Fox Commentator: Hillary didn't have enough straight white men in her announcement video...

Was the Fox News guy right? Not enough straight white males in the video? Kinda hard to win if you can't muster the base.

The first question is:

have you actually watched her video?

The second point is:

White men are no longer a majority of the electorate, not by far.

47% of 72% = 33.84%.

In the 2012 election, the electorate was 72% white.

Overall, in terms of gender, it was 53% female, 47% male.

So, 47% of 72% of the 2012 electorate, or 33.84% of the 2012 electorate, were white males. And not all of them are straight. So, probably about 31% of the electorate was comprised of straight white males.

They are not the majority.

But I agree, they are the base of the Republican party.

A problem, nöööö???
Are you a straight white male?
When you can't attack the position and policies, you go for something really stupid like "straight white males".

Hillary should have done what Rand Paul did - get fake fans from Germany. But, even though they excused that with Paul, they would have fit if Hillary did it.

Its Fox. They lie and the idiot RWs eat it up.

It's only stupid for non-straights and non-whites and non-males who salivate over the prospect of excluding straight white males.

That, and straight white males who would rather stand with others, than their own.
Discuss. Not enough straight, white males in her video for your taste???
It is not the taste Stat, you are a statistics expert, break it down to the ratio of population. Say, how many % of the population represents homosexuals, non-homosexuals..etc
So, it is a provocative question with a nice leftist spin on it.
Absolutely impossible to gauge.
Stats range from 3% to 10% of the population and that's just the honest respondents on sexual identification polls.

But if I take the average of 6.5%, multiply it by the number of wild hairs that Righties get up their butts daily, then divide that by the number of luscious titties I have personally massaged, then:

Oh shit, 41% of Republican men are rump rangers!!

Holy Shit!

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Terrified? No. If the Rs can't beat her they need to quit. However, they have a boatload of whimps who can't even see the low hanging fruit and red meat that she provides.
I don't want to think about Hillary's red meat or low hanging fruit. Thankyouverymuch.
Did this idiot on Faux ask each and every one of the people what their sexual preferences are?

Or, did they do what they always do?

When you can't attack the position and policies, you go for something really stupid like "straight white males".

Hillary should have done what Rand Paul did - get fake fans from Germany. But, even though they excused that with Paul, they would have fit if Hillary did it.

Its Fox. They lie and the idiot RWs eat it up.

It's only stupid for non-straights and non-whites and non-males who salivate over the prospect of excluding straight white males.

That, and straight white males who would rather stand with others, than their own.

Where's the proof of those people's sexuality?

Its stupid. But its Fox so we expect it to be stupid.
Discuss. Not enough straight, white males in her video for your taste???
It is not the taste Stat, you are a statistics expert, break it down to the ratio of population. Say, how many % of the population represents homosexuals, non-homosexuals..etc
So, it is a provocative question with a nice leftist spin on it.
Absolutely impossible to gauge.
Stats range from 3% to 10% of the population and that's just the honest respondents on sexual identification polls.

But if I take the average of 6.5%, multiply it by the number of wild hairs that Righties get up their butts daily, then divide that by the number of luscious titties I have personally massaged, then:

Oh shit, 41% of Republican men are rump rangers!!

Holy Shit!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
:lmao:You got busted on your spin.. sheesh… I hate to see that happening to my master and teacher the great Yoda.
Was the Fox News guy right? Not enough straight white males in the video? Kinda hard to win if you can't muster the base.

The first question is:

have you actually watched her video?

The second point is:

White men are no longer a majority of the electorate, not by far.

47% of 72% = 33.84%.

In the 2012 election, the electorate was 72% white.

Overall, in terms of gender, it was 53% female, 47% male.

So, 47% of 72% of the 2012 electorate, or 33.84% of the 2012 electorate, were white males. And not all of them are straight. So, probably about 31% of the electorate was comprised of straight white males.

They are not the majority.

But I agree, they are the base of the Republican party.

A problem, nöööö???
Are you a straight white male?
Yes, as a matter of fact, I am.

Are U?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Did this idiot on Faux ask each and every one of the people what their sexual preferences are?

Or, did they do what they always do?

Good point.

Then again, half the time or better, you can tell a sexual deviant or pervert (LGBT) just by looking at them.

Not all the time, of course, but enough to warrant the stereotypical observation.
Was the Fox News guy right? Not enough straight white males in the video? Kinda hard to win if you can't muster the base.

The first question is:

have you actually watched her video?

The second point is:

White men are no longer a majority of the electorate, not by far.

47% of 72% = 33.84%.

In the 2012 election, the electorate was 72% white.

Overall, in terms of gender, it was 53% female, 47% male.

So, 47% of 72% of the 2012 electorate, or 33.84% of the 2012 electorate, were white males. And not all of them are straight. So, probably about 31% of the electorate was comprised of straight white males.

They are not the majority.

But I agree, they are the base of the Republican party.

A problem, nöööö???
Are you a straight white male?
Yes, as a matter of fact, I am.

Are U?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

I, for one, do not revel in the lessening of political power amongst my own.

And I'm always a little hard-pressed to understand those of my own kind who do.

There's an 'abandonment' or 'subverting' or 'traitorous' or 'surrender-monkey' or 'jump-on-the-bandwagon' sensation or vibration that comes to mind with such folk.

Personally, I've never understood the penchant amongst some to side with others, not of their own kind, and then revel in their discomfiture, but, I suppose it's not necessary for me to understand - merely to observe, and to counterpoint, when conditions warrant.
The weirdo who said this: Charles Payne

Fox s Charles Payne Attacks Hillary Clinton s 2016 Campaign Video For Not Having Enough Straight White Men Video Media Matters for America

Video at the link, and it is a goldie!

"The first time a straight white man spoke was at 1:08 in the video, ok, everybody else had a chance to speak in the video and it seems to me that, yeah, you think she's gonna put forth some forceful economic plan... I think she is saying, "Hey, it's about a BUCKET OF VICTIMS..."

So, women and children, don't forget, FOX says you all are or act like VICTIMS. And booo on Hillary for showing some gay people, bad, yuck, booooooo!!! :crazy:

The primary season hasn't even begun and Righties are coming unhinged all over the place.

The kicker is that the longest segment of the video, right before Hillary spoke, was of a straight, white dude who is running his own business...

Yepp, the Right is truly terrified of Hillary.

And this morning's Rasmussen poll, taken AFTER her announcement:

Hillary 47 / Paul 37, Hillary +10
Hillary 47 / Cruz 38, Hillary +9

Explains why.

Clinton vs. Cruz Clinton vs. Paul - Rasmussen Reports


Discuss. Not enough straight, white males in her video for your taste???

Charles is black, you racist bastard....
Interesting. I didn't mention his race because that is frankly irrelevant.

But YOU did.

Interesting, very interesting....

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It's irrelevant only when a libtard says it....
Holy smokes, here we go with the FOX news said blaaa blaaa blaa

I'm beginning to think this op is madly in love with

Hillary Hillary Hillary

they flood the place with everything HILLARY no matter how stupid it is
Well, I'm going to spend the afternoon playing soccer with my kid. Let's let Righties make fools out of themselves, I will laugh later. :D

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Terrified? No. If the Rs can't beat her they need to quit. However, they have a boatload of whimps who can't even see the low hanging fruit and red meat that she provides.

Do you realize that republicans are not only running against Hillary (or any democrat running for office), they are also running against the entire liberal media that supports her and that party? I can't blame them for treading softly. All the democrat has to say is "racist" or "sexist" and the media prints it as fact.
When you can't attack the position and policies, you go for something really stupid like "straight white males".

Hillary should have done what Rand Paul did - get fake fans from Germany. But, even though they excused that with Paul, they would have fit if Hillary did it.

Its Fox. They lie and the idiot RWs eat it up.

Not one of the people in Hillary's video were either actors or ordinary people. They are all DNC employees just like pajama boy.
Did this idiot on Faux ask each and every one of the people what their sexual preferences are?

Or, did they do what they always do?

Good point.

Then again, half the time or better, you can tell a sexual deviant or pervert (LGBT) just by looking at them.

Not all the time, of course, but enough to warrant the stereotypical observation.

That always cracks me up but apparently there are really stupid people believe they can somehow divine someone's sexuality just by looking at the person.


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