FOX anchor had to look up & define live on air, the word OLIGARCH as they don't use/report on them

So they haven't been using the term before and felt compelled to tell their VIEWERS what one was? 10 months other news sources ROUTINELY used oligarch as a definitive part of the Russia story? 6 months later when TRUMP finally imposese sanctions on RUSSIAN OLIGARCHS given by a BIPARTISAN congress FOX decided they had to tell their viewers what one was? Seriously? They are just now 'getting around to it'?

Fox News host forced to look up ‘oligarchy’ on live TV to explain latest Russia news

06 APR 2018 AT 10:29 ET

Fox News conservative political commentator Ainsley Earhardt on Friday offered “Fox and Friends” viewers a definition lesson on the word “oligarch,” wondering if her fellow co-hosts “have ever used the word before the last few months.”

Earhardt was discussing a series of sanctions imposted on Russian oligarchs and government officials, including Oleg Deripaska—the Russia oily tycoon who was offered “private briefings” by former Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort during the 2016 presidential election.”

“We were just saying, have you ever used the word oligarch before the last few months?” Earnhardt asked. “It is a ruler in an oligarchy—which doesn’t explain much—but a very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence.”

Indeed, Deripaska and six other oligarchs linked to Russia President Vladimir Putin, along with 12 companies they control, were sanctioned by the Treasury Department in response to Russian interference in the presidential election and the poisoning of a former Russian spy in England last month.

Earhardt and “Fox and Friends” have largely ignored coverage of Russian meddling in the U.S. election. Earlier this year, she dismissed reports on special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation as “
un-American” and wondered if viewers “even care” about Trump’s reported attempt to fire Mueller or the Russia probe in general.

Last year, Earhardt claimed the media’s interest in the Russia investigation is misplaced because “most people don’t even know where Russia is on the map.”

Fox News host forced to look up ‘oligarchy’ on live TV to explain latest Russia news
Once again, the left is reduced to crying about someone wanting to know what a word means so it can be used correctly. This is so pathetic
Holy shit! Seriously? FOX managed to NOT use this word for what 10-11 months now? This FOX 'anchor' has only used it a few times and just in the last few months? Does FOX JUST NOT REPORT ON RUSSIA? Other than it is a HOAX? This dumb FOX shit had to look it up or was that theater? On air? She had to define the term to FOX viewers?

OLIGARCH is NEW? Russian ones or otherwise? Just how fucking STOOOOPID are FOX viewers? That is not rhetorical. That is a real question!

Fox News host forced to look up ‘oligarchy’ on live TV to explain latest Russia news
06 APR 2018 AT 10:29 ET

Fox News conservative political commentator Ainsley Earhardt on Friday offered “Fox and Friends” viewers a definition lesson on the word “oligarch,” wondering if her fellow co-hosts “have ever used the word before the last few months.”

Earhardt was discussing a series of sanctions imposted on Russian oligarchs and government officials, including Oleg Deripaska—the Russia oily tycoon who was offered “private briefings” by former Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort during the 2016 presidential election.”

“We were just saying, have you ever used the word oligarch before the last few months?”
Earnhardt asked. “It is a ruler in an oligarchy—which doesn’t explain much—but a very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence.”

Indeed, Deripaska and six other oligarchs linked to Russia President Vladimir Putin, along with 12 companies they control, were sanctioned by the Treasury Department in response to Russian interference in the presidential election and the poisoning of a former Russian spy in England last month.

Earhardt and “Fox and Friends” have largely ignored coverage of Russian meddling in the U.S. election...
The left. Reduced to raging over how someone wants to know what a word actually means.

The DOG knows what oligarch means now.
To left-wing idiots it simply means any private Russian businessman.
Holy shit! Seriously? FOX managed to NOT use this word for what 10-11 months now? This FOX 'anchor' has only used it a few times and just in the last few months? Does FOX JUST NOT REPORT ON RUSSIA? Other than it is a HOAX? This dumb FOX shit had to look it up or was that theater? On air? She had to define the term to FOX viewers?

OLIGARCH is NEW? Russian ones or otherwise? Just how fucking STOOOOPID are FOX viewers? That is not rhetorical. That is a real question!

Fox News host forced to look up ‘oligarchy’ on live TV to explain latest Russia news
06 APR 2018 AT 10:29 ET

Fox News conservative political commentator Ainsley Earhardt on Friday offered “Fox and Friends” viewers a definition lesson on the word “oligarch,” wondering if her fellow co-hosts “have ever used the word before the last few months.”

Earhardt was discussing a series of sanctions imposted on Russian oligarchs and government officials, including Oleg Deripaska—the Russia oily tycoon who was offered “private briefings” by former Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort during the 2016 presidential election.”

“We were just saying, have you ever used the word oligarch before the last few months?”
Earnhardt asked. “It is a ruler in an oligarchy—which doesn’t explain much—but a very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence.”

Indeed, Deripaska and six other oligarchs linked to Russia President Vladimir Putin, along with 12 companies they control, were sanctioned by the Treasury Department in response to Russian interference in the presidential election and the poisoning of a former Russian spy in England last month.

Earhardt and “Fox and Friends” have largely ignored coverage of Russian meddling in the U.S. election...
The left. Reduced to raging over how someone wants to know what a word actually means.

The DOG knows what oligarch means now.
To left-wing idiots it simply means any private Russian businessman.
Who said anything about Russia. There you go, putting words in people’s mouths that were never there, again. That’s a really bad habit, you know.
I can’t believe people actually get paid to study every nuance of their make believe enemy. Lol
You think Russia is not our enemy?

Have you told them that?
Holy shit! Seriously? FOX managed to NOT use this word for what 10-11 months now? This FOX 'anchor' has only used it a few times and just in the last few months? Does FOX JUST NOT REPORT ON RUSSIA? Other than it is a HOAX? This dumb FOX shit had to look it up or was that theater? On air? She had to define the term to FOX viewers?

OLIGARCH is NEW? Russian ones or otherwise? Just how fucking STOOOOPID are FOX viewers? That is not rhetorical. That is a real question!

Fox News host forced to look up ‘oligarchy’ on live TV to explain latest Russia news
06 APR 2018 AT 10:29 ET

Fox News conservative political commentator Ainsley Earhardt on Friday offered “Fox and Friends” viewers a definition lesson on the word “oligarch,” wondering if her fellow co-hosts “have ever used the word before the last few months.”

Earhardt was discussing a series of sanctions imposted on Russian oligarchs and government officials, including Oleg Deripaska—the Russia oily tycoon who was offered “private briefings” by former Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort during the 2016 presidential election.”

“We were just saying, have you ever used the word oligarch before the last few months?”
Earnhardt asked. “It is a ruler in an oligarchy—which doesn’t explain much—but a very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence.”

Indeed, Deripaska and six other oligarchs linked to Russia President Vladimir Putin, along with 12 companies they control, were sanctioned by the Treasury Department in response to Russian interference in the presidential election and the poisoning of a former Russian spy in England last month.

Earhardt and “Fox and Friends” have largely ignored coverage of Russian meddling in the U.S. election...
Did you watch Fox when this was reported? Or took it on faith from your lickspittle, lapdog, liberal, lame stream media?

View attachment 186571
Who said anything about Russia. There you go, putting words in people’s mouths that were never there, again. That’s a really bad habit, you know.
I can’t believe people actually get paid to study every nuance of their make believe enemy. Lol
You think Russia is not our enemy?

Have you told them that?
From the first post:

Fox News host forced to look up ‘oligarchy’ on live TV to explain latest Russia news
I can’t believe people actually get paid to study every nuance of their make believe enemy. Lol
You think Russia is not our enemy?

Have you told them that?
Seemed that when Obama was getting fucked up the ass by Putin, you were all hunky dory with the Russian President. What changed?

I mean what does "Tell Putin i will have more flexibility after the election mean"? How far he can bend over and take it the fudge pounding?

Holy shit! Seriously? FOX managed to NOT use this word for what 10-11 months now? This FOX 'anchor' has only used it a few times and just in the last few months? Does FOX JUST NOT REPORT ON RUSSIA? Other than it is a HOAX? This dumb FOX shit had to look it up or was that theater? On air? She had to define the term to FOX viewers?

OLIGARCH is NEW? Russian ones or otherwise? Just how fucking STOOOOPID are FOX viewers? That is not rhetorical. That is a real question!

Fox News host forced to look up ‘oligarchy’ on live TV to explain latest Russia news
06 APR 2018 AT 10:29 ET

Fox News conservative political commentator Ainsley Earhardt on Friday offered “Fox and Friends” viewers a definition lesson on the word “oligarch,” wondering if her fellow co-hosts “have ever used the word before the last few months.”

Earhardt was discussing a series of sanctions imposted on Russian oligarchs and government officials, including Oleg Deripaska—the Russia oily tycoon who was offered “private briefings” by former Donald Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort during the 2016 presidential election.”

“We were just saying, have you ever used the word oligarch before the last few months?”
Earnhardt asked. “It is a ruler in an oligarchy—which doesn’t explain much—but a very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence.”

Indeed, Deripaska and six other oligarchs linked to Russia President Vladimir Putin, along with 12 companies they control, were sanctioned by the Treasury Department in response to Russian interference in the presidential election and the poisoning of a former Russian spy in England last month.

Earhardt and “Fox and Friends” have largely ignored coverage of Russian meddling in the U.S. election...
Did you watch Fox when this was reported? Or took it on faith from your lickspittle, lapdog, liberal, lame stream media?

View attachment 186571
Ah yes, In other words the Deplorables. Did real well for Hitlery, didn't it?
I'm sure the ObamaPhone woman could define oligarch. As well as folks in here I'd imagine.

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