Fourth night of Trump protests turn into chaos (Portland)

time to reopen alcatraz and incarcerate the rioters there.
two black teens caught, alas not trump supporters. they weren't out there for political reasons, but to stir up shit. police now begging protesters to stay at home because they can't protect them from their fellow democrats.

Portland Police Arrest Two Men in Morrison Bridge Shooting, as Mayor Asks Anti-Trump Protesters to Stay Home

take a fucking bow liberals. your ideology and the pathology you enable is sickening. take a fucking bow.

The group leading the protests, Portland's Resistance, decided not to organize an event tonight. Instead, it has scheduled a vigil for Sunday at 4 pm in Tom McCall Waterfront Park.

"On this night off from demonstration, we would like to encourage self and communal care," organizers write. "This is a long term battle. We need to remember to take care of ourselves, our neighbors, and our communities. Rest, recover and rejuvenate."

Such hypocrisy. SMH.
...Mayor Charlie Hales and Police Chief Mike Marshman held a press conference this afternoon, with the mayor urging protesters to stay home.

"It's a legitimate first step," Hales said of protests. "It's now time to take the second step, and the hundreds of steps that will be required over the next four years."

:wtf:Sounds like he's hinting they should keep up their tantrums indefinitely.
When I see these wailing, crying, chanting people marching down the streets, I'm reminded of children, whining, wailing, crying and stomping in their homes or in stores when they didn't get their way. Acting that way can get some lame parents to give in and give them what they want, but they're now in reality and it just doesn't work that way. Voting has got the idiot into office and he'll be there for the next four years, unless he falls down a few flights of stairs or something. Who knows, maybe, just maybe he'll actually get jobs back into the U.S., somehow.
They truly believe that with enough protest Trump won't be president.

This is why Trump is president.

The public needs to take care of this. Go out there and start acting like adults handing out discipline.
The problem won't go away for the mere fact that it happens in big cities and big cities are run by liberal mayors. They want this. Libs today are leftists and they very much want to destroy democracy. That's not a drama queen reaction but the truth. They want their way, period. There's no room for discordant notes.

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