Fox Lies Again, Claims Obama Is Trying To Strip Voting Rights To The Troops

Here are the indisputable facts of the case:

1. The Ohio legislation took away early voting rights for all non-military Ohioans

2. The Obama for America, etc. group sued to get those rights back for those non-military Ohioans.

3. The group asked for an injunction to prevent enforcement of that portion of the law that took the above rights away; in other words, were their requested injunction imposed, all Ohioans would get that early voting right.

4. The military groups asked to intervene ONLY because of the basis of the argument made in the above injunction, i.e., that it was unconstitutional to give one group special privilege here, that group being the military. Their argument is that they are entitled to special privileges and a ruling in favor of the injunction would effectively say they weren't.

Here's the facts.

Ohio got rid of early voting because Democrats were early voting and filing for absentee ballots at the same time. See my post where I give MULTIPLE LINKS TO BACK ME UP!

Military voters cannot commit the same kind of fraud.


Same reason they passed Voter ID.

Obama is suing to either force the state return to the same kind of fraud we saw in 2008 or suppress the military vote.

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Yeah, I guess all these organizations are right wing liars, too, huh Carbiner?????????

  • National Guard Association of the United States,
  • Association of the United States Army,
  • Association of the United States Navy,
  • Marine Corps League,
  • Military Officers Association of America,
  • Reserve Officers Association,
  • National Association for Uniformed Services,
  • Non Commissioned Officers Association of the USA,
  • Army Reserve Association,
  • Fleet Reserve Association,
  • Special Forces Association,
  • U.S. Army Ranger Association Inc.,
  • National Defense Committee,
  • Military Order of the World Wars.
OH: Military groups seek to join Obama v. Husted voting lawsuit « Watchdog News

Your link is factually incorrect.

The plaintiff preliminary injunction request seeks to reinstate the 3 day voting period for all Ohioans.

You can read it in its entirety here:


As I pointed out. Either allow the vote fraud that was going on before OR suppress the military vote.

We, in Ohio, know exactly what Obama is trying to pull.

We have had a LOT of Democrat vote fraud, from Acorn to now.


So, why does Obama wait UNTIL NOW TO FILE THE LAW SUIT, and ONLY IN OHIO???????

Okay, then let's look at the voter fraud argument. Let's use Foxnews as our source, since YOU believe Foxnews is unimpeachable:

GOP's fictional voter fraud charges aim to keep Democrats from voting

GOP's fictional voter fraud charges aim to keep Democrats from voting | Fox News
Your link is factually incorrect.

The plaintiff preliminary injunction request seeks to reinstate the 3 day voting period for all Ohioans.

You can read it in its entirety here:


As I pointed out. Either allow the vote fraud that was going on before OR suppress the military vote.

We, in Ohio, know exactly what Obama is trying to pull.

We have had a LOT of Democrat vote fraud, from Acorn to now.


So, why does Obama wait UNTIL NOW TO FILE THE LAW SUIT, and ONLY IN OHIO???????

Okay, then let's look at the voter fraud argument. Let's use Foxnews as our source, since YOU believe Foxnews is unimpeachable:

GOP's fictional voter fraud charges aim to keep Democrats from voting

GOP's fictional voter fraud charges aim to keep Democrats from voting | Fox News


By Juan Williams??????????????? BWAHAHAHAA!

Oh nice try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Lou Dobbs, along with Glenn Beck, are probably the only two CNN hosts who are not completely in the tank for Barack Obama. So it is interesting to see this report by Dobbs about early voting in Ohio which allows people to register to vote and cast an absentee ballot at the same time. This opens up a great opportunity for election fraud as this report demonstrates. A check on Google News shows absolutely no MSM coverage, other than this story by Dobbs, on the topic of potential vote fraud in Ohio due to the relaxed rules instituted by the highly partisan Democrat Ohio Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, who changed the voting rules by directive (emphasis mine)

Read more: Lou Dobbs, Alone in MSM, Reports on Ohio Early Voting Abuse |

Possible Voter Fraud Investigated In Lawrence County, Ohio

[ame=""]Uncovers Vote Fraud in Ohio - YouTube[/ame]

Obama supporters convicted of voter fraud in Ohio – an update

Absentee ballot vote fraud - Ballotpedia

Michelle Malkin » Voter fraud watch: They’re at it again

And where did I saw Fox was soooooooooooo unimpeachable????????? There are liberals that lie for the DNC on Fox. Juan Williams is a perfect example!

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It's pretty obvious that the Ohio legislature was trying to suppress the vote while at the same time exempting one group, the military, from the suppression,

for the also obvious reason that they assume the military is disproportionately Republican.

Yeah just ignore all those links I posted of voter fraud in Ohio due to the early voting.

Michelle Malkin » Voter fraud watch: They’re at it again

Even it what you said were true, and it's not, it's irrelevant to the case.

You cannot in our system violate the constitutional rights of an entire group of innocent people, by selectively taking away their rights,

just because you think some people in that group might be potential lawbreakers.

Even you should know that.
It's pretty obvious that the Ohio legislature was trying to suppress the vote while at the same time exempting one group, the military, from the suppression,

for the also obvious reason that they assume the military is disproportionately Republican.

Yeah just ignore all those links I posted of voter fraud in Ohio due to the early voting.

Michelle Malkin » Voter fraud watch: They’re at it again

Even it what you said were true, and it's not, it's irrelevant to the case.

You cannot in our system violate the constitutional rights of an entire group of innocent people, by selectively taking away their rights,

just because you think some people in that group might be potential lawbreakers.

Even you should know that.

Constitutional rights??????????

Show me where ANYONE has the Constitutional right to vote early and absentee at the same time?????????

In true right wing fashion never to man up, continue to be pussy bitches and never admit to spreading a full blown lie, Fox issues their version of an apology, a "clarification"

Yeah, because Media Matters is soooooooooooooooooooo truthful!

And then he wonders why we are laughing at him!


Posting a video of a fox broadcast is not factual? Was it a fake broadcast? Don't like that you were put in your place again after all that trolling and now you're all butthurt?
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As I pointed out. Either allow the vote fraud that was going on before OR suppress the military vote.

We, in Ohio, know exactly what Obama is trying to pull.

We have had a LOT of Democrat vote fraud, from Acorn to now.


So, why does Obama wait UNTIL NOW TO FILE THE LAW SUIT, and ONLY IN OHIO???????

Okay, then let's look at the voter fraud argument. Let's use Foxnews as our source, since YOU believe Foxnews is unimpeachable:

GOP's fictional voter fraud charges aim to keep Democrats from voting

GOP's fictional voter fraud charges aim to keep Democrats from voting | Fox News


By Juan Williams??????????????? BWAHAHAHAA!

Oh nice try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Lou Dobbs, along with Glenn Beck, are probably the only two CNN hosts who are not completely in the tank for Barack Obama. So it is interesting to see this report by Dobbs about early voting in Ohio which allows people to register to vote and cast an absentee ballot at the same time. This opens up a great opportunity for election fraud as this report demonstrates. A check on Google News shows absolutely no MSM coverage, other than this story by Dobbs, on the topic of potential vote fraud in Ohio due to the relaxed rules instituted by the highly partisan Democrat Ohio Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, who changed the voting rules by directive (emphasis mine)

Read more: Lou Dobbs, Alone in MSM, Reports on Ohio Early Voting Abuse |

Possible Voter Fraud Investigated In Lawrence County, Ohio

[ame=""]Uncovers Vote Fraud in Ohio - YouTube[/ame]

Obama supporters convicted of voter fraud in Ohio – an update

Absentee ballot vote fraud - Ballotpedia

Michelle Malkin » Voter fraud watch: They’re at it again

And where did I saw Fox was soooooooooooo unimpeachable????????? There are liberals that lie for the DNC on Fox. Juan Williams is a perfect example!


Oh so Foxnews is only reliable when it's parrotting the rightwing propaganda machine's opinions?

good one.

In true right wing fashion never to man up, continue to be pussy bitches and never admit to spreading a full blown lie, Fox issues their version of an apology, a "clarification"

Yeah, because Media Matters is soooooooooooooooooooo truthful!

And then he wonders why we are laughing at him!


Posting a video of a fox broadcast not factual? Was it a fabricated lie? Don't like that you were put in your place again after all that trolling?

Media Matters is a lying organization by George Soros.

Unless you can prove Obama never filed the law suit and 15 military organizations are siding with the State of Ohio, your claim of lying falls laughably flat.

Because that's all Fox Did, report the law suit, you moron!

Okay, then let's look at the voter fraud argument. Let's use Foxnews as our source, since YOU believe Foxnews is unimpeachable:

GOP's fictional voter fraud charges aim to keep Democrats from voting

GOP's fictional voter fraud charges aim to keep Democrats from voting | Fox News


By Juan Williams??????????????? BWAHAHAHAA!

Oh nice try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Lou Dobbs, along with Glenn Beck, are probably the only two CNN hosts who are not completely in the tank for Barack Obama. So it is interesting to see this report by Dobbs about early voting in Ohio which allows people to register to vote and cast an absentee ballot at the same time. This opens up a great opportunity for election fraud as this report demonstrates. A check on Google News shows absolutely no MSM coverage, other than this story by Dobbs, on the topic of potential vote fraud in Ohio due to the relaxed rules instituted by the highly partisan Democrat Ohio Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, who changed the voting rules by directive (emphasis mine)

Read more: Lou Dobbs, Alone in MSM, Reports on Ohio Early Voting Abuse |

Possible Voter Fraud Investigated In Lawrence County, Ohio

[ame=""]Uncovers Vote Fraud in Ohio - YouTube[/ame]

Obama supporters convicted of voter fraud in Ohio – an update

Absentee ballot vote fraud - Ballotpedia

Michelle Malkin » Voter fraud watch: They’re at it again

And where did I saw Fox was soooooooooooo unimpeachable????????? There are liberals that lie for the DNC on Fox. Juan Williams is a perfect example!


Oh so Foxnews is only reliable when it's parrotting the rightwing propaganda machine's opinions?

good one.

It's reliable when Juan Williams is giving an OPINION PIECE and you use that against several factual articles including PROSECUTIONS OF VOTE FRAUD IN OHIO?????????????

Try again!

Yeah, because Media Matters is soooooooooooooooooooo truthful!

And then he wonders why we are laughing at him!


Posting a video of a fox broadcast not factual? Was it a fabricated lie? Don't like that you were put in your place again after all that trolling?

Media Matters is a lying organization by George Soros.

Unless you can prove Obama never filed the law suit and 15 military organizations are siding with the State of Ohio, your claim of lying falls laughably flat.

Because that's all Fox Did, report the law suit, you moron!


Deflect, deflect, and deflect some more. Teapartyterrorist got pwned AGAIN and now she's all butthurt :lmao:

What an idiot you are, do you get enjoyment from spreading so much stupidity and people laughing at you? Apparently so

Yeah just ignore all those links I posted of voter fraud in Ohio due to the early voting.

Michelle Malkin » Voter fraud watch: They’re at it again

Even it what you said were true, and it's not, it's irrelevant to the case.

You cannot in our system violate the constitutional rights of an entire group of innocent people, by selectively taking away their rights,

just because you think some people in that group might be potential lawbreakers.

Even you should know that.

Constitutional rights??????????

Show me where ANYONE has the Constitutional right to vote early and absentee at the same time?????????

Stop being stupid. Show me why a person in the military cannot commit the kind of fraud you're describing,

then show me how the law allows one set of voting rules for some Ohioans and one set for another.

Show me where the Constitution allows a state to arbitrarily give one group more days to vote than another,

without cause.
Welp libs, I'm done for the day kicking your ass.

I've got stuff to do.

You are safe to come out now and tell your lies.

I'll be back to kick your asses some more later!


Here are the indisputable facts of the case:

1. The Ohio legislation took away early voting rights for all non-military Ohioans

2. The Obama for America, etc. group sued to get those rights back for those non-military Ohioans.

3. The group asked for an injunction to prevent enforcement of that portion of the law that took the above rights away; in other words, were their requested injunction imposed, all Ohioans would get that early voting right.

4. The military groups asked to intervene ONLY because of the basis of the argument made in the above injunction, i.e., that it was unconstitutional to give one group special privilege here, that group being the military. Their argument is that they are entitled to special privileges and a ruling in favor of the injunction would effectively say they weren't.

Welp libs, I'm done for the day kicking your ass.

I've got stuff to do.

You are safe to come out now and tell your lies.

I'll be back to kick your asses some more later!



LOL you get completely owned, and are now making a run for it.

That's the smartest thing you've done all day :clap2::clap2: Bu-bye! :fu:
Welp libs, I'm done for the day kicking your ass.

I've got stuff to do.

You are safe to come out now and tell your lies.

I'll be back to kick your asses some more later!



See, I ask for some real, relevant evidence, and whoosh, she dives for the tall grass.

When you get back tell us why a person in the military can't commit the same kind of voter fraud you're claiming is sooooooooooooooo rampant among Ohioans.

WTF are you even describing? People are voting 3 days early AND getting an absentee ballot and voting again? Who? What? Where? Why?
Yeah, which means EITHER Ohio go back to the vote fraud they had before they changed the law or they suppress the miltiary vote!



Except that there was no evidence of any voter fraud due to early voting. What the GOP found was that many minimum or low wage earners, who didn't get time off to vote, voted on Sunday. These are the American citizens that Republicans don't want to vote.

But the point is still that even FOX admit that the lawsuit would not restrict the military from early voting. Why is the right lying through their teeth?

There isn't??????????

Lou Dobbs, along with Glenn Beck, are probably the only two CNN hosts who are not completely in the tank for Barack Obama. So it is interesting to see this report by Dobbs about early voting in Ohio which allows people to register to vote and cast an absentee ballot at the same time. This opens up a great opportunity for election fraud as this report demonstrates. A check on Google News shows absolutely no MSM coverage, other than this story by Dobbs, on the topic of potential vote fraud in Ohio due to the relaxed rules instituted by the highly partisan Democrat Ohio Secretary of State, Jennifer Brunner, who changed the voting rules by directive (emphasis mine)

Read more: Lou Dobbs, Alone in MSM, Reports on Ohio Early Voting Abuse |

Possible Voter Fraud Investigated In Lawrence County, Ohio

[ame=""]Uncovers Vote Fraud in Ohio - YouTube[/ame]

Obama supporters convicted of voter fraud in Ohio – an update

Absentee ballot vote fraud - Ballotpedia

Michelle Malkin » Voter fraud watch: They’re at it again

Don't sing it, unless you can bring it.

I sure as hell can!


So what does absentee ballot fraud have to do with early voting? I guess you can't find any case of in person voter fraud, so want to point to some shiny object to divert attention.
Yeah just ignore all those links I posted of voter fraud in Ohio due to the early voting.

Michelle Malkin » Voter fraud watch: They’re at it again

Even it what you said were true, and it's not, it's irrelevant to the case.

You cannot in our system violate the constitutional rights of an entire group of innocent people, by selectively taking away their rights,

just because you think some people in that group might be potential lawbreakers.

Even you should know that.

Constitutional rights??????????

Show me where ANYONE has the Constitutional right to vote early and absentee at the same time?????????

The Equal Protection clause. You can't expand the rights of one group and deprive another . We'lll see how this lawsuit pans out. The GOP ought to just return early voting rights to all it's citizens, if it believes that the lawsuit may restrict the military vote.

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