Fox Commentator: Hillary didn't have enough straight white men in her announcement video...

Not one of the people in Hillary's video were either actors or ordinary people. They are all DNC employees just like pajama boy.

More than likely. They use potted plants (people) for their propaganda like no other party. and has no shame in fooling their people with it

lowdown dirty party of snakes
When you can't attack the position and policies, you go for something really stupid like "straight white males".

Hillary should have done what Rand Paul did - get fake fans from Germany. But, even though they excused that with Paul, they would have fit if Hillary did it.

Its Fox. They lie and the idiot RWs eat it up.



You mean you missed Rand Paul's posting all the Germans and lying that they were all gonna vote for him?

Photos Of People Endorsing Rand Paul Are From German-Based Stock Photographer

Ich bin ein Berliner. Update: The photos have been removed.

posted on April 7, 2015, at 10:50 a.m.

Andrew Kaczynski
BuzzFeed News Reporter


Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul launched his presidential campaign Tuesday complete with a page to endorse the new presidential candidate.

The endorsements are then presented on a map of the United States.

The people on the endorsement map, however, appear to be stock images from a Italian photographer Andrea Piacquadio who goes by the name Olly or Ollyy on stock image sites,and according to his Shutterstock page, is based in Germany.

Photos at the link.

Also funny was his "Jew For Rand" mess.


More evidence that he's just not ready for prime time ... Be sure to read this whole page. Good stuff.

If Wonkette editors can proofread, so can Rand Paul

It is hard to words good on the internet! You have to measure twice and cut once, which in internet-land, is better described as reading the thing three times to make sure you didn’t accidentally paste a thing telling people to “shop Aldi for 39 cent Fine Feline Entrée cat food” right in the middle of writing about how you are Mad About A Thing. Rand Paul’s peeps did not do that, oops. In the product description for the eye chart in Paul’s sexy funtimes lingerie shop and online falafel cart, it originally explained that “Rand Paul is an opthalmologist.” Yes, that is a hard word, and Paul may not know how to spell it (“opHthalmologist”) since he might not even be one, but c’mon, guys.

And, as we all know, he plagiarizes most of what he says and writes.

November 15, 2013, 10:00 am
Why Rand Paul's plagiarism matters

By Mitchell Blatt



Sen.Rand Paul’s (R-Ky.) pathetic excuses for plagiarizing content in his speeches and book show that either he has no shame, or he has no concept of what plagiarism is and why it is wrong. Either way, it’s a serious problem, and Paul needs to take responsibility for it rather than continuing to attack those who simply reported the truth, as when he called MSNBC host Rachel Maddow a “hater.”

In an interview with shortly after Maddow caught him lifting from the Wikipedia page about the movie Gattaca, Paul said, “I gave credit to the people who wrote the movie.” Missing from his statement is that Paul never gave credit to Wikipedia, from which he took language directly. No one ever accused him of plagiarizing the movie.

It gets worse. Buzzfeed reported (ironically, some would say) that in his book Government Bullies, Paul used the direct wording from a 2003 Heritage Foundation case study, 1,318 words in all, to fill three pages of his book, with only slight modifications. He didn’t put the report’s text inside quotation marks. He didn’t even write, “According to the Heritage Foundation…” He just put an endnote at the end of the book citing the study.
That is not how end notes are supposed to be used. An end note cites information. It doesn’t mean that you can lift the text.

None of this will matter to the rabid RWs though. They're used to their candidates being corrupt and dishonest.
Did this idiot on Faux ask each and every one of the people what their sexual preferences are?

Or, did they do what they always do?

Good point.

Then again, half the time or better, you can tell a sexual deviant or pervert (LGBT) just by looking at them.

Not all the time, of course, but enough to warrant the stereotypical observation.

That always cracks me up but apparently there are really stupid people believe they can somehow divine someone's sexuality just by looking at the person.

No, one cannot 'reliably' and routinely discern a person's sexuality from such elements.

But affected grooming styles, dress, comportment, mannerisms and behaviors all play a part in speculating upon such things, and, when these are 'atypical', in a mode most frequently and stereotypically attributed to LGBT folk, well, the odds increase, dramatically, of such speculation being accurate.

Which takes care of most of the Flamers, anyway, if not the Quiet and Closet types.

Close enough, for most folks outside the domain of the Touchy-Feelie types.

Gays really aren't numerous enough nor important enough to warrant the fuss.
I love it.

Don't attack the ideas. Because someone might then ask you for your ideas, and you don't have any.

So whine about how many white guys there are.
I love it.

Don't attack the ideas. Because someone might then ask you for your ideas, and you don't have any.

So whine about how many white guys there are.
Doesn't matter.

Billary has waaaaayyy too much baggage, and waaaaayyy too many scandals and questionable episodes to account for.

Dems are getting themselves worked-up into an orgasmic frenzy over Billary.

Can't blame them, I guess... it's not like their bullpen has any depth this year... they're reduced to one-trick-pony status, with nobody else warming up in the bullpen.

Not a good place to be in, once Billary starts catching REAL incoming fire from her opponents.

Still... it is the fate of Man, that he does not learn from his mistakes... the Dems are just gonna have to get hit over the head with Billary before they 'get it'.

A metaphorical bludgeoning that draws nearer with every passing day now.

One-trick pony, indeed.
I love it.

Don't attack the ideas. Because someone might then ask you for your ideas, and you don't have any.

So whine about how many white guys there are.

And they either questioned each one and found they were all gay or, like Kondor3, they can just, you know, tell by looking.

I love it.

Don't attack the ideas. Because someone might then ask you for your ideas, and you don't have any.

So whine about how many white guys there are.

And they either questioned each one and found they were all gay or, like Kondor3, they can just, you know, tell by looking.

Never said any such thing, Nutlee... what I said is that one can pretty much spot the Flamers and Sissy-Mary's easy enough most times... but not the quiet or closet types that don't act-out in public...and not entirely reliably... get it right, goofball.

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