Four Ways To Impeach Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
If Congress wants to get there, the paths are open.

It is painful to imagine a full four years of Donald Trump as president of the United States. He has created chaos, divided us, coarsened our public discourse, stigmatized the most vulnerable among us, surrounded himself with people who are manifestly unfit for public service, appointed cabinet members who are hostile to the very departments they have been selected to lead, and lied his head off.

But none of this is going to cost him his job, at least not until the next election. The only way we are going to free ourselves of Trump, without having to endure four more years of his presidency, is to impeach him.

The grounds for impeachment are set out in eight words in the Constitution: “Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Despite the elegant simplicity of those eight words, entire books have been written about their meaning. The meaning of “high crimes and misdemeanors” has been subjected to a dazzling variety of interpretations. The Woody Allen movie of that name, alas, didn’t clear it up. But it was a good movie anyway.

Only two presidents in our history have been successfully impeached by the House of Representatives, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, and both remained in office after they were acquitted by the Senate. Richard Nixon got out of Dodge before the House voted on the Articles of Impeachment recommended by the Judiciary Committee.

"Trump’s support from Congressional Republicans is a mile wide and an inch deep. If they turn on him, they can and will impeach him."

So far, Trump may not have done anything, at least not anything we know about, that rises to the level of impeachment. But don’t underestimate him. He can do it!

Four paths to impeachment look promising to me. You may have your own favorites, but here are mine:

The Russia Connection

Refusal to Obey a Court Order

Corrupt Business Entanglements

Perjury and Other Forms of Lying

DETAILS: Four Ways To Impeach Trump

Sounds logical. I can't imagine four years of this nonsense. It hasn't been a month yet - and already this nightmare seems like a year or more. Obviously, the quickest way to impeach Trump would be if Republicans turn on him - which could happen if he threatens their jobs at home.
It's literally just a matter of time. This right wing clown won't be able to complete even one year in office.

All joking aside - I honestly agree. I can't imagine him surviving more than one year at most. Then the Pence nightmare appears.
He has created chaos, divided us, coarsened our public discourse, stigmatized the most vulnerable among us, surrounded himself with people who are manifestly unfit for public service, appointed cabinet members who are hostile to the very departments they have been selected to lead, and lied his head off.
Lol you just described former president Obama and his failed administration. ..... :lol: .. :lol:
If Congress wants to get there, the paths are open.

It is painful to imagine a full four years of Donald Trump as president of the United States. He has created chaos, divided us, coarsened our public discourse, stigmatized the most vulnerable among us, surrounded himself with people who are manifestly unfit for public service, appointed cabinet members who are hostile to the very departments they have been selected to lead, and lied his head off.

But none of this is going to cost him his job, at least not until the next election. The only way we are going to free ourselves of Trump, without having to endure four more years of his presidency, is to impeach him.

The grounds for impeachment are set out in eight words in the Constitution: “Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Despite the elegant simplicity of those eight words, entire books have been written about their meaning. The meaning of “high crimes and misdemeanors” has been subjected to a dazzling variety of interpretations. The Woody Allen movie of that name, alas, didn’t clear it up. But it was a good movie anyway.

Only two presidents in our history have been successfully impeached by the House of Representatives, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, and both remained in office after they were acquitted by the Senate. Richard Nixon got out of Dodge before the House voted on the Articles of Impeachment recommended by the Judiciary Committee.

"Trump’s support from Congressional Republicans is a mile wide and an inch deep. If they turn on him, they can and will impeach him."

So far, Trump may not have done anything, at least not anything we know about, that rises to the level of impeachment. But don’t underestimate him. He can do it!

Four paths to impeachment look promising to me. You may have your own favorites, but here are mine:

The Russia Connection

Refusal to Obey a Court Order

Corrupt Business Entanglements

Perjury and Other Forms of Lying

DETAILS: Four Ways To Impeach Trump

Sounds logical. I can't imagine four years of this nonsense. It hasn't been a month yet - and already this nightmare seems like a year or more. Obviously, the quickest way to impeach Trump would be if Republicans turn on him - which could happen if he threatens their jobs at home.

Lakhota there is only really one way. Make him an embarrassment to the GOP party...

Congressmen want to get re-elected, if he interferes with that they will drop him like a hot snot... They have had 4 weeks and it has been a rollercoaster ride... People are going to get tired of this clown so keep on piling on the pressure. Fox is starting to turn on him.

Remember when we said Trump winning has an upside, the GOP will have to defend him for 4 years.... This is now coming to pass... Ryan look hopeless at the moment... Dems are soul searching at the moment but will figure out that they surrendered the rural rust belt by taking them for granted...

Clinton could have won by simply saying this:
"The last 8 years has seen a recovery in the economy, low unemployment, high Dow and cut of the Deficit to one third.... But the benefits are concentrated in certain areas and mainly in certain areas in Cities... Rural areas are still suffering, seeing there young leaving for jobs in the cities, poor job, high drug use.... Now is there time, now is the time for us to give them a helping hand...
My opponent want to bring back coal as an answer. Lets make it clear, coal jobs are lost to gas and automation... Gas is cheaper to get... Even if coal was cheaper in 2005 we extracted a record amount of coal with almost the least amount of miners...
I am sorry but I won't sell you a cheap lie your like to hear. I will start with what you deserve, the truth..."
Congress doesn't want to get there. To start with, you don't have the votes in the House.
Four ways for liberals to honestly believe they can impeach Trump:

  1. Invest in Total Recall memory implants
  2. Consent to a full frontal lobotomy
  3. A drug induced vegetative coma that results in a Dallas season 9 like dream state
  4. Discover a wormhole that leads to an alternate reality
I think the OP has successfully implemented option two, so that may be your best bet.

Also, if you get number 3 you're likely already grown up enough to have grasped the wisdom of conservatism.

Good luck in your quest.
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Sounds logical. I can't imagine four years of this nonsense. It hasn't been a month yet - and already this nightmare seems like a year or more. Obviously, the quickest way to impeach Trump would be if Republicans turn on him - which could happen if he threatens their jobs at home.

Sounds logical ????

Sounds moronic.

It has not been a month and already he is solidifying his base.....

Nightmare ?

That ended after eight years.
If Congress wants to get there, the paths are open.

It is painful to imagine a full four years of Donald Trump as president of the United States. He has created chaos, divided us, coarsened our public discourse, stigmatized the most vulnerable among us, surrounded himself with people who are manifestly unfit for public service, appointed cabinet members who are hostile to the very departments they have been selected to lead, and lied his head off.

But none of this is going to cost him his job, at least not until the next election. The only way we are going to free ourselves of Trump, without having to endure four more years of his presidency, is to impeach him.

The grounds for impeachment are set out in eight words in the Constitution: “Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Despite the elegant simplicity of those eight words, entire books have been written about their meaning. The meaning of “high crimes and misdemeanors” has been subjected to a dazzling variety of interpretations. The Woody Allen movie of that name, alas, didn’t clear it up. But it was a good movie anyway.

Only two presidents in our history have been successfully impeached by the House of Representatives, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, and both remained in office after they were acquitted by the Senate. Richard Nixon got out of Dodge before the House voted on the Articles of Impeachment recommended by the Judiciary Committee.

"Trump’s support from Congressional Republicans is a mile wide and an inch deep. If they turn on him, they can and will impeach him."

So far, Trump may not have done anything, at least not anything we know about, that rises to the level of impeachment. But don’t underestimate him. He can do it!

Four paths to impeachment look promising to me. You may have your own favorites, but here are mine:

The Russia Connection

Refusal to Obey a Court Order

Corrupt Business Entanglements

Perjury and Other Forms of Lying

DETAILS: Four Ways To Impeach Trump

Sounds logical. I can't imagine four years of this nonsense. It hasn't been a month yet - and already this nightmare seems like a year or more. Obviously, the quickest way to impeach Trump would be if Republicans turn on him - which could happen if he threatens their jobs at home.

It's literally just a matter of time. This right wing clown won't be able to complete even one year in office.

If Congress wants to get there, the paths are open.

It is painful to imagine a full four years of Donald Trump as president of the United States. He has created chaos, divided us, coarsened our public discourse, stigmatized the most vulnerable among us, surrounded himself with people who are manifestly unfit for public service, appointed cabinet members who are hostile to the very departments they have been selected to lead, and lied his head off.

But none of this is going to cost him his job, at least not until the next election. The only way we are going to free ourselves of Trump, without having to endure four more years of his presidency, is to impeach him.

The grounds for impeachment are set out in eight words in the Constitution: “Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Despite the elegant simplicity of those eight words, entire books have been written about their meaning. The meaning of “high crimes and misdemeanors” has been subjected to a dazzling variety of interpretations. The Woody Allen movie of that name, alas, didn’t clear it up. But it was a good movie anyway.

Only two presidents in our history have been successfully impeached by the House of Representatives, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, and both remained in office after they were acquitted by the Senate. Richard Nixon got out of Dodge before the House voted on the Articles of Impeachment recommended by the Judiciary Committee.

"Trump’s support from Congressional Republicans is a mile wide and an inch deep. If they turn on him, they can and will impeach him."

So far, Trump may not have done anything, at least not anything we know about, that rises to the level of impeachment. But don’t underestimate him. He can do it!

Four paths to impeachment look promising to me. You may have your own favorites, but here are mine:

The Russia Connection

Refusal to Obey a Court Order

Corrupt Business Entanglements

Perjury and Other Forms of Lying

DETAILS: Four Ways To Impeach Trump

Sounds logical. I can't imagine four years of this nonsense. It hasn't been a month yet - and already this nightmare seems like a year or more. Obviously, the quickest way to impeach Trump would be if Republicans turn on him - which could happen if he threatens their jobs at home.

Lakhota there is only really one way. Make him an embarrassment to the GOP party...

Congressmen want to get re-elected, if he interferes with that they will drop him like a hot snot... They have had 4 weeks and it has been a rollercoaster ride... People are going to get tired of this clown so keep on piling on the pressure. Fox is starting to turn on him.

Remember when we said Trump winning has an upside, the GOP will have to defend him for 4 years.... This is now coming to pass... Ryan look hopeless at the moment... Dems are soul searching at the moment but will figure out that they surrendered the rural rust belt by taking them for granted...

Clinton could have won by simply saying this:
"The last 8 years has seen a recovery in the economy, low unemployment, high Dow and cut of the Deficit to one third.... But the benefits are concentrated in certain areas and mainly in certain areas in Cities... Rural areas are still suffering, seeing there young leaving for jobs in the cities, poor job, high drug use.... Now is there time, now is the time for us to give them a helping hand...
My opponent want to bring back coal as an answer. Lets make it clear, coal jobs are lost to gas and automation... Gas is cheaper to get... Even if coal was cheaper in 2005 we extracted a record amount of coal with almost the least amount of miners...
I am sorry but I won't sell you a cheap lie your like to hear. I will start with what you deserve, the truth..."

If Congress wants to get there, the paths are open.

It is painful to imagine a full four years of Donald Trump as president of the United States. He has created chaos, divided us, coarsened our public discourse, stigmatized the most vulnerable among us, surrounded himself with people who are manifestly unfit for public service, appointed cabinet members who are hostile to the very departments they have been selected to lead, and lied his head off.

But none of this is going to cost him his job, at least not until the next election. The only way we are going to free ourselves of Trump, without having to endure four more years of his presidency, is to impeach him.

The grounds for impeachment are set out in eight words in the Constitution: “Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Despite the elegant simplicity of those eight words, entire books have been written about their meaning. The meaning of “high crimes and misdemeanors” has been subjected to a dazzling variety of interpretations. The Woody Allen movie of that name, alas, didn’t clear it up. But it was a good movie anyway.

Only two presidents in our history have been successfully impeached by the House of Representatives, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, and both remained in office after they were acquitted by the Senate. Richard Nixon got out of Dodge before the House voted on the Articles of Impeachment recommended by the Judiciary Committee.

"Trump’s support from Congressional Republicans is a mile wide and an inch deep. If they turn on him, they can and will impeach him."

So far, Trump may not have done anything, at least not anything we know about, that rises to the level of impeachment. But don’t underestimate him. He can do it!

Four paths to impeachment look promising to me. You may have your own favorites, but here are mine:

The Russia Connection

Refusal to Obey a Court Order

Corrupt Business Entanglements

Perjury and Other Forms of Lying

DETAILS: Four Ways To Impeach Trump

Sounds logical. I can't imagine four years of this nonsense. It hasn't been a month yet - and already this nightmare seems like a year or more. Obviously, the quickest way to impeach Trump would be if Republicans turn on him - which could happen if he threatens their jobs at home.
And yet all those "open" paths failed.

Even Fewer Expect Trump’s Removal From Office.

“Only 12% now feel it’s more likely that Trump will be impeached and removed from office before serving his first full term. That’s down from a high of 29% when Rasmussen Reports first asked this question in late December 2017 and marks a new low.”​

Has reality freed you from your delusion, yet?
lol....lakota did not think trump would last a month....i wonder if he will come back to his thread and say ....Oooops!.....
If Congress wants to get there, the paths are open.

It is painful to imagine a full four years of Donald Trump as president of the United States. He has created chaos, divided us, coarsened our public discourse, stigmatized the most vulnerable among us, surrounded himself with people who are manifestly unfit for public service, appointed cabinet members who are hostile to the very departments they have been selected to lead, and lied his head off.

But none of this is going to cost him his job, at least not until the next election. The only way we are going to free ourselves of Trump, without having to endure four more years of his presidency, is to impeach him.

The grounds for impeachment are set out in eight words in the Constitution: “Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” Despite the elegant simplicity of those eight words, entire books have been written about their meaning. The meaning of “high crimes and misdemeanors” has been subjected to a dazzling variety of interpretations. The Woody Allen movie of that name, alas, didn’t clear it up. But it was a good movie anyway.

Only two presidents in our history have been successfully impeached by the House of Representatives, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, and both remained in office after they were acquitted by the Senate. Richard Nixon got out of Dodge before the House voted on the Articles of Impeachment recommended by the Judiciary Committee.

"Trump’s support from Congressional Republicans is a mile wide and an inch deep. If they turn on him, they can and will impeach him."

So far, Trump may not have done anything, at least not anything we know about, that rises to the level of impeachment. But don’t underestimate him. He can do it!

Four paths to impeachment look promising to me. You may have your own favorites, but here are mine:

The Russia Connection

Refusal to Obey a Court Order

Corrupt Business Entanglements

Perjury and Other Forms of Lying

DETAILS: Four Ways To Impeach Trump

Sounds logical. I can't imagine four years of this nonsense. It hasn't been a month yet - and already this nightmare seems like a year or more. Obviously, the quickest way to impeach Trump would be if Republicans turn on him - which could happen if he threatens their jobs at home.
Should this be filed as just one It, or four separate Its?

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