FOX Begging For Mercy....

Whether Fox is "lying" is a question at bar as well as how much Dominion was damaged by the alleged "lies". If Dominion didn't lose any money because of this, they can't collect any from Fox even if Fox did lie. The idea is to make the defendant "whole", not to penalize dishonesty.
That their statements are false is not in question.

Technically, you are correct - the jury will be left to determine whether FOX issued them knowing they were false.

But, Discovery....

Thankfully, these FOX whores are more honest with each other than they are with their audience.
Fox News pushes Dominion to settle mammoth defamation lawsuit as judge delays trial, multiple sources report

Fox is pushing to settle a mammoth defamation lawsuit from Dominion Voting Systems just before it was about to head to trial, according to multiple reports

So much for their 1st Amendment prattle.

But FOX viewers needn't be concerned about everything else Sean, Tucker, Laura, Maria, Jesse, or that ugly little runt on The 5, have told them to believe. Just because FOX would readily lie about the outcome of a presidential election doesn't mean everything they've told you about Grifty, or Biden, is a steaming crock..
What happened to freedom of the press?
If I were Dominion, I would take a settlement. Personal injury cases involving damaging speech are tricky, particularly when the subject of the suit is a network that, whatever one thinks of it, is popular among a certain segment of the population. And even if they win, there will be those who believe the outcome was rigged.

Take the settlement in which Fox agrees to pay compensatory damages to recover damage to reputation and lost business, and also under the condition that Fox issues a highly publicized retraction of their claims that runs in major media outlets - including theirs. Especially theirs.
At this point it is really about what it will cost Rupe to not have to testify.
At this point it is really about what it will cost Rupe to not have to testify.

They're wasting their time. His testimony isn't going to keep MAGAs from tuning in to hear more of the bullshit they're addicted to and Fox News is gonna keep feeding it to 'em. The entire Murdoch media empire was built off of confirming right wing biases and amplifying their anxieties. That is their business model. They change that and they go broke. This lawsuit will sting a little, but it's not going to break them. They'll just be a little more cautious next time.
They're wasting their time. His testimony isn't going to keep MAGAs from tuning in to hear more of the bullshit they're addicted to and Fox News is gonna keep feeding it to 'em. The entire Murdoch media empire was built off of confirming right wing biases and amplifying their anxieties. That is their business model. They change that and they go broke. This lawsuit will sting a little, but it's not going to break them. They'll just be a little more cautious next time.
Fox is now like the 700 club with outrage.
They're wasting their time. His testimony isn't going to keep MAGAs from tuning in to hear more of the bullshit they're addicted to and Fox News is gonna keep feeding it to 'em. The entire Murdoch media empire was built off of confirming right wing biases and amplifying their anxieties. That is their business model. They change that and they go broke. This lawsuit will sting a little, but it's not going to break them. They'll just be a little more cautious next time.
FOX has weathered legal scrapes in the past, but putting their roster and puppet master under oath will confirm their Infotainment status.

You'll never be able to cite them as a source.
FOX has weathered legal scrapes in the past, but putting their roster and puppet master under oath will confirm their Infotainment status.

You'll never be able to cite them as a source.
It won't slow them down for a second. In conservative reality it will morph into some conspiracy by the Soros left to sabotage the bastion of truth Fox is in their reality. Or something equally as whacky.
It won't slow them down for a second. In conservative reality it will morph into some conspiracy by the Soros left to sabotage the bastion of truth Fox is in their reality. Or something equally as whacky.
No doubt, but like QAnon, it will be a spent force. I think even fools eventually tire of being made to look stupid by their choices.
There are broad protections against defamation lawsuits in a lot of cases, and defamation cases are hard to win, but occasionally, such actions are successful.
Which makes this such a big deal.

I don't know how FOX will explain to the Court their lies about Rupe's role.
FOX has weathered legal scrapes in the past, but putting their roster and puppet master under oath will confirm their Infotainment status.

You'll never be able to cite them as a source.

Nobody seriously cites them as a source even now. The people who want to take their bullshit seriously will continue to want to take it seriously, no matter what they say under oath.

About the most damaging thing I could see coming out of this lawsuit would be forcing Tucker Carlson and others to admit under oath that TRUMP LOST and that the idea that he did not was ridiculous. But I doubt that would remain in the realm of MAGA consciousness for long. Again, they want to believe what Fox is telling them, and Fox profits off of it, and will continue to do so.

The only thing that will change Fox is the gradual realization among MAGAs that they are being suckered and taken advantage of by a network of rich trolls who are convincing them to vote against their own interests and killing this country in the process. I don't expect that realization to occur for a long time, if ever.
Nobody seriously cites them as a source even now. The people who want to take their bullshit seriously will continue to want to take it seriously, no matter what they say under oath.

About the most damaging thing I could see coming out of this lawsuit would be forcing Tucker Carlson and others to admit under oath that TRUMP LOST and that the idea that he did not was ridiculous. But I doubt that would remain in the realm of MAGA consciousness for long. Again, they want to believe what Fox is telling them, and Fox profits off of it, and will continue to do so.

The only thing that will change Fox is the gradual realization among MAGAs that they are being suckered and taken advantage of by a network of rich trolls who are convincing them to vote against their own interests and killing this country in the process. I don't expect that realization to occur for a long time, if ever.

Wally George came, and went...

I think Dominion will hold out....until they get their money...and I think FOX will give them what they want...

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