Fox continues teaching ignorant and false version of American History


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Fox host unwittingly demonstrates own point about ignorance of American history

Andrea Tantaros, host of the network’s “The Five,” said Americans were less free because they were unaware of their own history during a panel discussion on a new report by the conservative Heritage Foundation that ranked the U.S. only 12th in economic freedom, behind some former Soviet republics.

“I think the biggest thing that hurts this country is we don’t study history,” Tantaros said. “If you ask most people, they don’t even know why we left England. They don’t even know why some guy in Boston got his head blown off because he tried to secretly raise the tax on tea. Most people don’t know that.”

Politifact attempted to fact-check Tantaros’ claims and found that early American history experts were unsure what she was talking about, saying she might have been mashing up a few Revolutionary War events.

The experts pointed out that the British parliament passed a tax in 1767 on tea and other goods imported into the American colonies, although it was not levied in secret.

The man most responsible for the tax – Charles Townsend, chancellor of the Exchequer – was not in Boston at that time and died from an illness, not a gunshot, shortly after parliament passed the measure.

Does she feel any shame or embarrassment for coming off so stupid?
Most of the folks who watch this kind of trash are already stupid. A little more stupid stuff put into their heads won't make any difference.
Gotta love those gals over at Fox.

They try so hard to sound smart.

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