Fox contributor/attorney: Trump can't designate ANTIFA terrorist group (Not a foreign organization)

Looks like president Trump is so dumb that he promised to do something he can't do here. Here's Andrew McCarthy, former Chief Assistant US Attorney and Fox contributor:

Antifa is not a US organization. It's an international organization. We can certainly designate an international organization like antifa a terrorist organization can we not?

Looks like president Trump is so dumb that he promised to do something he can't do here. Here's Andrew McCarthy, former Chief Assistant US Attorney and Fox contributor:

Just like you, that contributor is a fucking idiot... ANTIFA has global connections and monies.. Trump has every right to make it a Terrorist Organization... That left wing idiot is stupid as hell..

Former US Attorney vs. right wing loon in a message board.

From the FBI:

Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature
Looks like president Trump is so dumb that he promised to do something he can't do here. Here's Andrew McCarthy, former Chief Assistant US Attorney and Fox contributor:

Just like you, that contributor is a fucking idiot... ANTIFA has global connections and monies.. Trump has every right to make it a Terrorist Organization... That left wing idiot is stupid as hell..

Former US Attorney vs. right wing loon in a message board.

past obama attorney's have shown how corrupt they are. are you saying their is no such thing as domestic terrorists?
Looks like president Trump is so dumb that he promised to do something he can't do here. Here's Andrew McCarthy, former Chief Assistant US Attorney and Fox contributor:

Trump can't?

Just wait and see how he does it. In fact it is done already.
I disagree with labeling them a "terrorist" group...DHS, FISA, the Patriot Act, and all that shit is rotten fruit from the same poisonous tree.

They and BLM should be designated as organized crime and their organizers prosecuted under RICO.
Designating them that makes RICO charges easier. It’s a good move.
Looks like president Trump is so dumb that he promised to do something he can't do here. Here's Andrew McCarthy, former Chief Assistant US Attorney and Fox contributor:

Read the link, but did trump really say he was going to designate them a terrorist group? He's a doofus and all, but really? And how did he intend to identify them, they don't necessarily wear pointy white sheets or carry ID cards.

Now that little antifa fuck in your basement can cost dear mommy and daddy their homes, bank accounts and retirement.

Turn them in or face the consequences.
But they are a foreign organization. A Hungarian organized them. George Soros pays them to show up, and create discourse. The uglier the better. And it is working.
Looks like president Trump is so dumb that he promised to do something he can't do here. Here's Andrew McCarthy, former Chief Assistant US Attorney and Fox contributor:

You snowTURDSs ever heard of 'DOMESTIC' terrorists, like the WEATHERMAN?

Looks like president Trump is so dumb that he promised to do something he can't do here. Here's Andrew McCarthy, former Chief Assistant US Attorney and Fox contributor:

Read the link, but did trump really say he was going to designate them a terrorist group? He's a doofus and all, but really? And how did he intend to identify them, they don't necessarily wear pointy white sheets or carry ID cards.

Now that little antifa fuck in your basement can cost dear mommy and daddy their homes, bank accounts and retirement.

Turn them in or face the consequences.

That would be all well and good except there is nobody living here accept me, my wife, our German Shephard and our 9 year old Himalayan cat. DHS vouches of us. I'll vouch for the dog. The cat is kind of iffy, hell, that damn cat's friggin crazy and really high strung, but I don't think she is with with Antifa or anything and absolutely terrified of being outdoors, easier to give it bath than push it out the back door. She is big and vicious, will rip you to shreds if you try and hates strangers in the house worse than the dog. She has bitten everybody in the family except PJ. I wouldn't really care if DOJ did swooped in and special renditioned her ass and would even hold the dog if PJ isn't home. If they can get her out the door, more power to em'.
Looks like president Trump is so dumb that he promised to do something he can't do here. Here's Andrew McCarthy, former Chief Assistant US Attorney and Fox contributor:

You snowTURDSs ever heard of 'DOMESTIC' terrorists, like the WEATHERMAN?


Sounds like a great story. Tell us.


I’m not that old. Shit. That’s a great story though. Wild kids blew up the same statue in Chicago not once, not twice, but three God damned times. Jesus that’s compelling. Michigan’s slogan of Go Blew has an all new meaning.

Didn’t read about any fatalities though. Just their own from police killing them in their sleep it seemed to suggest.
Nonsense. The KKK has been designated a domestic terrorist organization for years as has the Christian Identity movement. Also designated as domestic terrorist groups are Aryan Nation. Army of God, Earth Liberation Front, Animal Liberation Front, Phineas Priesthood. Why lie about this? Really. Democrats should be a designated terrorist group.
Looks like president Trump is so dumb that he promised to do something he can't do here. Here's Andrew McCarthy, former Chief Assistant US Attorney and Fox contributor:

The weather underground was considered a domestic terrorist group by the FBI back in the 70's.
One of my favorite channels to visit when legal mumbo jumbo happens. He's Canadian, if he was American he would most assuredly vote Democrat most of the time... But he's a straight shooter.

Don't let the fact that he doesn't blink bother you. *evil laugh*

Seriously, watch this guy. He's a five star chef when it comes to cutting through bullshit.


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