FOX Begging For Mercy....

Some are say'n...

..... ..... Can't say who...

..... ..... ..... ..... But some....

That Fox requested the delay so that they could hire Stormy Daniels, who not only starred in porn videos, but is also an accomplished director of such videos.

Fox figures if they are about to under go an epic screwing, they might as well get an expert to document it on video.

Suuuuuure you haven't. :heehee:
Haven't watched TV in years. I watch Rumble, BitChute, UGETube, Slug, Gab, YouTube, Minds, Gateway Pundit, and any other independent websites where I can find the truth that the mainstream doesn't cover.
Haven't watched TV in years. I watch Rumble, BitChute, UGETube, Slug, Gab, YouTube, Minds, Gateway Pundit, and any other independent websites where I can find the truth that the mainstream doesn't cover.

No offense, but if those are your sources, you're getting the news you agree with but not necessarily the news that challenges some of those beliefs. I don't even think of Rumble, Gab, or YouTube as sources of news; they're platforms for sharing information.

I don't mean you should watch Morning Joe, either. I think people should watch news that is intended to inform in the most neutral way possible. Avoiding biases entirely is probably difficult if not next to impossible, but there are sources that are more neutral than others.
No offense, but if those are your sources, you're getting the news you agree with but not necessarily the news that challenges some of those beliefs. I don't even think of Rumble, Gab, or YouTube as sources of news; they're platforms for sharing information.

I don't mean you should watch Morning Joe, either. I think people should watch news that is intended to inform in the most neutral way possible. Avoiding biases entirely is probably difficult if not next to impossible, but there are sources that are more neutral than others.
If there was a mainstream "news" channel I could trust ... I would watch it.
How is Fox "begging"? This is standard procedure. If lefties want to bring up the legal system let's talk about a individual in NYC who was arrested 6,000 times and the fact that a suspect in the murder of an Army Veteran is back on the streets.
Another mikey original thought?
bodey alert.jpg

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Look who's yapping...
You almost gotta laugh. If any corporate entity is in the position of "begging" it's Anheuser-Bush that has lost billions in a bad ad campaign but nobody on the left wants to talk about it.
You almost gotta laugh. If any corporate entity is in the position of "begging" it's Anheuser-Bush that has lost billions in a bad ad campaign but nobody on the left wants to talk about it.

Anheuser's newest commercial was laughable

They need to admit they fckd up

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