Fox Host Tries To Bash Socialism In Denmark Gets Her Ass Handed To Her By Denmark Officials

Uhm ok show us on this list where they rank? The top 18 out of 20 are in the USA

World | Ranking Web of Hospitals

Price is no object... That's why our system cost twice as much as anywhere else with 40000 deaths because they don't have insurance.

Well Franco... the architect of Obamacare who called people like you that voted for ACA as the "stupidity of the voter"... also proved the fact that it is possible that many of the so-called 40,000 deaths were the 14 million people that didn't know they were eligible for Medicaid!
Read the following and explain to me once again... where did you people come up with 46 million uninsured AMERICANS???
Note the Gruber quote....
View attachment 210537
So it's only 36 million LOL... Yep all they had to do to get Medicaid was quit their job and lose all their assets... Brilliant!
YOU didn't READ carefully as you are WONT to do Franco!!!

2) 14 million people were eligible BEFORE Obamacare for Medicaid and Gruber the architect of Obamacare admitted it AFTER Obamacare started!
Here READ Specifically where all the Obama administration needed to do was get these 14 million on MEDICAID... which THEY did AFTER destroying the health care industry with
View attachment 210554
Before ACA the states had upper limits on income to get Medicaid. Many red States the limit was Zero. In New York state the limit was 800 dollars. In other words
Everywhere you couldn't have a full-time job and get it so you and your sources are full of it as always... Now people can work full-time and get Medicaid. Crap GOP jobs that is...

AGAIN... you are NOT reading the material.
14 million WERE eligible.
The 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) identified
44.7 million non-elderly uninsured in 2003.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis
of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
  • Nearly one-third were reachable through public programs, such as Medicaid and the SCHIP program for children (33% of 44.7 million is 14,751,000!)
    DO you understand simple MATH Franco?
    the Census bureau found these 14,751,000 WERE REACHABLE with MEDICAID and SCHIP!

  • One-fifth earn $50,000 or more annually and may be able to afford coverage! (20% of 44.7 million is 9 million that could afford health insurance!!!)

Why are you ignoring these FACTS? ACA was never needed as again: there never were 46 million uninsured Americans!
A) 10 million not citizens B) 14,751,000 all needed to do was be registered!
The official name of the Country of Denmark is: "The Kingdom of Denmark"

The current Monarch is Queen Margrethe II.


Doesn't sound very 'socialist to me. Because it's not. It is a Scandi Welfare State.

This whole thread is based on several lies and a post from a KNOWN Hate-Site.

This piece of garbage belongs in the Rubber Room and the Poster needs to be banned for posting to a Hate Site that has a Hate-Filled Message Board second to none.

DailyKooks is the dimocrap version of Storm Front.

Or is that okay in here?
Show me a dailykos article that is a blatant lie like your entire propaganda machine, Super Dupe.

Franco SAYS:"Show me a dailykos article that is a blatant lie like your entire propaganda machine, Super Dupe."
ONCE again FRANCO.... you seem to forget that the INTERNET DOESN"T!!!!

The Stein/Baraka Green Party presidential campaign responded today to false claims circulated on blog site Daily Kos that the Green Party and the Stein campaign had endorsed Donald Trump.
“The Green Party has endorsed Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka, and any claims that the Green Party has endorsed or otherwise encouraged support for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or any other representative of the two predatory corporate political parties is a bald-faced lie,” said Stein/Baraka campaign manager David Cobb. “In a year when record numbers of Americans consider both corporate party nominees to be untrustworthy due to their documented history of lying, it’s not unsurprising that many of their supporters would resort to this sort of dishonesty. Sadly, this just makes the political process even more toxic and divisive.”

The false claim has been debunked by the popular fact-checking website, which rated the article’s headline and central claim false (along with similar claims from other sources).

“Daily Kos is notorious for censoring and removing anyone who questions Democratic Party orthodoxy. They even censored Bernie Sanders supporters,” said Cobb. “But to create such a patently false headline to deceive and manipulate people into voting against a party that has received less than 0.1% the media coverage the corporate party candidates have received is beyond the pale. What is especially reprehensible is the personal attack leveled against the author of the piece, Stein/Baraka social media director Jillian Thomas.
Stein/Baraka campaign slams Daily Kos blog site for publishing false claims and attacking a young woman of color
Someone in a blog at the Daily Kos repeated that lie about Stein, not the dailykos itself, dupe. Such a big reach it is a lie.
By the way, Stein cost Hillary the election just just like the Green Party cost Gore...
Well you found one highly debatable lie, which is a joke compared to the GOP Fox Rush Savage heritage etc etc non-stop garbage.

YOU asked for ONE... YOU need MORE????
Show me a dailykos article that is a blatant lie like your entire propaganda machine, Super Dupe.

Franco SAYS:"Show me a dailykos article that is a blatant lie like your entire propaganda machine, Super Dupe."
ONCE again FRANCO.... you seem to forget that the INTERNET DOESN"T!!!!

The Stein/Baraka Green Party presidential campaign responded today to false claims circulated on blog site Daily Kos that the Green Party and the Stein campaign had endorsed Donald Trump.
“The Green Party has endorsed Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka, and any claims that the Green Party has endorsed or otherwise encouraged support for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or any other representative of the two predatory corporate political parties is a bald-faced lie,” said Stein/Baraka campaign manager David Cobb. “In a year when record numbers of Americans consider both corporate party nominees to be untrustworthy due to their documented history of lying, it’s not unsurprising that many of their supporters would resort to this sort of dishonesty. Sadly, this just makes the political process even more toxic and divisive.”

The false claim has been debunked by the popular fact-checking website, which rated the article’s headline and central claim false (along with similar claims from other sources).

“Daily Kos is notorious for censoring and removing anyone who questions Democratic Party orthodoxy. They even censored Bernie Sanders supporters,” said Cobb. “But to create such a patently false headline to deceive and manipulate people into voting against a party that has received less than 0.1% the media coverage the corporate party candidates have received is beyond the pale. What is especially reprehensible is the personal attack leveled against the author of the piece, Stein/Baraka social media director Jillian Thomas.
Stein/Baraka campaign slams Daily Kos blog site for publishing false claims and attacking a young woman of color
Someone in a blog at the Daily Kos repeated that lie about Stein, not the dailykos itself, dupe. Such a big reach it is a lie.
By the way, Stein cost Hillary the election just just like the Green Party cost Gore...
Well you found one highly debatable lie, which is a joke compared to the GOP Fox Rush Savage heritage etc etc non-stop garbage.

YOU asked for ONE... YOU need MORE????
Highly debatable not a dailykos statement. I can give you hundreds of GOP lies. Which the Dupes still believe and the GOP propaganda machine never retract. Take anything you know about Hillary the foundation Benghazi taxes Etc Etc.... Lies are the only reason anyone votes GOP, super duper.
What signifies here is that Denmark, like much of Europe, has been living under the American Defense Shield for the past seventy years or more.
Now you're supposed to complain the US is too large and 'diverse' and the greatest country in the world is helpless to change. Helpless.
Wake me up when you have feedback that makes sense in that context.
As an american citizen it is somewhat idiotic to just come out and bash another nation. Let them run it their way and we will run it out way. After that anyone who really cares is an utter useless idiot. we are not enemies so the whole thing has NO POINT. Idiots. Morons.
Show me a dailykos article that is a blatant lie like your entire propaganda machine, Super Dupe.

Franco SAYS:"Show me a dailykos article that is a blatant lie like your entire propaganda machine, Super Dupe."
ONCE again FRANCO.... you seem to forget that the INTERNET DOESN"T!!!!

The Stein/Baraka Green Party presidential campaign responded today to false claims circulated on blog site Daily Kos that the Green Party and the Stein campaign had endorsed Donald Trump.
“The Green Party has endorsed Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka, and any claims that the Green Party has endorsed or otherwise encouraged support for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or any other representative of the two predatory corporate political parties is a bald-faced lie,” said Stein/Baraka campaign manager David Cobb. “In a year when record numbers of Americans consider both corporate party nominees to be untrustworthy due to their documented history of lying, it’s not unsurprising that many of their supporters would resort to this sort of dishonesty. Sadly, this just makes the political process even more toxic and divisive.”

The false claim has been debunked by the popular fact-checking website, which rated the article’s headline and central claim false (along with similar claims from other sources).

“Daily Kos is notorious for censoring and removing anyone who questions Democratic Party orthodoxy. They even censored Bernie Sanders supporters,” said Cobb. “But to create such a patently false headline to deceive and manipulate people into voting against a party that has received less than 0.1% the media coverage the corporate party candidates have received is beyond the pale. What is especially reprehensible is the personal attack leveled against the author of the piece, Stein/Baraka social media director Jillian Thomas.
Stein/Baraka campaign slams Daily Kos blog site for publishing false claims and attacking a young woman of color
Someone in a blog at the Daily Kos repeated that lie about Stein, not the dailykos itself, dupe. Such a big reach it is a lie.
By the way, Stein cost Hillary the election just just like the Green Party cost Gore...
Well you found one highly debatable lie, which is a joke compared to the GOP Fox Rush Savage heritage etc etc non-stop garbage.

YOU asked for ONE... YOU need MORE????
This stupid lie was printed by USAToday politics says Snopes. Another right-wing lying piece of s***. That's typical everything you know is garbage....
The official name of the Country of Denmark is: "The Kingdom of Denmark"

The current Monarch is Queen Margrethe II.


Doesn't sound very 'socialist to me. Because it's not. It is a Scandi Welfare State.

This whole thread is based on several lies and a post from a KNOWN Hate-Site.

This piece of garbage belongs in the Rubber Room and the Poster needs to be banned for posting to a Hate Site that has a Hate-Filled Message Board second to none.

DailyKooks is the dimocrap version of Storm Front.

Or is that okay in here?
Show me a dailykos article that is a blatant lie like your entire propaganda machine, Super Dupe.

Franco SAYS:"Show me a dailykos article that is a blatant lie like your entire propaganda machine, Super Dupe."
ONCE again FRANCO.... you seem to forget that the INTERNET DOESN"T!!!!

The Stein/Baraka Green Party presidential campaign responded today to false claims circulated on blog site Daily Kos that the Green Party and the Stein campaign had endorsed Donald Trump.
“The Green Party has endorsed Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka, and any claims that the Green Party has endorsed or otherwise encouraged support for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or any other representative of the two predatory corporate political parties is a bald-faced lie,” said Stein/Baraka campaign manager David Cobb. “In a year when record numbers of Americans consider both corporate party nominees to be untrustworthy due to their documented history of lying, it’s not unsurprising that many of their supporters would resort to this sort of dishonesty. Sadly, this just makes the political process even more toxic and divisive.”

The false claim has been debunked by the popular fact-checking website, which rated the article’s headline and central claim false (along with similar claims from other sources).

“Daily Kos is notorious for censoring and removing anyone who questions Democratic Party orthodoxy. They even censored Bernie Sanders supporters,” said Cobb. “But to create such a patently false headline to deceive and manipulate people into voting against a party that has received less than 0.1% the media coverage the corporate party candidates have received is beyond the pale. What is especially reprehensible is the personal attack leveled against the author of the piece, Stein/Baraka social media director Jillian Thomas.
Stein/Baraka campaign slams Daily Kos blog site for publishing false claims and attacking a young woman of color
Someone in a blog at the Daily Kos repeated that lie about Stein, not the dailykos itself, dupe. Such a big reach it is a lie.
And it was first printed by USA politics today, another right-wing lying piece of s***, then by a blogger at dailykos who has nothing to do with dailykos LOL. In other words your super super dupe status is still safe.
The official name of the Country of Denmark is: "The Kingdom of Denmark"

The current Monarch is Queen Margrethe II.


Doesn't sound very 'socialist to me. Because it's not. It is a Scandi Welfare State.

This whole thread is based on several lies and a post from a KNOWN Hate-Site.

This piece of garbage belongs in the Rubber Room and the Poster needs to be banned for posting to a Hate Site that has a Hate-Filled Message Board second to none.

DailyKooks is the dimocrap version of Storm Front.

Or is that okay in here?
Show me a dailykos article that is a blatant lie like your entire propaganda machine, Super Dupe.

Franco SAYS:"Show me a dailykos article that is a blatant lie like your entire propaganda machine, Super Dupe."
ONCE again FRANCO.... you seem to forget that the INTERNET DOESN"T!!!!

The Stein/Baraka Green Party presidential campaign responded today to false claims circulated on blog site Daily Kos that the Green Party and the Stein campaign had endorsed Donald Trump.
“The Green Party has endorsed Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka, and any claims that the Green Party has endorsed or otherwise encouraged support for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or any other representative of the two predatory corporate political parties is a bald-faced lie,” said Stein/Baraka campaign manager David Cobb. “In a year when record numbers of Americans consider both corporate party nominees to be untrustworthy due to their documented history of lying, it’s not unsurprising that many of their supporters would resort to this sort of dishonesty. Sadly, this just makes the political process even more toxic and divisive.”

The false claim has been debunked by the popular fact-checking website, which rated the article’s headline and central claim false (along with similar claims from other sources).

“Daily Kos is notorious for censoring and removing anyone who questions Democratic Party orthodoxy. They even censored Bernie Sanders supporters,” said Cobb. “But to create such a patently false headline to deceive and manipulate people into voting against a party that has received less than 0.1% the media coverage the corporate party candidates have received is beyond the pale. What is especially reprehensible is the personal attack leveled against the author of the piece, Stein/Baraka social media director Jillian Thomas.
Stein/Baraka campaign slams Daily Kos blog site for publishing false claims and attacking a young woman of color
Someone in a blog at the Daily Kos repeated that lie about Stein, not the dailykos itself, dupe. Such a big reach it is a lie.
And it was first printed by USA politics today, another right-wing lying piece of s***, then by a blogger at dailykos who has nothing to do with dailykos LOL. In other words your super super dupe status is still safe.

You are the biggest fraud here franco. How much of your money do you share with others every month?
The official name of the Country of Denmark is: "The Kingdom of Denmark"

The current Monarch is Queen Margrethe II.


Doesn't sound very 'socialist to me. Because it's not. It is a Scandi Welfare State.

This whole thread is based on several lies and a post from a KNOWN Hate-Site.

This piece of garbage belongs in the Rubber Room and the Poster needs to be banned for posting to a Hate Site that has a Hate-Filled Message Board second to none.

DailyKooks is the dimocrap version of Storm Front.

Or is that okay in here?
Show me a dailykos article that is a blatant lie like your entire propaganda machine, Super Dupe.

Franco SAYS:"Show me a dailykos article that is a blatant lie like your entire propaganda machine, Super Dupe."
ONCE again FRANCO.... you seem to forget that the INTERNET DOESN"T!!!!

The Stein/Baraka Green Party presidential campaign responded today to false claims circulated on blog site Daily Kos that the Green Party and the Stein campaign had endorsed Donald Trump.
“The Green Party has endorsed Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka, and any claims that the Green Party has endorsed or otherwise encouraged support for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or any other representative of the two predatory corporate political parties is a bald-faced lie,” said Stein/Baraka campaign manager David Cobb. “In a year when record numbers of Americans consider both corporate party nominees to be untrustworthy due to their documented history of lying, it’s not unsurprising that many of their supporters would resort to this sort of dishonesty. Sadly, this just makes the political process even more toxic and divisive.”

The false claim has been debunked by the popular fact-checking website, which rated the article’s headline and central claim false (along with similar claims from other sources).

“Daily Kos is notorious for censoring and removing anyone who questions Democratic Party orthodoxy. They even censored Bernie Sanders supporters,” said Cobb. “But to create such a patently false headline to deceive and manipulate people into voting against a party that has received less than 0.1% the media coverage the corporate party candidates have received is beyond the pale. What is especially reprehensible is the personal attack leveled against the author of the piece, Stein/Baraka social media director Jillian Thomas.
Stein/Baraka campaign slams Daily Kos blog site for publishing false claims and attacking a young woman of color
Someone in a blog at the Daily Kos repeated that lie about Stein, not the dailykos itself, dupe. Such a big reach it is a lie.
And it was first printed by USA politics today, another right-wing lying piece of s***, then by a blogger at dailykos who has nothing to do with dailykos LOL. In other words your super super dupe status is still safe.

You are the biggest fraud here franco. How much of your money do you share with others every month?
Actually every single GOP voter and Dupe on here are frauds even if they don't know it. Here we have the supposed big dailykos lie and of course it turns out to be a right-wing lie that some right-wing blogger at the Daily Kos repeated d u h LOL...

Democrats want the rich to pay their Fair share and everyone else to pay less. For the billionth time... Super duper dupe.
Show me a dailykos article that is a blatant lie like your entire propaganda machine, Super Dupe.

Franco SAYS:"Show me a dailykos article that is a blatant lie like your entire propaganda machine, Super Dupe."
ONCE again FRANCO.... you seem to forget that the INTERNET DOESN"T!!!!

The Stein/Baraka Green Party presidential campaign responded today to false claims circulated on blog site Daily Kos that the Green Party and the Stein campaign had endorsed Donald Trump.
“The Green Party has endorsed Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka, and any claims that the Green Party has endorsed or otherwise encouraged support for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or any other representative of the two predatory corporate political parties is a bald-faced lie,” said Stein/Baraka campaign manager David Cobb. “In a year when record numbers of Americans consider both corporate party nominees to be untrustworthy due to their documented history of lying, it’s not unsurprising that many of their supporters would resort to this sort of dishonesty. Sadly, this just makes the political process even more toxic and divisive.”

The false claim has been debunked by the popular fact-checking website, which rated the article’s headline and central claim false (along with similar claims from other sources).

“Daily Kos is notorious for censoring and removing anyone who questions Democratic Party orthodoxy. They even censored Bernie Sanders supporters,” said Cobb. “But to create such a patently false headline to deceive and manipulate people into voting against a party that has received less than 0.1% the media coverage the corporate party candidates have received is beyond the pale. What is especially reprehensible is the personal attack leveled against the author of the piece, Stein/Baraka social media director Jillian Thomas.
Stein/Baraka campaign slams Daily Kos blog site for publishing false claims and attacking a young woman of color
Someone in a blog at the Daily Kos repeated that lie about Stein, not the dailykos itself, dupe. Such a big reach it is a lie.
And it was first printed by USA politics today, another right-wing lying piece of s***, then by a blogger at dailykos who has nothing to do with dailykos LOL. In other words your super super dupe status is still safe.

You are the biggest fraud here franco. How much of your money do you share with others every month?
Actually every single GOP voter and Dupe on here are frauds even if they don't know it. Here we have the supposed big dailykos lie and of course it turns out to be a right-wing lie that some right-wing blogger at the Daily Kos repeated d u h LOL...

Democrats want the rich to pay their Fair share and everyone else to pay less. For the billionth time... Super duper dupe.

In other words punk you don't share any of YOUR money with anyone else. You're a punk assed fraud Frenchy.
Denmark is Denmark and they are doing fine. America is america and we are doing fine. To compare them is done by true idiots. Live and let live. Any of you ever hears of it? There are very very few actual socialists in america and contrary to what some imbeciles believe it has no foothold in america.
Franco SAYS:"Show me a dailykos article that is a blatant lie like your entire propaganda machine, Super Dupe."
ONCE again FRANCO.... you seem to forget that the INTERNET DOESN"T!!!!

The Stein/Baraka Green Party presidential campaign responded today to false claims circulated on blog site Daily Kos that the Green Party and the Stein campaign had endorsed Donald Trump.
“The Green Party has endorsed Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka, and any claims that the Green Party has endorsed or otherwise encouraged support for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or any other representative of the two predatory corporate political parties is a bald-faced lie,” said Stein/Baraka campaign manager David Cobb. “In a year when record numbers of Americans consider both corporate party nominees to be untrustworthy due to their documented history of lying, it’s not unsurprising that many of their supporters would resort to this sort of dishonesty. Sadly, this just makes the political process even more toxic and divisive.”

The false claim has been debunked by the popular fact-checking website, which rated the article’s headline and central claim false (along with similar claims from other sources).

“Daily Kos is notorious for censoring and removing anyone who questions Democratic Party orthodoxy. They even censored Bernie Sanders supporters,” said Cobb. “But to create such a patently false headline to deceive and manipulate people into voting against a party that has received less than 0.1% the media coverage the corporate party candidates have received is beyond the pale. What is especially reprehensible is the personal attack leveled against the author of the piece, Stein/Baraka social media director Jillian Thomas.
Stein/Baraka campaign slams Daily Kos blog site for publishing false claims and attacking a young woman of color
Someone in a blog at the Daily Kos repeated that lie about Stein, not the dailykos itself, dupe. Such a big reach it is a lie.
And it was first printed by USA politics today, another right-wing lying piece of s***, then by a blogger at dailykos who has nothing to do with dailykos LOL. In other words your super super dupe status is still safe.

You are the biggest fraud here franco. How much of your money do you share with others every month?
Actually every single GOP voter and Dupe on here are frauds even if they don't know it. Here we have the supposed big dailykos lie and of course it turns out to be a right-wing lie that some right-wing blogger at the Daily Kos repeated d u h LOL...

Democrats want the rich to pay their Fair share and everyone else to pay less. For the billionth time... Super duper dupe.

In other words punk you don't share any of YOUR money with anyone else. You're a punk assed fraud Frenchy.
I vote democratic so I don't need to give to crap charities that fail when needed to make up for my guilt. I am happily retired I need the money now anyway LOL... I used to skip filling out tax forms to get rebates. I was happy to pay taxes.
Denmark is Denmark and they are doing fine. America is america and we are doing fine. To compare them is done by true idiots. Live and let live. Any of you ever hears of it? There are very very few actual socialists in america and contrary to what some imbeciles believe it has no foothold in america.
So of course you believe socialism is communism or on the way as a Dupe... Actually it's just fair capitalism and the final solution... More people are realizing that and thus areare becoming socialists, like the rest of the developed world. Why are we the only country that doesn't tax the rich their fair share, have a national ID 2 end illegal immigration, or a living wage or Healthcare or daycare paid parental leave good good vacations and infrastructure etc etc? Because of lying scumbag GOP and silly dupes like you... Change the channel and and wake up stupid.
Denmark is Denmark and they are doing fine. America is america and we are doing fine. To compare them is done by true idiots. Live and let live. Any of you ever hears of it? There are very very few actual socialists in america and contrary to what some imbeciles believe it has no foothold in america.
Denmark is Denmark and they are doing fine. America is america and we are doing fine. To compare them is done by true idiots. Live and let live. Any of you ever hears of it? There are very very few actual socialists in america and contrary to what some imbeciles believe it has no foothold in america.
No we are not doing fine... At least the middle class and the country, worst inequality and upward Mobility ever thanks to the GOP and silly dupes like you. Change the Channel and wake up.
Denmark is Denmark and they are doing fine. America is america and we are doing fine. To compare them is done by true idiots. Live and let live. Any of you ever hears of it? There are very very few actual socialists in america and contrary to what some imbeciles believe it has no foothold in america.
Denmark is Denmark and they are doing fine. America is america and we are doing fine. To compare them is done by true idiots. Live and let live. Any of you ever hears of it? There are very very few actual socialists in america and contrary to what some imbeciles believe it has no foothold in america.
No we are not doing fine... At least the middle class and the country, worst inequality and upward Mobility ever thanks to the GOP and silly dupes like you. Change the Channel and wake up.

Argue with the facts...

In a segment hashtagged #TrishIntel,* Regan takes Denmark to task for providing free education and using taxes to provide its citizens with affordable programs. From here Regan blabbers about the high taxes in Denmark and how “everyone is working for the Government.” Also, there’s a “180 percent tax” on cars that you buy! Sounds fucking terrible. Most importantly, according to Regan, because no one has to work, nobody wants to work. Fucking lazy Danes!!!!

What do the Danes have to say for themselves? Here’s Denmark’s Finance Minister Kristian Jensen responding to Fox Business’s lack of education.

Fox host tries to bash socialism in Denmark and gets her ass handed to her by Denmark officials

If Fox hosts are this stupid. How fucking stupid is someone who actually watches it?

I will challenge ANY socialist and their family to a debate on socialism. If you are a betting man, you can safely bet that the finance Minister would have no retort to what I drive home to her. Not from theory or warm and fuzzy stories or even attacks, but by personal experience and my own deep understanding of the history of socialism.

Socialism and it's communist brother are the bane of human existence. The problem with Americans arguing against or even in support of socialism is that they have never personally lived it. I've experienced the most soul crushing abuses within this system, and I will educate anyone who is confused about this.

You don't know what you're talking about. No one would be scared to debate you, but it would require patience and an ability to explain, in the most logical and easily understandable way, why your ideas are wrong. Who has the time to educate you? I've lived in rapacious capitalism for my entire life and could very easily tell you what is wrong with it, how it preys on the poorest amongst us for the benefit of the wealthiest 1% and corporations. We don't even have affordable healthcare in this country.
Hmmm. What the charts show and what I see our in the real world are worlds apart.

So from your God-like point of view, i.e. you see EVERY household in every state of the United States and from that superior point of view you are at odds with people who
make THEIR living gathering statistics and have the tools and resources to come to the conclusions that this chart shows...i.e. middle class shrinking because more are added to the "upper" class.

YOU as god-like as the editor of NewsWeek once said Obama was.. also I would think know this statistic:
From 1890 when there were 4,000 millionaire households and it grew to in 2016 172,000 households with equivalent in 1890 dollars above $25 million.
So what was the growth factor?
The number of people who were worth what 4,000 millionaires were worth in 1890 grew by 4,375% to 172,000 in 2016.

Yea but the United States is much bigger people would criticize..

USA households in 1890 --- 12,690,000 U.S. Households, Families, and Married Couples, 1890–2006

That would then be 0.032% of all the households were millionaires (4,000/12,690,000.

Versus The United State in 2017 of 117,716,237 households ..U.S. Census Bureau QuickFacts: UNITED STATES

172,000 USA households with net worth above $25 million divided by 117,716,237 households or 0.146%

So even though the population grew 995% times what it was in 1890 the "evil" capitalist" millionaire class grew 4,375%

But of course being the omniscient, all knowing GOD that you are I'm sure you are aware of that statistic!

Truly funny how people VOICE opinions with NOTHING to substantiate their opinions. Isn't it any wonder dummies think that it was a FACT... the USA consumes 500 million straws a day.... without questioning the validity of that assumption. And what is worse these erroneous opinions created dumb ass policies like fining waiters who bring a straw!
All again because people don't take the time to do just a little research before SPOUTING off unsubstantiated un-verified information.

Is it no wonder the MSM has screwed up the public's confidence when a simple checking on the Internet would see the following:
How many MSM outlets published the story about 500 million straws CONSUMED per day which WAS totally WRONG!
In a segment hashtagged #TrishIntel,* Regan takes Denmark to task for providing free education and using taxes to provide its citizens with affordable programs. From here Regan blabbers about the high taxes in Denmark and how “everyone is working for the Government.” Also, there’s a “180 percent tax” on cars that you buy! Sounds fucking terrible. Most importantly, according to Regan, because no one has to work, nobody wants to work. Fucking lazy Danes!!!!

What do the Danes have to say for themselves? Here’s Denmark’s Finance Minister Kristian Jensen responding to Fox Business’s lack of education.

Fox host tries to bash socialism in Denmark and gets her ass handed to her by Denmark officials

If Fox hosts are this stupid. How fucking stupid is someone who actually watches it?

I will challenge ANY socialist and their family to a debate on socialism. If you are a betting man, you can safely bet that the finance Minister would have no retort to what I drive home to her. Not from theory or warm and fuzzy stories or even attacks, but by personal experience and my own deep understanding of the history of socialism.

Socialism and it's communist brother are the bane of human existence. The problem with Americans arguing against or even in support of socialism is that they have never personally lived it. I've experienced the most soul crushing abuses within this system, and I will educate anyone who is confused about this.

You don't know what you're talking about. No one would be scared to debate you, but it would require patience and an ability to explain, in the most logical and easily understandable way, why your ideas are wrong. Who has the time to educate you? I've lived in rapacious capitalism for my entire life and could very easily tell you what is wrong with it, how it preys on the poorest amongst us for the benefit of the wealthiest 1% and corporations. We don't even have affordable healthcare in this country.

Yes, the imperfect capitalist system, and it is abused by some, there should be consequences for such abuses. It is still better than any other system know to man.

You are concerned with wealth, what about your liberty to pursue your dreams? Or have free speech or political opinions? Do you read the news and hear how in some nations you are tossed in prison for the slightest of voices against the state?

You are ill informed on how the economics of socialism is only part of the problem, there is the broader operation of such a system when you resign power to a handful of emperors. You think this is better for the poorest?

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