fox article blows F and F open


Diamond Member
May 10, 2007
Holder agrees to give Issa internal emails on Fast and Furious, offers to meet | Fox News

Nevertheless, House Democrats also took aim more broadly at the Republicans' investigation of "Operation Fast and Furious," saying it "has been characterized by a series of unsubstantiated allegations against the Obama administration that later turned out to be inaccurate."

"Rather than conducting this investigation in an even-handed manner, the committee has politicized this inquiry by systematically refusing to investigate gunwalking operations during the Bush administration and by disregarding clear evidence that contradicts (their) political narrative," the Democrats' memo states.

One of the "most significant flaws of the investigation," according to the memo, is Issa's refusal to hold a public hearing with former ATF head Ken Melson, who told congressional investigators in July 2011 that he never informed senior Justice Department officials about the tactics of "Fast and Furious" because he didn't know them himself.
In addition, the memo states, Issa has refused multiple requests for the committee to hear from former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, who could discuss "the origination and evolution of gunwalking operations" dating back to 2006.

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a fucking year ago they were told the top brass knew nothing about the particulars.

a year ago
Think aobut how much tax payer money Issa has wasted to further his fucking carreer
Why the display of arrogance? All Holder had to do was to comply (as the law states) with a congressional subpoena. My guess is that Holder thought the liberal mainstream media would give him some cover and Barry Hussein's invoking of "executive privilege" would put the matter to rest but it ain't hapnin.
Holder agrees to give Issa internal emails on Fast and Furious, offers to meet | Fox News

Nevertheless, House Democrats also took aim more broadly at the Republicans' investigation of "Operation Fast and Furious," saying it "has been characterized by a series of unsubstantiated allegations against the Obama administration that later turned out to be inaccurate."

"Rather than conducting this investigation in an even-handed manner, the committee has politicized this inquiry by systematically refusing to investigate gunwalking operations during the Bush administration and by disregarding clear evidence that contradicts (their) political narrative," the Democrats' memo states.

One of the "most significant flaws of the investigation," according to the memo, is Issa's refusal to hold a public hearing with former ATF head Ken Melson, who told congressional investigators in July 2011 that he never informed senior Justice Department officials about the tactics of "Fast and Furious" because he didn't know them himself.
In addition, the memo states, Issa has refused multiple requests for the committee to hear from former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, who could discuss "the origination and evolution of gunwalking operations" dating back to 2006.

Read more: Holder agrees to give Issa internal emails on Fast and Furious, offers to meet | Fox News

Why did Obama claim executive privilege?

Nothing to see here .... move along ......... pay no attention to that man behind the curtain .... :eusa_whistle:
dear fucking idiot.

A YEAR AGO they were told the that the admin knew nothing about it
To protect ongoing cases and grand jury doc that are illegal for them to produce
Holder agrees to give Issa internal emails on Fast and Furious, offers to meet | Fox News

Nevertheless, House Democrats also took aim more broadly at the Republicans' investigation of "Operation Fast and Furious," saying it "has been characterized by a series of unsubstantiated allegations against the Obama administration that later turned out to be inaccurate."

"Rather than conducting this investigation in an even-handed manner, the committee has politicized this inquiry by systematically refusing to investigate gunwalking operations during the Bush administration and by disregarding clear evidence that contradicts (their) political narrative," the Democrats' memo states.

One of the "most significant flaws of the investigation," according to the memo, is Issa's refusal to hold a public hearing with former ATF head Ken Melson, who told congressional investigators in July 2011 that he never informed senior Justice Department officials about the tactics of "Fast and Furious" because he didn't know them himself.
In addition, the memo states, Issa has refused multiple requests for the committee to hear from former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, who could discuss "the origination and evolution of gunwalking operations" dating back to 2006.

Read more: Holder agrees to give Issa internal emails on Fast and Furious, offers to meet | Fox News

So the head of the ATF did not know what was happening according to him ( do recall who his boss is, yes Melson is still working for Justic Department in Justice’s Office of Legal Policy ). But either way, this weeks old article means nothing. Just because Ken Melson did not tell Holder does not mean Holder was not briefed. Holder was told, as memos which have been uncovered show.
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former ATF head Ken Melson, who told congressional investigators in July 2011 that he never informed senior Justice Department officials about the tactics of "Fast and Furious" because he didn't know them himself.

A year ago
CaféAuLait;5502773 said:
Holder agrees to give Issa internal emails on Fast and Furious, offers to meet | Fox News

Nevertheless, House Democrats also took aim more broadly at the Republicans' investigation of "Operation Fast and Furious," saying it "has been characterized by a series of unsubstantiated allegations against the Obama administration that later turned out to be inaccurate."

"Rather than conducting this investigation in an even-handed manner, the committee has politicized this inquiry by systematically refusing to investigate gunwalking operations during the Bush administration and by disregarding clear evidence that contradicts (their) political narrative," the Democrats' memo states.

One of the "most significant flaws of the investigation," according to the memo, is Issa's refusal to hold a public hearing with former ATF head Ken Melson, who told congressional investigators in July 2011 that he never informed senior Justice Department officials about the tactics of "Fast and Furious" because he didn't know them himself.
In addition, the memo states, Issa has refused multiple requests for the committee to hear from former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, who could discuss "the origination and evolution of gunwalking operations" dating back to 2006.

Read more: Holder agrees to give Issa internal emails on Fast and Furious, offers to meet | Fox News

So the head of the ATF did not know what was happening according to him ( do recall who his boss is, yes Melson is still working for Justic Department in Justice’s Office of Legal Policy ). But either way, this weeks old article means nothing. Just because Ken Melson did not tell Holder does not mean Holder was not briefed. Holder was told, as memos which have been uncovered show.

June 14, 2012

you cant ever tell the truth about how old the article is
a fucking year ago they were told the top brass knew nothing about the particulars.

a year ago

YEAH and you belive that? So Nixon didnt know about Watergate, he said he didnt, so we should have stopped.

You realise Holder and teh DOJ have lied to the committee multiple times, right? Or did you not get that from the HuffPo?

Holder retracts claim Bush team knew about Fast and Furious |

And not just in this case
Smell the Truth » CaNORML: US Attorney General Eric Holder Lies to House Judiciary Committee about Medical Marijuana Crackdown

California NORML | Dedicated to reforming California's marijuana laws!
former ATF head Ken Melson, who told congressional investigators in July 2011 that he never informed senior Justice Department officials about the tactics of "Fast and Furious" because he didn't know them himself.

A year ago

Again, just because Melson, who still works for Holder and Obama said he never told Holder, this does not mean Holder was not briefed by someone else. How hard is that to grasp?
Look up the word "investigation". Congressional investigations don't close down when somebody says he didn't do it or didn't know about it. They subpoena all the documents they can find that pertain to the incident they are investigating. All Holder had to do was comply with the subpoena and produce the documents. He might think he is above the law but that ain't the case. Americans would probably follow comedian Bill Maher's theory and not give a damn about innocent Mexicans murdered with ATF furnished weapons but it seems a US Border Patrol was shot in the line of duty with a weapon allegedly authorized by the A.G. We need to get to the bottom of it and the longer Holder resists complying with the law the worse the cover up will seem.
TM doesn't want to see justice done b/c it would make dems look bad.

A white officer got killed due to the actions of the government. If Holder was white or a rep, she'd want his head on a platter.

nothing more than partisan hachery

vile fucking twat

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