Fox & Friends Promotes 4 Year Old Evangelical Preacher


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
The glaring double standard of Fox & Friends was on display in this morning's segment on a "Pulpit Prodigy" - a 4 year old "preacher" who is now a You Tube sensation and who appears in a National Geographic special about "pint sized preachers." The gang on the curvy couch just gushed over 4 year old Kanon Tipton who has also appeared on NBC's "The Today Show." While the question was asked about whether little Kanon was "mimicking" his parents, the "friends" were satisfied with the response of the preacher's preacher father who said that it could be a combination of that along with divine inspiration. Flash back to a week ago when the "friends" accused MoveOn of using kids (who are older than the lil preacher) who, according to Gretchen Carlson, "don't know what they're talking about." They had a huuuge problem with kids who did read and understand their script. Today, however, they tittered about how the lil preacher can't read the bible that he carries but is still able to "bring the congregation to its feet." But not all scripts are created equal and those that include Jesus are celebrated on Fox & Friends - those that promote evil, librul ideas, not so much. Got hypocrisy?!

News Hounds: Fox & Friends Promotes 4 Year Old Evangelical Preacher
Another Soros scoop? Why pick on FOX when the story says the kid is a You Tube sensatation and had a "Nat Geo" special. Don't you even read the stuff you post?
I dont see a double standard, moveon is political and that kid was just human interest type chit,

did they say he was representing conservatives or God? i dint have the sound up when i was reviewing their feed.

My bad. Sorry i have to much stuff to review i cant even keep up anymore, news is becoming a full time job.

4 year old preacher?

i'm sorry, that's sick. at 2 it was cute - at 4... it's wrong.
How much money has the kid taken in?

The way to judge the spirituality of an evangelecal.
The glaring double standard of Fox & Friends was on display in this morning's segment on a "Pulpit Prodigy" - a 4 year old "preacher" who is now a You Tube sensation and who appears in a National Geographic special about "pint sized preachers." The gang on the curvy couch just gushed over 4 year old Kanon Tipton who has also appeared on NBC's "The Today Show." While the question was asked about whether little Kanon was "mimicking" his parents, the "friends" were satisfied with the response of the preacher's preacher father who said that it could be a combination of that along with divine inspiration. Flash back to a week ago when the "friends" accused MoveOn of using kids (who are older than the lil preacher) who, according to Gretchen Carlson, "don't know what they're talking about." They had a huuuge problem with kids who did read and understand their script. Today, however, they tittered about how the lil preacher can't read the bible that he carries but is still able to "bring the congregation to its feet." But not all scripts are created equal and those that include Jesus are celebrated on Fox & Friends - those that promote evil, librul ideas, not so much. Got hypocrisy?!

News Hounds: Fox & Friends Promotes 4 Year Old Evangelical Preacher

Jesus - no pun intended - you are stupid. The father did not say what the kid was doing "could be a combination of that (mimicking) and divine inspiration." Dad chalked it up to emulation (of him & perhaps gramps) and mimicking.

As to your comparison of scripts, please enlighten the class as to how a kid who can't read follows a script?

The kid is clearly mimicking as pointed out by the fact that he can't read yet he turns the pages of the bible he's looking at when he's preaching. Gee, wonder who he's seen do that before?

Next time you attempt to show how evil Fox is, make sure you've got your shit together first.

God bless.
The iq level of the left just drops and drops.

moveon uses children to spew thier pap
FOX has a youtube sesnsation on and you use it to spew more pap.

You people are fucking mental.

and I especially like the little personal jabs at the kid, those are just special.
Another Soros scoop? Why pick on FOX when the story says the kid is a You Tube sensatation and had a "Nat Geo" special. Don't you even read the stuff you post?


I dont see a double standard, moveon is political and that kid was just human interest type chit,

did they say he was representing conservatives or God? i dint have the sound up when i was reviewing their feed.

My bad. Sorry i have to much stuff to review i cant even keep up anymore, news is becoming a full time job.


Well I can understand stretching this situation into a double standard. However, like you said one was a political story the other was a religion story so its more apples and oranges than apples and apples. ;)
Oh no, we can't let this happen. If these punky ass kids start preaching to their peers at the daycare center our Marxist/Socialist utpoian world plans are sunk. We have to stop this.

Talk about being anal. The left are most anal people I have ever had the unpleasant privilege to know.
So FOx gave this kid his own show? He's on everyday? Fox is running ads for him?

Just a guess mind you, but I bet balloon boy was on more.

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