already spends $20k a year on every man, woman, and child, in the country. That's enough to buy every man, woman, and child a new house and car and pay them off in what 10 years. Can you present an argument that somehow spending even more is the answer? If so how much more, we ask you libs all the time how much more do you need and you never answer. Okay raise taxes on the rich, how much of every dollar they earn do you want to confiscate, 50%? 80% 99%? Pick a number.

Got it, you can't be honest and recognize the cost of Gov't to defend and protect US

I guess when you can't point to spending less will protect US more, you have NOTHING



HOW MUCH SHOULD THEY PAY? How about going back to Ikes tax rates Bubba? Both Corp AND personal??

FAIL! Can you understand plain English, you want to raise taxes okay so by how much? How much will it take to achieve your liberal utopia? It would almost be worth it to pay the taxes just to shut the left up for 10 minutes whining about how someone isn't taxed enough.

Plain English? Bubba, unlike how you low info types 'think', funding the Gov't isn't simple nor set. Yes a start is to get US back to the revenues we had PRE REAGANOMICS when Carter had 20% of GDP. Clinton got US there, of course Dubya took US back to Korean war levels of less than 15%

To run Gov't, without deficits, and to pay down the debt that the GOP has run up, will probably require closer to 21% of GDP, IMO

How much? How about taxing 90% ANYTHING over $50 million a year? 70% over $25 million? 50% over $10 million?

How's that work for you?

LOL you walked right into it, okay now tell us how much tax revenue will that generate? I know you haven't a clue but it was fun to ask. Would it be enough to fund the liberal agenda? Nope, not even close. If you tax the 'rich' over 90% on every dollar they earn you might be able to tread water for a bit before rising interest rates on the debt and never ending government spending increases push you back into the red. With taxes on the 'rich' already maxed out you would have to sink your liberal vamp fangs into the middle class to fuel the never ending government spending spree.

Liberal drones like you never do the math, its why you people should not be allowed to vote.
You bunch of dumb ass big government fans already vamp over $6 trillion dollars a year out of the economy for your government utopia. Not including the decades of future interest on all the mega near trillion dollar credit cards you have maxed out recently.

Good lord how much money do you people really need to pull this off you are already spending $20k a year on every man, woman, and child in the country.

So you'd scrap infrastructure, our science programs and r&d at a time when America is losing ground? You're the dumb ass without the slightest clue. Maybe you should study reality a little and get back to me? Maybe, let's say check out how much we spend on infrastructure and science today compared to 10 years ago. The lowest level of infrastructure spending in at least the past 20 years.

You see, infrastructure, science and r&d isn't the cause of our debts. You're arguing that we fuck over the American people when these things that help them don't even cause the debt.

You should sue your math teachers. Government will spend over $60 trillion dollars over the next 10 years, we should be vacationing on Mars for that kind of insane spending.

So no you can't critically think OR be honest...

With a national debt of $18 trillion, unfunded government liabilities topping $100 trillion, and annual deficits topping hundreds of billions forecast as far as the eye can see you have virtually no hope of making a rational argument for even more borrowing and spending.

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